1.5 Requiem For A Superhero.

A good episode that entertains well, moves the overall story onward, and shows a little insight into Lex's psyche. As usual Teri, Dean, Lane and John did great job of acting their respective roles of Lois, Clark, Perry and Lex. I thought it was a good scheme of Luthor's to manipulate events so that Lois thought he'd saved her life. He is clearly showing himself to be much better a tactician than Clark, but then he's had years of practice. Lois seems blind to half the stuff going on around her (CK=SM, Luthor being Satan level evil). It seems a bit weird for such a genius reporter type. The upgraded boxers were an interesting idea that could be taken further, though if I remember rightly, it wasn't. Sam's story was well written and acted. Overall, a very good episode.
