Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E16 - "Checkmate"

I did like seeing John Jones using all his powers. That was cool. I believe that if he had told Oliver and Clark WHY he didn't want to get them involved with his investigation into Checkmate, they would've been more than happy to let him take lead... but communication really isn't JL's strong suit at the moment. At least, Clark realizes this by the end of the episode, proving that one can teach lunkheads new tricks. Although, learning this lesson and actually putting it into practice are two different things.

Yea! For Martian Manhunter dance for erasing Waller's mind so she doesn't remember Green Arrow's, WatchTower, or The Blur's secret identities. clap
Martian Manhunter is awesome. It was always fun seeing him in an episode, especially whenever he got to use his powers.

I love the comic book style rescue scene where Clark saves Chloe. The way that was done was really cool. It's a scene I enjoy re-watching when re-watching random scenes from the show.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"