Originally Posted by Morgana
The pilot was a lot of fun. Even twenty years later it's still quite sweet.
We've been watching a bunch of old time hero shows lately (Wonder Woman, The 6 Million Dollar Man, The Incredible Hulk -- and even Emergency -- to name a few). It's amazing how much time is wasted boring the viewer with introducing characters' history and back-story. (There's a montage at the beginning of Incredible Hulk, which -- I kid you not -- feels like it goes on for 5 minutes, describing David Banner's blissful married life.) That's what was so refreshing with Lois and Clark. They left the background information (and character history) dribble out during the course of the first season (and sometimes beyond). While the Pilot was still an introduction to characters and setting, it wasn't bogged down with boring (and actionless) back-story. The action starts right away. It's what hooked me. I find it interesting to see these old shows (or those ones I mentioned earlier that I loved as a kid) again now from the first episode. Nowadays, if shows made and aired such slow-moving Pilots, the shows would lose their audience before getting to fun good stuff or even the second half of the Pilot episode. I recall watching those shows with enthusiasm as a child, but watching them now with my kids, I have to BEG them to keep with the show (and/or stay awake), because it WILL get better. "Lois and Clark" starts out good and kept getting better throughout its first season.

As Morgana pointed out, the production team gave the show a very timeless feel to it. From the set design to the costumes, the show doesn't feel glued to a certain era. The only things that show us what decade it's set in is the electronics: beepers, fax machines, monochrome computer monitors, flip cell phones, 3.5 floppy diskettes, etc.

LATER: Actually, the preview for the new Supergirl show reminds me a lot of the feel of "Lois and Clark". I look forward to seeing if that feeling remains once I watch its Pilot.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 06/07/15 04:04 AM. Reason: added note

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.