Originally posted by VirginiaR:
What if Doomsday had killed Lana (despite her krypto suit), right after Clark had saw her again and told her that he's not going to search for a cure, because he'd rather be with Lois, that would have been a nice angsty S8 ending. Then Lana would be dead and Lois missing into the future. Perfect torment for our hero. evil
Wow, that would be evil...actually, I sort of neared that territory with my fic 'Lights in the Shadows' - safe for you to read up to this point, no spoilers. laugh
EDIT: Yes, I did catch the clue at the funeral that Jimmy's little brother is supposed to be the true Jimmy, but still... It's a bit of a cop out (says the woman with two Jimmys in her own story. laugh )
I agree... It was a bit of a cop out... But I think Jimmy knew too much, and could see what was happening all too clearly. They always kill off the character that happens to...

S9, E8 - "Idol" -
Lois remembers part of her missing days in the future, although mostly the hot and heavy Nfic stuff, which for some odd reason seems to be putting a strain on her relationship with current Clark. So, what does she do, she goes to a therapist, who not only has this Kandorian accent, but doesn’t she also show up in Pandora as the mother of the kids Lois saw when she woke up in the barn? Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. (Nope, not trusting the therapist. Since Tess’s body guard turned out to be Kandorian, I’m not really trusting anyone new.)
LOL, never noticed a kandorian accent before. wink Actually, I think the therapist is a nod to LnC. There were a few hidden references in the dps to LnC. Also recall that Jimmy called Clark 'CK' - I could be wrong, but I think LnC is the only version of Superman to do this...

  I have to say, that everyone is going to know that CK=SM as soon as he shows himself anyway, because he’s been in Metropolis without wearing his disguise (i.e. glasses) for so long, that Superman is going to have to wear the glasses to be in disguise.
LOL, that would be awesome. However, I will reassure you that this is addressed, but you have to wait till.season 10 to see how...

But I’m sure Lois won’t be mad when she discovers JUST how many other people Clark has told his secret to since her trip into the future, with the exception of his one true love, not to mention how many lies he's had to tell her to keep in the dark. :rolleyes:
No comment. But oh how I want to!

Fun episode, ending with a much better Lois initiated kiss (loved her bringing the stack of newspapers forward to make it easier to kiss Clark and he so totally doesn’t catch on what she’s doing). It’s a nice twist on the memory wipe kiss, when her memory is rebooted by a kiss. They did that for the fans, didn’t they? wink
I love the saucy music that goes with it, too. Such a cute scene. I definitely enjoy this ep as well - but I didn't grow up with the comics as a kid. So I can't appreciate it as much when characters like the Wonder Twins show up.

I apologize for any grammar/ formatting. I'm writing on my cellphone.

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink