Clark and Chloe's relationship

I'm a Chloe fan, because I always thought that in S1-S5 she was a proto-Lois Lane, just under another name because they couldn't get the rights (DC was nervous.) After all, they had a young Clark Kent, a young Lex Luthor, young Pete Ross and Lana Lang - who's missing? Technically, young Lois Lane is missing, but her character is right there in Chloe Sullivan.

Chloe in S1-S4 had very Lois Lane-like tendencies - her lifelong dream was to be a reporter for the DP; she totally kicked ass as editor of the high school paper, the Torch; Perry White was her hero; she cultivated a network of sources all over the county and even in Metropolis (OK, I'll admit the computer wizardry was a little over the top); she was curious and found out Clark's secret. Plus, she was his best friend. Lana was his puppy love, but we know that Clark Kent could never marry Lana. He would have to marry someone he was friends with.

I believe there was actually some talk amongst the show runners about Chloe actually being Lois, but this was axed in S5 when Erica Durance came on board.
I'll admit, I don't watch Seasons 1-3 that often -- I own Season 1 and 4-10. But I think I understand the role that Chloe was playing in the earlier seasons. She is sort of a Lois Lane in the earlier eps... like a primer for the real deal. And there may have been that intention in the writer's room in the early days, but she definitely evolved into her own character, and I think especially after the first season or two, wasn't at all intended to be Lois Lane.

And not only did Clark magically fall in love with Lois in Offscreenville, apparently he had some sort of mental readjustment that required him to act like a jerk towards Chloe - someone that's stood up for him, kept his secret, and basically done everything in the quote above. What kind of action is that to do to someone who's done everything for you?
Yes, Chloe has stood by him, but she's also acted on her own, making Clark unsure of what shes up to... like through the whole Davis arc. No, I didn't like that plot point, but it's what we have to work with.

I can't get too much into Chloe, because some of what I want to say hasn't happened yet and I don't want spoilers... but there may have been a deliberate intention on the writers' part to pull Clark away from Chloe. For one, so we see him become a hero on his own. And two, to focus on his relationship with Lois. And I think there are some tender Clark/Chloe scenes, like at the end of Season 8, and there are more to come. Also remember how Clark stood up for saving Chloe during the Legion ep. They have their bumps, but I think in the end, Clark sees her as an important friend. I think you only feel cheated with Chloe if you buy into the idea that she was supposed to be Lois...

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink