Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/15/14 11:01 PM
Katherine Kent asked that I start discussing S9 as I watch the show, episode by episode. Today, I cracked the seal on my S9 DVD and made the plunge into the first two episodes. I've got to tell you, having the power to watch the show at my leisure is so empowering, it's almost addictive.

For those of you who've patently ignored my other mentions to watching the series over the last few years... yes, YEARS, I've been slowly watching Seasons 1-8 via Netflix DVD shipped to my house. I started watching it AFTER it went off the air, back in 2011-ish. It was so long ago I can't remember when I started. It may have even been before I started writing the first book of my Wrong Trilogy. peep A frustratingly slow process, for someone who watched all four seasons of LnC within one month when I re-discovered it back in 2010 (or was it 2009?) on Netflix's instant list. I've had to wait for DVDs, availability, tickling in, slowly, painfully over the years. I have to admit that I wasn't in as big of a rush for the DVDs in those early years as I have been during S6-8, when Clark and Chloe finally left high school (and in a Buffyesque fashion, promptly demolished it to make sure Lois couldn't go back for a 6th year of high school for another inane reason, such as becoming a student teacher or to take over The Torch).

So, before I blather on like a Daily Planet reporter we all know and love, let's get to those first two episodes, shall we?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/15/14 11:42 PM
S9, E1 - "The Savior" - Clark Kent has given up his human life to become the Blur full time. He's given up his red/blue-ness for a more trench-coaty goth angel look out of guilt for Davis having killed Jimmy after Clark saved Davis from being the Doomsday. (I can't say it's an improvement.) And Tess has paramilitary looking house guests who somehow are young Kryptonians from Candor, one of whom is Zod? wave

EDIT: I just thought of something. What if the reason that Lois can't remember her trip to the future is because she slept with Clark and he wiped her memories (got to go all the way for the mind wipe in this millennium.) Anyway, just a thought.
I've got to tell you, having the power to watch the show at my leisure is so empowering, it's almost addictive.
Believe me, seasons 9 and 10 are addictive. I would watch 3 or 4 episodes at night, after my daughter went to sleep. Sometimes I would watch it until the wee hours of the morning. blush

I'm not quite sure what's going on with Chloe in this episode.
Well, most of time I don't understand what's going on with Chloe. Sometimes she acts like a friend, but sometimes she seems the jealous and spiteful girlfriend and treats Lois like a rival. I guess she never completely accepted that she can't get Clark. razz

I just thought of something. What if the reason that Lois can't remember her trip to the future is because she slept with Clark and he wiped her memories
Oh, no! Not the amnesia kiss! shock

he's Lex Luthor, like Lana Lang, he just won't DIE!
Yeah... these pesky characters refuse to stay dead. :rolleyes:

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/16/14 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
I'm not quite sure what's going on with Chloe in this episode.
Well, most of time I don't understand what's going on with Chloe. Sometimes she acts like a friend, but sometimes she seems the jealous and spiteful girlfriend and treats Lois like a rival. I guess she never completely accepted that she can't get Clark. grumble
Hmmmmm. Chloe is all about the mourning in these first two episodes. She's feeling guilty that her desire to save Davis ended up killing both him and Jimmy. She mourning the loss of her reconciled husband. She's mourning the loss of her purpose in life. She's mourning her loss of all her friends (the new JL group), who disappeared on her after Jimmy's death (that must have felt like they blamed her, more than themselves). She gave up everything to protect Clark: her job, her marriage, the life of her husband, her brain, her self-respect, and what does he do, he drops her like yesterday's news once things get hard. That's got to hurt. She's mourning her best friend who Clark seems to kill off (that would be Clark's CK side), when she needed his support the most. She's missing her cousin Lois who disappeared during this whole panic. Chloe stays at the "Watchtower" (which I have to say is a super cool set), because it reminds her of Jimmy. She even has his photo next to her computer.

Yes, Chloe is definitely feeling jealous of Lois and Clark's relationship, but I think it's more that Lois is stepping into her old role as Clark's sidekick (even calling herself that in E2, well... The Blur's sidekick). Chloe feels abandoned by everyone and all alone, when she used to have this huge group of friends she could call upon to help. I feel for her, I do. At least, Emil still gives her the time of day.

Lois won't even sit still long enough for Chloe to tell her what happened to / with Jimmy and Davis. Here, she's spent since Jimmy funeral searching for her cousin non-stop, and when she finds her, Lois doesn't care enough to stop and listen for a moment to what's going on in Chloe's life even though Chloe is trying to explain that something HUGE happened.

Chloe feels used and abused and discarded. That's got to hurt.

That being said, much of this I figured out after watching E2.

S9,E2 - "Metallo" -- hmmmm. Where have I heard that name before? wink Lois's sex dreams of Clark are giving her a major jonesing for her missing partner (Poughkeepsie? Clark? Riggggght. Completely understand her skepticism, here. I'm glad she called Martha to find out what was going on with Clark. thumbsup I can see him totally freaking out about this.

I know that Tess and her new teenage Scooby Gang type sidekick want to pin the new Kryptonians (Candorians?) paramilitary group on Corben's transformation and surgery, but I'm not exactly sure. Mostly because if they ARE Kryptonian then they couldn't have come that close to Kryptonite. It seems almost too convenient to blame the Candorians for Corben's Kryptonite heart. I also don't see the connection Tess does between Corben's kryptonite heart and the Candorians wish for the Blur's super powers. I have to say they're doing a good job and confusing the heck out the viewers on what's going on with both Tess and the Candorians.

For a minute, after Clark learned from Dr. Hamilton that the new cyborg in town has a Kryptonite heart (which I have to say is very reminiscent of Iron Man's power source), I thought that Clark would call in his new Kryptonite infected buddy, Lana, to take Corben down, since she has Clark's powers and his resistance to Kryptonite. But the He-Man Blur instead calls upon his crush, Lois, to find out who the new cyborg in town is, instead of checking in with his usual sidekick Chloe. I have to say, Chloe has every right to feel ticked off at both Clark and Lois. Then, again, she abandoned her life and friends last season to take care of Davis, so I can see why they've moved on without her. Chloe can dish it but can't take it.

I was a bit surprised that Corben was able to recognize Clark on sight as the Blur. He never met Clark Kent, did he? He may have taken over Clark's desk, but I don't think there were any photos of Clark around on his or Lois's desks, so how did Corben seem to know who Clark was? Also, using the electromagnetic shock thing on Corben seemed almost like killing him more than tazering him, even though it didn't seem to do more than make Corben VERY VERY upset (after he woke up). Covering the kryptonite heart with a lead shield was a good plan, but doesn't that only block the kryptonite radiation from one side of Corben? Doesn't it still pass through his body and come out his back?

The Blur is becoming more dependent on Lois and he's seeing that maybe that's not a good idea, but now that he's addicted, he's going to have trouble letting her go.

Clark waking Lois up was very reminiscent of Clark waking Lois up after freezing her at the end of "AtAi". But, then, as soon as she starts to wake, he dives back into the shadows. It would have been nice, if Lois saw that it was Clark would had rescued her, instead of the Blur. laugh When she asks to show his face, she gets this expression on her face like she recognizes him or something, even though his step forward still keeps his face shaded.

I have to say, I love, love, *LOVED* the ending banter scene between Clark and Lois. Clark is excited to be resurrected and happy to see Lois as himself. Lois is ecstatic to see Clark and bubbling about her new-found friendship with The Blur. Instead of brushing her off, though, Clark actually sits down and asks Lois to tell her all about it. hyper We didn't really see that kind of scene on LnC. Lois more bombarded Clark with her views on Superman, but we rarely, if ever, saw him ask Lois to tell him her side of the story.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/16/14 03:13 PM
S9,E3 - "Rabid" -- Zombies. razz

Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful. It was Clark's fault that Lois got bit, and it was a little unfair to dump on Oliver because she fell asleep onto his overloaded back. Oliver clearly was already feeling guilty about that.

Lois's connection with the Blur (whom I notice *she* still calls the Red/Blue Blur, though he's given up on his red/blue-ness) I find interesting, especially when she's giving Clark extra closeness while she's telling him this. I did like Clark picking Lois up in his arms and carrying her up the stairs when she was hurt. It was very SM of him. laugh

Chloe is spying on the JL because she needs to feel like their over-protective big sister. I'm sure she didn't need to see what was going on with Oliver's belt buckle.... or going on when it hit the floor.

Lois is still having those flashes from the apocalyptic future from hell, but isn't getting any closer to telling anyone about them. Does she even know she went into the future? I'm guessing not.

Zod is still working on being a big baddy. I don't know what's going on with the symbols around the world or why the El one is in more than one location. We got another drip of information on that vague plot. Gee, thanks.

That's about all that happened. At least, I watched it at lunch and not before I went to bed. I could have used a little less zombie while I was eating though. Ugh.
S9, E1 - "The Savior" - Clark Kent has given up his human life to become the Blur full time.
Yup. Without Lois - whose been missing for three weeks - Clark doesn't want to have a human life anymore.

Aww. Now, for all those Clana lovers. Did Clark ever give up on his humanity when Lana left him ... multiple times ... ? And he's not actually even together - as a couple - with Lois at the moment. Yet her absence from his life had such an impact.

The episode ends with Lois going to bed and dreaming of her time in the future. BTW, if she had sex with Clark in the future, could she be pregnant by him in the past?
This has been explored in a couple of SV fics. In fact it is the premise of MozartMaid's Hidden Consequences, which I beta'd and she is currently posting.

EDIT: I just thought of something. What if the reason that Lois can't remember her trip to the future is because she slept with Clark and he wiped her memories (got to go all the way for the mind wipe in this millennium.) Anyway, just a thought.
Oh dear. The curse of Superman 2 strikes again. Everyone always assumes 'mind-wipe kiss' since that film came out. Anyway. You'll get your answer at the mid-season finale: Pandora.

I love this episode. I squealed like a fan girl when the camera pans up just before the titles and we saw The Blur - not The Red-Blue Blur. I think he looks yummy in the black. Yes, he's not quite as warm as S8 Clark, but I once saw someone explain that S8 was Clark learning to be a 'Human' Superman, S9 is him learning to be a 'Kryptonian' Superman and S10 is him learning to merge the two.
S9,E2 - "Metallo" -- hmmmm. Where have I heard that name before? wink
So, she picks up Shelby and takes her back to her (and Chloe's?) apartment over the Talon. Didn't Lois move into her own new place in Metropolis last season? I remember her moving out because of Chloe and Jimmy's midnight lovemaking and almost moving back into the Kent farmhouse, but then she got a raise and said she moved into her own place. Now, she's back at the Talon? Or is she just crashing at Chloe's? This isn't very clear.
She wanted to move out to avoid the happy couple, in S8, so she nearly moved into the Farmhouse. Yes. But then she got a raise and said that she was 'looking' for her own apartment. In the end we NEVER hear that she found one, or that she moved. She still living above The Talon even in S10.

I've got to say, that I don't like The Blur's new black and grey duds as much as his blue shirt and red jacket (with a 1000 watt smile). While it might blend into the shadows better, there's an element of dark angel about it. He used to be excited about transforming into the Red/Blue Blur and going to save people, but now he's cold and distant, hanging out with gargoyles as if this is a chore he has to do as opposed to something he *wants* to do.
I love the black and grey. I always associated the Red and Blue (as a jacket and jeans) with him being a teenager. I liked that he looked more mature, this way.

I also don't like that The Blur is marking the site of all his saves. That doesn't make any sense at all.
*runs around screaming* This is one of the few things I like to ignore or I cry. I think I mentioned before that there are some ... throughout all 10 seasons. But what show, especially one running for so long, is not going to have SOME points that don't make sense, or offend certain viewers.

I was a bit surprised that Corben was able to recognize Clark on sight as the Blur. He never met Clark Kent, did he?
He's not recognizing 'Clark Kent' as The Blur, he's just recognizing that this man stood in front of his is The Blur. He never called him anything except The Blur.

The Blur is becoming more dependent on Lois and he's seeing that maybe that's not a good idea, but now that he's addicted, he's going to have trouble letting her go.
Since when has any Clark Kent ever been able to let go of Lois Lane. It just took this one a little longer to realise.

Clark waking Lois up was very reminiscent of Clark waking Lois up after freezing her at the end of "AtAi". But, then, as soon as she starts to wake, he dives back into the shadows. It would have been nice, if Lois saw that it was Clark would had rescued her, instead of the Blur. laugh When she asks to show his face, she gets this expression on her face like she recognizes him or something, even though his step forward still keeps his face shaded.
She doesn't know. But I soooo wanted him to step forward even more. In the end, I'm happy with the fact that he DID take one step forward. For a moment, he was going to tell her, he wanted to tell her.

I have to say, I love, love, *LOVED* the ending banter scene between Clark and Lois. Clark is excited to be resurrected and happy to see Lois as himself. Lois is ecstatic to see Clark and bubbling about her new-found friendship with The Blur. Instead of brushing her off, though, Clark actually sits down and asks Lois to tell her all about it. hyper We didn't really see that kind of scene on LnC. Lois more bombarded Clark with her views on Superman, but we rarely, if ever, saw him ask Lois to tell him her side of the story.
That end scene is fantastic. Lois' reaction to Clark being back is quite unexpected for him. He's decided to rejoin the Human race. Yay! They hug. He smiles at her, listening to her ramble on about her adventures. It's just great. And it gets referred to in the very end episode of the Season ... important for Clark.
S9,E3 - "Rabid" -- Zombies. razz
Sorry to hear that you didn't like this episode. I love it. Not zombies ... I'm not a zombie fan. My hubby is, but he doesn't like this episode! Go figure.

Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful.
Poor Oliver really can't cope with what happened at the end of S8 and how the League's behaviour led to two deaths. He only gets worse. I don't think there was anything wrong with Clark's talk, but ... nope, it didn't work. That was more because he didn't realise how bad Ollie was. He thought that Ollie only needed a simple 'Come on, snap out of it, you're a great hero'. Although, telling him off for letting Lois fall asleep... yeah, not helping, but poor Clark is just beginning to understand how much Lois means to him and nearly losing her scared him.

Lois is still having those flashes from the apocalyptic future from hell, but isn't getting any closer to telling anyone about them. Does she even know she went into the future? I'm guessing not.
She hasn't a clue what happened in the missing three weeks, and she thinks that these are mostly dreams.

I loved the scene in the rain. Clark holding Lois while she battled against him. His face, to start with, is so full of concern and worry, that she won't get better. But then she settles and he holds her close. When she finally comes too, and the sun comes out ... *sigh* I so wanted them to kiss. It was so close, the way there were gazing at each other. Clark even brought his hand up to her cheek. *sighs again*
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b]S9,E3 - "Rabid" -- Zombies. razz
At the time I thought: "Zombies? Seriously?" razz

Originally posted by KatherineKent:
The episode ends with Lois going to bed and dreaming of her time in the future. BTW, if she had sex with Clark in the future, could she be pregnant by him in the past?
This has been explored in a couple of SV fics. In fact it is the premise of MozartMaid's Hidden Consequences, which I beta'd and she is currently posting.
Do you have some fic with this premise to recommend? I'm reading MozartMaid's story and it's very good. By the way I found her story when I was looking for fics inspired in this theme. But I haven't found any other complete story. I found two, but both of them were not finished. There should be a ton of fics with this premise, but oddly I didn't find any. sad
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
Do you have some fic with this premise to recommend? I'm reading MozartMaid's story and it's very good. By the way I found her story when I was looking for fics inspired in this theme. But I haven't found any other complete story. I found two, but both of them were not finished. There should be a ton of fics with this premise, but oddly I didn't find any. sad
I read them so long ago, can only bring 2 vaguely to mind, but they are so vague I have no idea where to go looking or what they were called. I think they were written very soon after the episode aired so it's about 4 years since. Sorry.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/17/14 10:11 AM
Originally posted by KatherineKent:
Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful.
Poor Oliver really can't cope with what happened at the end of S8 and how the League's behaviour led to two deaths. He only gets worse. I don't think there was anything wrong with Clark's talk, but ... nope, it didn't work. That was more because he didn't realise how bad Ollie was. He thought that Ollie only needed a simple 'Come on, snap out of it, you're a great hero'. Although, telling him off for letting Lois fall asleep... yeah, not helping, but poor Clark is just beginning to understand how much Lois means to him and nearly losing her scared him.
In the elevator, just as Lois falls asleep, Oliver is telling her that he wishes that they didn't break up. Is part of the problem that he's having coping with everything have to do with the fact that he's still in love with Lois? Or is he just being nostalgic, wishing things were as they once were, instead of so screwed up as they are now? He had a picture of Lois in his wallet, so clearly he's been thinking of her. Or does he realize what he lost now that Clark's found her?

I think it would be more clear to me about Oliver's downward spiral if I could remember him and Jimmy being friends. I don't. I know Jimmy was close to both Lois and Chloe, and they both were close to Oliver, but I don't recall Oliver and Jimmy crossing paths until Jimmy suddenly calls on him for a loan. I was like razz </strong> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Good point. Not that this excuses her behavior, but it sounds like to me that she's missing them and wanted to be involved in their life even if they didn't want her to be. Being that they kind-of took off without notice, I'm surprised she was able to bug them so easily. She must have had this in the works long before Jimmy's death. BTW: I wasn't condoning Chloe's behavior earlier. I meant "Big Sister" in a "Big Brother" metaphor type way, i.e. spying without permission way. wink
In the elevator, just as Lois falls asleep, Oliver is telling her that he wishes that they didn't break up. Is part of the problem that he's having coping with everything have to do with the fact that he's still in love with Lois? Or is he just being nostalgic, wishing things were as they once were, instead of so screwed up as they are now? He had a picture of Lois in his wallet, so clearly he's been thinking of her. Or does he realize what he lost now that Clark's found her?
I guess Oliver is too unstable. :rolleyes: He left Lois with a broken heart and she had a hard time getting over him. Then in season 8 they become friends and he's ok with Lois falling in love with Clark (he tells her that Clark needs her in Bride). Still in season 8 he meets Tess and realizes he still loves her years after he left her with a broken heart, too. But Tess just wants to have fun and refuses a relationship with him because of his past mistakes. Then Oliver realizes he loves Lois - again. [Linked Image] He finds out that Clark is falling in love with Lois but it doesn't matter - he decides he wants her back anyway. And then... I'll stop here because you still haven't watched the following episodes. [Linked Image]

I guess Tess was right when she told him:

"You haven't changed one bit. Oliver always wants what Oliver can't have."
And about Jimmy and Oliver... I guess it was some off-screen moment. When Jimmy was hurt in Bride he went to a hospital in Star City (Oliver's city). Maybe they became friends there. huh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/17/14 06:16 PM
S9, E3 - "Echo" - grumble

Anyway, thumbsup . Way to come back from the evil dead.
Plus, he smiled more. Clark without a smile is like SM without a CK side.
Pssst... This has nothing to do with the color of his clothes, but with Lois doesn't being around. He will smile a lot more when she is around again. wink
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/17/14 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
I guess Oliver is too unstable. :rolleyes: He left Lois with a broken heart and she had a hard time getting over him. Then in season 8 they become friends and he's ok with Lois falling in love with Clark (he tells her that Clark needs her in Bride). Still in season 8 he meets Tess and realizes he still loves her years after he left her with a broken heart, too. But Tess just wants to have fun and refuses a relationship with him because of his past mistakes. Then Oliver realizes he loves Lois - again. [Linked Image] He finds out that Clark is falling in love with Lois but it doesn't matter - he decides he wants her back anyway. And then... I'll stop here because you still haven't watched the following episodes. [Linked Image]

I guess Tess was right when she told him:
"You haven't changed one bit. Oliver always wants what Oliver can't have."
Good point, again. I had forgotten she had said that. Although, recently, I believe Oliver hasn't really been into Tess, only pretending to be to use her, since he's learned that she has a similar heart to that of Lex Luthor.

It appears that Oliver is also either haunted by the ghost of Lex or he thinks he's turning into Lex having accepted that it's okay to kill someone as an option. Then, again, Clark himself said that Oliver was right and that he should have just killed Doomsday (we all know what would have happened then). I still think his original plan of shipping him off (Davis side and all) to the Phantom Zone was the best choice. His and Chloe's heart was in the right place when they tried to save Davis's soul, but the truth is a hero cannot save anyone's soul but his or her own, and apparently Chloe's deception killed what was remaining of Davis's good side. (No man likes to be used.)

Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
Plus, he smiled more. Clark without a smile is like SM without a CK side.
Pssst... This has nothing to do with the color of his clothes, but with Lois doesn't being around. He will smile a lot more when she is around again. wink
Yes, as Clark Kent, Clark is smiling again, but not really as The Blur. I have an image in my head from S8 of Clark zipping into the phone box in the Daily Planet, spinning into his Red/Blue clothes and emerging with this triumphant and exuberant (okay, and somewhat boyish) grin upon his face. True, it was Lois who had put that grin on his face in the first place, but until I see such an expression of pure joy on the Black/Gray Blur's face, I'll always prefer the Red/Blue Blur. I guess, I'm like Lois in that way. wink
S9, E4 - "Echo" - clap Yea! This episode was wonderful.
Yeah! Glad you liked it.

With his new talent to read people's minds, Clark finally knows that his feelings for Lois are requited. And, then, he lunkheadly stands her up. wallbash lol Well, they've got the characterization right. Naughty boy, even *steals* her a doughnut.
I love all the things he learns in this, especially the 'date' thing. Stealing her the doughnut is priceless.

Yeah, he stands her up, but not because he's chosen just not to go ... he got caught up in a 'Blur' thing - saving people. Kind of remind you of late S2 for LnC, maybe?

I love that out of everyone, it's Lois whose mind he reads first. Is that telling you something, Smallville? Of course, he misuses the ability.
I seriously thought, for a while, the she was the ONLY mind he was going to be able to read. I love that he did focus in on her first, and for quite a while, before all the rest of the world came in. And of course he misuses it ... he wants to get closer to Lois, to impress her, to get her out on a date!!! Sooo very nearly. I was so annoyed that all that 'cheating' by Clark lead to nothing in the end.

I'm amazed she's willing to give Clark a second almost-date chance after he not only stood her up, but did so to scoop her on a story, AND told her he didn't want her around to help him. He owes her. BIG TIME!
She's being very forgiving, isn't she. Of course we know that he wasn't trying to scoop her story or push her away, but he wanted to keep her out of danger and this was his excuse. *shakes head* Clark, don't tell her that she's 'not needed'. She's going to believe you, and then you come off as a .... jerk/chauvinist?

Soo ... next Episode. laugh Can't wait for your review of that!!!!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/18/14 02:00 PM
S9,E5 - "Roulette" - I wasn't sure what to expect from this title. I love "The Game" homage (terrific film, BTW), so I guessed what was going on with Oliver early on (like during the locked in the casket scene after he saw the words "Game On"). At first, I wondered if he had been buried alive as part of his shock treatment. I was kept guessing until the end, who had set up the game, though. hyper That it was Chloe and not Tess. With Tess it would have taken on a more sinister vibe, because I don't know why she'd really want him to survive. She's got enough going on in her life to babysit a downward spiraling ex-boyfriend. Plus, she's not as good of a friend as Lois is.

I *loved* the opening Lois and Clark scene with the laundry and the "Shark" movie fest and Clark using getting more snacks to excuse himself from the room to rescue people. hyper Yea, Lois for giving Clark what-for [Linked Image] about keeping Oliver's depression from her! I couldn't tell what he was thinking though, when she marched out (after bashing him for his lying). Was he thinking that she still had romantic feelings for Oliver? Was he feeling guilty for keeping his Blur-ness from her? Or was he just numb? I don't know. I couldn't get a read on his expression at all. I'm glad she went to hunt down Oliver after ditching Clark. It showed us what a loyal friend she is.

I knew it was Lois in the red dress when Oliver came back into the club with his gun, so I'm glad he didn't shoot her, because that would have been bad. You don't want The Blur mad at you, because he could make Doomsday look like a nice soft kitten, I'm guessing. He should have noticed she was missing the tattoo. Really smart there, Mr. non-Observant superhero wannabee. Good job in hiring the psycho to run your little game there, Chloe. Going off script isn't exactly allowed in your perfectly controlled world, is it?

Does anyone remember what happened to Det. Jo'n Jones? He kind of faded into the ether. Probably because like Martha, he was over 40 and apparently that's deadly in Metropolis. :rolleyes: I mean, hello? Zod is the same age as the rest of this young cast and he's supposed to be Jor-El's age. Please! Yeah, yeah. I know he's going to turn out to be some kind of clone, therefore ageless, but still.

Is Oliver developing a crush on Chloe now? He seemed very admiring of her when he confronted her about the "game". She'd be wise to avoid that. She's had enough bad relationships in her life.

We didn't really get any closure between Lois and Clark after her "you lied to me, Smallville" storm. So, I'm interested to see how he's going to make it up to her. Ouch, after standing her up in 'Echo' is up to two strikes with the bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth. (i.e. he's to his last chance.) I'm glad that Lois told Oliver that she'd be there for him, but only as a friend. He needed to know that he'd had already used up his three strikes and she was already fallen for another lunkheaded ballplayer. I don't know if "beer pong" was exactly the right way to celebrate Oliver's birthday after his recent drink-fests.

When I saw the Green Arrow standing at the top of the building looking at Metropolis at the end of the episode, I figured the first words out of The Blur's mouth would be "Hey, that's my gargoyle." laugh Sigh. Missed opportunities. I'm glad he mocked Clark's gettup. It deserves to be mocked. People will have more hope with bright colors than the black and gray (sorry, Batman, but it's true).

Okay, now that they've fixed Oliver and fixed Chloe (kind of), can they get back to focusing on Lois and Clark?
S9,E5 - "Roulette" - I wasn't sure what to expect from this title. I love "The Game" homage (terrific film, BTW), so I guessed what was going on with Oliver early on (like during the locked in the casket scene after he saw the words "Game On").
Yeah, it's a while since I saw it, but I'm pretty sure I guessed it being a game. Although the Games being set up by Chloe to show Ollie that he still has the heart of a Super Hero ... didn't see that coming.

I *loved* the opening Lois and Clark scene with the laundry and the "Shark" movie fest and Clark using getting more snacks to excuse himself from the room to rescue people. clap Classic! Loved he didn't comment on how she was making herself at home in his house, either. He walks in as a smoking and torn costumed Blur, sees her, and freaks. lol Priceless! Terrific scene.
Oh yeah. I adore that scene. When he first Blur's in and sees her there, then looks to down to see his costume. I so wanted Lois to look around and see .... *sigh*. And then, the bra that gets tangled in his fingers. Mmmmm, yeah, Clark. She's a girl. Have you finally noticed?

I knew it was Lois in the red dress when Oliver came back into the club with his gun, so I'm glad he didn't shoot her, because that would have been bad.
I saw that coming too. So glad that, even in his depression and 'nothing left to live for' he didn't automatically go for the kill.

Does anyone remember what happened to Det. Jo'n Jones? He kind of faded into the ether. Probably because like Martha, he was over 40 and apparently that's deadly in Metropolis. :rolleyes:
When he lost his Martian powers, after flying Clark to the Sun, beginning of S8, the PTB must have decided that he kind of became useless in the 'wierd' investigations. I'm guessing he's being a normal detective. He WILL return.

We didn't really get any closure between Lois and Clark after her "you lied to me, Smallville" storm. So, I'm interested to see how he's going to make it up to her.
WARNING: In answering the above comments, then then next comments, there are extremely minor spoilers for next ep and more.

Next ep, watch the next ep. Then watch it again. And again ... then watch the last five minutes of it ten more times.

I'm glad he mocked Clark's gettup. It deserves to be mocked. People will have more hope with bright colors than the black and gray (sorry, Batman, but it's true).
Strangely enough he does get called on this, by a very unexpected source, but not till S10.

Okay, now that they've fixed Oliver and fixed Chloe (kind of), can they get back to focusing on Lois and Clark?
PTB: Um, okay. Watch the next episode.
I knew it was Lois in the red dress when Oliver came back into the club with his gun, so I'm glad he didn't shoot her, because that would have been bad.
Chloe is lucky that Clark didn't find out that her "perfect" plan almost got Lois killed. razz She seems not realize that people aren't in a virtual world. She can't have total control over their actions and reactions. razz razz As I said before, after season 8 they ruined her character for me. grumble

I won't comment the rest because I would go into spoiler territory. laugh

I just have one thing to say: Watch next episode ASAP!!! hyper hyper hyper
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/19/14 10:04 AM
I'm enjoying your assessment of these eps in a first go, VirginiaR! smile1


Next ep, watch the next ep. Then watch it again. And again ... then watch the last five minutes of it ten more times.
/Nods and grins. Yup. laugh

Glad I discovered this thread! I'm excited for LnC peeps to give Smallville a try!! hyper
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/19/14 05:08 PM
Originally posted by mozartmaid:
I'm enjoying your assessment of these eps in a first go, VirginiaR! hyper Maybe THAT happens due to the Kal-El influences in Lois's system or something like that. [Linked Image]

Yes, I agree. This gets annoying with Chloe. But it is oh so convenient for her to be one knowing what's going on all the time -- I mean for plot reasons. But as a personality, it is a bit whack.
I have to agree with you. Chloe as Big Sister just because they need someone in the know about things seems like bad plotting.

<strong> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Next ep, watch the next ep. Then watch it again. And again ... then watch the last five minutes of it ten more times.
/Nods and grins. Yup. laugh
I did. I watched it through twice yesterday, but probably not for the reason you'll expect. Review coming up.

Glad I discovered this thread! I'm excited for LnC peeps to give Smallville a try!! hyper
I'm surprised with all the people on the boards who've mentioned seeing the show and have written Smallville fic, that no one has broached the topic here before.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/19/14 11:12 PM
After writing my requisite 5 pages of WC, I treated myself on watching the next three episodes. (Crossfire, twice, because RL kept interrupting my first viewing). I wanted to move on to "Pandora" but I guess that will have to wait until tonight. smile1 Very "awwwwwww" WAFFy.

So, then her confidence shaken, she runs to her last serious boyfriend, Oliver, to ask him the same question. Instead of bolstering her self-esteem, he tells her things which probably she doesn't like about herself. Again, not hearing that what both of these guys like about her is that she, not only, knows who she is but that she likes who she is and isn't willing to change to suit anyone. Not exactly the thing a woman feeling as if she's had a blow to her ego wants to hear, after realizing that the television show doesn't want her by herself. The thing is IF she had been herself, instead of what she thought they wanted, she probably would have had no problem getting the job all on her own. Clark certainly wasn't any help as co-host.

The reason I watched this episode twice, yesterday, was because of the surprise twist behind Clark's blind date. I hadn't given her much thought originally, but when I heard it was CAT GRANT, I had to watch it again. CAT a peace corps volunteer, double major in sociology and social justice? CAT who doesn't have time to date. grumble about them cutting her entirely from the next episode, when I review it.

Which will be later, because now it's way past time to get back to work on WC.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/20/14 12:40 AM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I wanted to move on to "Pandora" but I guess that will have to wait until tonight. hyper
This is way back from the beginning, and I posted this before I read most of the thread, but...

She (Chloe) gave up everything to protect Clark: her job, her marriage, the life of her husband, her brain, her self-respect, and what does he do, he drops her like yesterday's news once things get hard.
This really annoys me. I watched the show from the beginning. Lois didn't appear till S5.

I'm a Chloe fan, because I always thought that in S1-S5 she was a proto-Lois Lane, just under another name because they couldn't get the rights (DC was nervous.) After all, they had a young Clark Kent, a young Lex Luthor, young Pete Ross and Lana Lang - who's missing? Technically, young Lois Lane is missing, but her character is right there in Chloe Sullivan.

Chloe in S1-S4 had very Lois Lane-like tendencies - her lifelong dream was to be a reporter for the DP; she totally kicked ass as editor of the high school paper, the Torch; Perry White was her hero; she cultivated a network of sources all over the county and even in Metropolis (OK, I'll admit the computer wizardry was a little over the top); she was curious and found out Clark's secret. Plus, she was his best friend. Lana was his puppy love, but we know that Clark Kent could never marry Lana. He would have to marry someone he was friends with.

I believe there was actually some talk amongst the show runners about Chloe actually being Lois, but this was axed in S5 when Erica Durance came on board.

So, having 4 or 5 years of buildup of friendship, support, secret-finding, backup, etc., then the Erica Durance Lois Lane just walks in and effectively takes over the Chloe role. We didn't see a buildup of friendship with Lois - it was like, suddenly between S6 and S7 (or maybe it was between S7 and S8 - I forget), Clark and Lois were in love. When did it happen? How did it happen? Nothing was shown! Everything important happened in Offscreenville! (Not that I'm bitter or anything /sarcasm/)

And not only did Clark magically fall in love with Lois in Offscreenville, apparently he had some sort of mental readjustment that required him to act like a jerk towards Chloe - someone that's stood up for him, kept his secret, and basically done everything in the quote above. What kind of action is that to do to someone who's done everything for you?

Unfortunately, this tainted Erica Durance's portrayal for me. Sorry, that's just the way it is. I know others like her (and I like her performance in certain episodes, too) but to me, the writers just didn't justify the L/C friendship and romance enough. Just my $0.02.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/20/14 11:41 PM
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
Chloe in S1-S4 had very Lois Lane-like tendencies - her lifelong dream was to be a reporter for the DP; she totally kicked ass as editor of the high school paper, the Torch; Perry White was her hero; she cultivated a network of sources all over the county and even in Metropolis (OK, I'll admit the computer wizardry was a little over the top); she was curious and found out Clark's secret. Plus, she was his best friend. Lana was his puppy love, but we know that Clark Kent could never marry Lana. He would have to marry someone he was friends with.

I believe there was actually some talk amongst the show runners about Chloe actually being Lois, but this was axed in S5 when Erica Durance came on board.
At one point, Chloe impersonates (or uses) her cousin Lois's name, which is where that idea may have come from. I don't think Chloe other than her journalistic skills is much of a Lois Lane. Chloe sure isn't the foil for Clark that Lois is supposed to be. She was obsessed with and crushing on him for far too long to make a strong enough Lois character. If they hadn't had her have such a romantic attachment to Clark during S1-4, there might have been a chance for them to kill off the original Lois and have her step into her cousin's shoes (name) after one of the many times "Chloe Sullivan" had been killed off. Or, if after her original crush, they had her give up her Clark-crush, date some decent guys and make her more head strong and confident, more independent from Clark, like the woman she was in Pandora, THEN she could have given Erica Durance a run for the Lois role. Also, at some point she would have had to dye her hair brown. huh Second of all, an episode focusing on Zod and not having Lois in it AT ALL? Especially after that kiss! Please! They can't have a episode without Clark, Chloe, or Oliver, but Lois is still a second stringer? Obviously they have their priorities messed up (just as I kept thinking after they dropped Jimmy for like 4 episodes in a row after "Bride" in S8). Thirdly, *really*? Jor-El? AGAIN! :rolleyes: I'm not a big fan of Clark's life being dictated by his long-since dead birth father, so to resurrect him again and again and again, is really annoying. It makes Clark weak to always have to depend on his dead father to become a hero. It's why I loved the LnC take on Clark, where the Kents had a stronger influence in making Clark be Superman, than Jor-El.

I was already annoyed that Zod was brought back to life and made anew this season. Oh, come on! We dealt with him like two seasons ago, and now he's back? :rolleyes: Believe me, I'm only watching Smallville S9 for the Lois and Clark, because the A-plots feel rehashed. (It's like Superman freezing Lois all over again. Been there, done that, crossed it off already. Come up with something better, please. NEXT!)

The one nice thing about this episode was that it did explain why the Kandorians have no power under yellow sun. Jor-El zapped their blood samples with the blue crystal. I'll give Joe-El credit for that. What isn't explained is why they are shipping their DNA to Earth "just in case". Do they ever explain that one? Or is that just another fun factoid they drop and kick under the rug?

So, now, Jor-El has hitch-hiked from Africa to Kansas :rolleyes: not because he's learned that his future son has been shipped off there, but because he remembers the woman he met on his Earth walkabout? Or at least that's what we were led to believe until Chloe's super snooping at the end of the episode discovers Jor-El B&Eing something hidden behind the heater vent from his last visit. Let's just discount the fact that it's being assumed that two generations of Kents didn't have their air ducts cleaned in 60+ years. So, where is this thing that Chloe catches him taking? Did he take it? Did he leave it? If he did take it, where is it now? Does Tess have it? Did Zod take it? Does Chloe check out the vent to see if it's still there? Does she even mention it to Clark and ask if he knows what it is? (I'm griping because I've watched through "Disciple" and we still don't have an answer to ANY of these questions.)

Poor Clark is forced to learn that his birth dad has been reborn, and then just as he finds him, he has to bury yet another father. Now, that's just cruel. How many times do you really need to kill off this guy's dad? Come on!

All the history crap between Jor-El and Zod on Krypton was nice, but boring and unnecessary. We already know that someone used Zod's son's DNA to create Doomsday Davis from the S8 episode when Lois was inhabited by Zod's wife's soul. Although, how she ended up in the Phantom Zone after being KILLED in Kandor wasn't really explained. Sure, okay, Jor-El was almost killed and Zod saved him, and, therefore, Kal-El might not have existed if it wasn't for Zod. Is this really pertinent to the story at hand? I don't think so. Smells like red herring to me. Zod's a bad guy, he needs to be stopped at all costs, yadda, yadda, yadda. Is this all new information? No! We already knew this from when Zod took over Lex's body.

Oh, and Zod learns that Clark's The Blur and we learn that supposedly that Tess is trying to save the "traveler". Yeah, she hasn't yet convinced me on that one. It's because of her that Clone Jor-El dies. Does Zod kill him? I'm guessing 'yes'! But Tess is runner up suspect. Since Clone Jor-El's existence isn't really pertinent to the Zod storyline, I'm not seeing where his life or death is all that important in the grand scheme of things.

So basically this episode it a waste of space to drive the fans nuts waiting until Lois returns.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/21/14 12:03 AM
Originally posted by mozartmaid:
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I wanted to move on to "Pandora" but I guess that will have to wait until tonight. sad Let's hope, RL doesn't interrupt again.
You [b]must
watch Pandora uninterrupted!!! Absolutely my favorite ep!! And careful -- you may be tempted to start writing Smallville fanfic after that ep![/b]
Watched it. Liked it. But still don't have the bug. That might be because my LnC WIPS list pretty full at the moment.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Apparently, the Smallville writers still didn't feel that there had been enough closure between Lois and Oliver, even though all of us viewers were over them two seasons ago. :rolleyes: This seems like a very big problem with the Smallville script writers. They needed closure in some relationships more than the viewers do.
I thought it was kinda sweet... and it sort of makes sense, since Oliver has felt lost for most of the season so far. Lois was the only one who had grounded him in any real way -- even though he was the one who broke up with her. But what never gets resolved with any satisfaction is Clark realizing what a manipulative child Lana was... sad She lost major points in my book because of that, so for that reason, yeah. They could have killed her off. Bring on the Angstfest! I didn't like what they did to Jimmy in S8. He deserved better after everything Chloe put him through (before they were engaged). He deserved to be in the inner circle. Clark thought so by the very end. If Jimmy and Chloe had worked together to bring down Davis, Jimmy's death would have been far more meaningful and tragic.

Tess is a great character. You may like her even more as time goes on...
I like her as a villain, but I don't like her as a person yet. Still waiting.

I think you hit on an interesting subtext to this episode -- Clark loves her for exactly who she is. Oliver sees her as what she was to him -- in the past tense. He's trying to reclaim what gave him security in the past. But Clark sees her today -- and loves her despite her flaws.
That's right. Oliver said that he couldn't remember any of her flaws. Clark mentioned a bunch of stuff she considered flaws, but then said he loved her because she's "Lois".

Yep. Lois loves running away at crucial moments -- or crucial plot points. wink
I blame the writers. If the next episode was Pandora, I might have forgiven them, but "Kandor"? (YAWN)
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/21/14 12:08 AM
Lois and Clark's relationship

So, having 4 or 5 years of buildup of friendship, support, secret-finding, backup, etc., then the Erica Durance Lois Lane just walks in and effectively takes over the Chloe role. We didn't see a buildup of friendship with Lois - it was like, suddenly between S6 and S7 (or maybe it was between S7 and S8 - I forget), Clark and Lois were in love. When did it happen? How did it happen? Nothing was shown! Everything important happened in Offscreenville! (Not that I'm bitter or anything /sarcasm/)
Interesting assessment... Actually, Lois showed up in Season 4. The writers were 'forbidden' to show any real romance between them until Season 8. During the in between time, there were a lot of Deus ex machina romance moments where Clark was fully aware of what was going on, but Lois was out of the loop, via either red k or Legion ring, usually. So Clark saw her under more circumstances than she saw him...Lois also lived with the Kents for most of Seaosns 4 and 5, thus laying the ground work for at least a sibling rivalry and then a growing friendship between her and Clark. I honestly disagree that they didn't show the development of their relationship enough.

Every ep with Lois in it develops her relationship with Clark in some way -- or, at the very least, develops her understanding of what it is to be in a 'super' relationship.

Just to prove that the relationship arc is there all the way through, below has spoilers up to where we are in Season 9 --

Season 4 -- The first two eps are key, as there is great chemistry and banter between them.

'Krypto' is probably the first real bonding ep, when Lois hits a dog and they adopt him.

Season 5 -- 'Aqua' is where we meet AC (Aquaman) and we see Clark jealous or at least over-protective of Lois.

'Exposed' -- we realize the sexual attraction Clark has for Lois, and we see how far he is willing to go to save her.

Season 6 -- 'Arrow' Clark realizes something is special with his attraction to Lois when he kisses her as Green Arrow. Lois does too, though she doesn't know who kissed her.

'Crimson' First red K ep with Lois. Lots of little intimate moments that make you wonder -- Lois even asks it -- 'is this for real?', about their attraction for one another.

Season 7 'Siren' -- Lois wonders if there will ever be someone for her. She can't see how she can be with a hero, as she doesn't want to be left behind. Clark comforts her at the end of this ep, seeing a vulnerability in her.

'Arctic' Lana leaves Clark (again). Lois sees HIS vulnerability and she comforts him. Also, suggests he applies at the Planet.

Then we really start rolling...

Season 8 'Odyssey' reestablishes their bantering relationship. Clark takes up her idea to work at DP. Excellent acting on ED's part. We see her anxiety, excitement, and trepidation over the prospect.

'Plastique' Typical LL, showing CK the ropes. He follows her around like a puppy in some instances. wink

'Instinct' puts in both their faces the fact that they are attracted to each other, and that they might even be destined for each other.

'Committed' Lois is forced to confess her true feelings for Clark.

'Identity' one of the Deus ex machina eps. Lois learns the secret, and Clark remains with the knowledge of how well she took it and stood by him.

'Bride' Lois' feelings for Clark come to the fore.
Clark starts to look at Lois a little differently as well.

'Hex' Clark starts to see his own feelings for Lois, thanks to Chloe pointing it out.

'Stiletto' Clark shows more feelings for Lois as the Blur. Lois chases the Blur, and when Clark gets 'hurt' her true feelings for Clark show.

'Doomsday' more Lois/Blur relationship... but Clark at the end looks devastated when he tells Chloe that he can't find Lois.

Season 9 'Savior' Lois has memories of the future with Clark, though she doesn't know what they are about. However, she misses Clark -- Clark can't focus on his studies with Jor-El once Lois returns.

'Metallo' Lois/Blur development... but at the end, great Clois when Lois tells Clark how she helped the Blur. He looks at her admiringly.

'Rabid' All the Clois scenes here are great...and develop their closeness, I think.

'Echo' Clark is certain of Lois' feelings for him, and we see Lois obviously cares for Clark.

'Crossfire' Clark is willing to do anything to make up for blowing their first date. And they finally kiss.

So, I listed it all out... I think there are lots of moments that build the relationship. There are lots of looks and good acting all through seasons 4-7 between Lois and Clark that I also think build their feelings. I listed the highlighted eps from those, and the important ones from Season 8-9, up to where we are... Could there be more? Sure. But that is what fan fic is for, I suppose. smile

Another post on Chloe... I have a feeling this one is too long. laugh
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/21/14 12:28 AM
Clark and Chloe's relationship

I'm a Chloe fan, because I always thought that in S1-S5 she was a proto-Lois Lane, just under another name because they couldn't get the rights (DC was nervous.) After all, they had a young Clark Kent, a young Lex Luthor, young Pete Ross and Lana Lang - who's missing? Technically, young Lois Lane is missing, but her character is right there in Chloe Sullivan.

Chloe in S1-S4 had very Lois Lane-like tendencies - her lifelong dream was to be a reporter for the DP; she totally kicked ass as editor of the high school paper, the Torch; Perry White was her hero; she cultivated a network of sources all over the county and even in Metropolis (OK, I'll admit the computer wizardry was a little over the top); she was curious and found out Clark's secret. Plus, she was his best friend. Lana was his puppy love, but we know that Clark Kent could never marry Lana. He would have to marry someone he was friends with.

I believe there was actually some talk amongst the show runners about Chloe actually being Lois, but this was axed in S5 when Erica Durance came on board.
I'll admit, I don't watch Seasons 1-3 that often -- I own Season 1 and 4-10. But I think I understand the role that Chloe was playing in the earlier seasons. She is sort of a Lois Lane in the earlier eps... like a primer for the real deal. And there may have been that intention in the writer's room in the early days, but she definitely evolved into her own character, and I think especially after the first season or two, wasn't at all intended to be Lois Lane.

And not only did Clark magically fall in love with Lois in Offscreenville, apparently he had some sort of mental readjustment that required him to act like a jerk towards Chloe - someone that's stood up for him, kept his secret, and basically done everything in the quote above. What kind of action is that to do to someone who's done everything for you?
Yes, Chloe has stood by him, but she's also acted on her own, making Clark unsure of what shes up to... like through the whole Davis arc. No, I didn't like that plot point, but it's what we have to work with.

I can't get too much into Chloe, because some of what I want to say hasn't happened yet and I don't want spoilers... but there may have been a deliberate intention on the writers' part to pull Clark away from Chloe. For one, so we see him become a hero on his own. And two, to focus on his relationship with Lois. And I think there are some tender Clark/Chloe scenes, like at the end of Season 8, and there are more to come. Also remember how Clark stood up for saving Chloe during the Legion ep. They have their bumps, but I think in the end, Clark sees her as an important friend. I think you only feel cheated with Chloe if you buy into the idea that she was supposed to be Lois...
I liked the Davis, Chloe, and Jimmy triangle UP UNTIL Chloe sided with Davis over Jimmy. I liked that Chloe kept pushing Davis away because she loved Jimmy, but as soon as sided with someone who her HUSBAND didn't trust without even checking with him on WHY, and just tazering him... HER HUSBAND who almost died because of her stalker, BTW. Hollywood has a bad habit of showing that young love is a bad idea and it's bad for everyone involved. I thought that maybe THIS time Chloe's love for Jimmy would conquer all, but apparently nobody will ever be more important to Chloe than her first love. [Sad] She lost major points in my book because of that, so for that reason, yeah. They could have killed her off. Bring on the Angstfest! I didn't like what they did to Jimmy in S8. He deserved better after everything Chloe put him through (before they were engaged). He deserved to be in the inner circle. Clark thought so by the very end. If Jimmy and Chloe had worked together to bring down Davis, Jimmy's death would have been far more meaningful and tragic.
I agree with you. I liked Chloe until the Davis's storyline. Since then, the character was ruined for me. If they had killed her off, I wouldn't have cared a bit. sad If I could choose between her and Jimmy, I would prefer Jimmy were the one to survive. He was loyal, friend and trustworthy. Chloe acted on her own, accepted Davis's word over Jimmy's without proof, sided with Davis although he was a strange she had just met, got in the way when Clark tried to send Davis to the Phanton Zone and because of her Davis became Doomsday and killed maybe hundred of people (and Jimmy). Afterwards I could never forgive her. It destroyed my view of her and outweighed anything good she did over the years. sad
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/21/14 11:17 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
<strong>I agree with you. I liked Chloe until the Davis's storyline. Since then, the character was ruined for me. If they had killed her off, I wouldn't have cared a bit. clap Priceless.

Lois remembers part of her missing days in the future, although mostly the hot and heavy Nfic stuff, which for some odd reason seems to be putting a strain on her relationship with current Clark. So, what does she do, she goes to a therapist, who not only has this Kandorian accent, but doesn’t she also show up in Pandora as the mother of the kids Lois saw when she woke up in the barn? Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. (Nope, not trusting the therapist. Since Tess’s body guard turned out to be Kandorian, I’m not really trusting anyone new.)

It’s hilarious how Zan and Jayna mess everything up, including The Blur’s reputation, and his phone conversation with Lois (which would have been fine if Chloe hadn’t been eavesdropping on it). They’re adorable, but not as much as Lois trying to catch Clark as The Blur. rotflol In typical Lois fashion, she saves Clark from himself (i.e. outing himself because the crooked DA or mayor candidate or whatever he was asked him to), by telling everyone that she knows the Blur and that he can’t do what he needs to do to keep the city safe if everyone knew who he was. I have to say, that everyone is going to know that CK=SM as soon as he shows himself anyway, because he’s been in Metropolis without wearing his disguise (i.e. glasses) for so long, that Superman is going to have to wear the glasses to be in disguise. So, of course, the bad guys come after Lois trying to get at the Blur.

At least, Zan and Jayna come through in the end and save Lois. I wasn’t quite sure at the end if it was Zan with his fog that saved Lois or if it was Clark able to hide in the fog which saved her from falling off the building. I was wondering if that was how Lois died. Because Lois *must* have died before past Lois could step into her shoes in the future, right? (This is what I was thinking before I saw Pandora, that is. My viewing is faster than my ability to review episodes.) Then Chloe calls Lois using the voice modulator so that Lois thinks that she was wrong about CK=SM. Although, why would that be a bad thing again? I mean, other than her rushing into the fray and telling everyone that she and The Blur are best buddies and… oh, right. But I’m sure Lois won’t be mad when she discovers JUST how many other people Clark has told his secret to since her trip into the future, with the exception of his one true love, not to mention how many lies he's had to tell her to keep in the dark. :rolleyes:

Fun episode, ending with a much better Lois initiated kiss (loved her bringing the stack of newspapers forward to make it easier to kiss Clark and he so totally doesn’t catch on what she’s doing). It’s a nice twist on the memory wipe kiss, when her memory is rebooted by a kiss. They did that for the fans, didn’t they? wink
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/22/14 02:16 AM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
What if Doomsday had killed Lana (despite her krypto suit), right after Clark had saw her again and told her that he's not going to search for a cure, because he'd rather be with Lois, that would have been a nice angsty S8 ending. Then Lana would be dead and Lois missing into the future. Perfect torment for our hero. evil
Wow, that would be evil...actually, I sort of neared that territory with my fic 'Lights in the Shadows' - safe for you to read up to this point, no spoilers. laugh
EDIT: Yes, I did catch the clue at the funeral that Jimmy's little brother is supposed to be the true Jimmy, but still... It's a bit of a cop out (says the woman with two Jimmys in her own story. laugh )
I agree... It was a bit of a cop out... But I think Jimmy knew too much, and could see what was happening all too clearly. They always kill off the character that happens to...

S9, E8 - "Idol" -
Lois remembers part of her missing days in the future, although mostly the hot and heavy Nfic stuff, which for some odd reason seems to be putting a strain on her relationship with current Clark. So, what does she do, she goes to a therapist, who not only has this Kandorian accent, but doesn’t she also show up in Pandora as the mother of the kids Lois saw when she woke up in the barn? Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. (Nope, not trusting the therapist. Since Tess’s body guard turned out to be Kandorian, I’m not really trusting anyone new.)
LOL, never noticed a kandorian accent before. wink Actually, I think the therapist is a nod to LnC. There were a few hidden references in the dps to LnC. Also recall that Jimmy called Clark 'CK' - I could be wrong, but I think LnC is the only version of Superman to do this...

  I have to say, that everyone is going to know that CK=SM as soon as he shows himself anyway, because he’s been in Metropolis without wearing his disguise (i.e. glasses) for so long, that Superman is going to have to wear the glasses to be in disguise.
LOL, that would be awesome. However, I will reassure you that this is addressed, but you have to wait till.season 10 to see how...

But I’m sure Lois won’t be mad when she discovers JUST how many other people Clark has told his secret to since her trip into the future, with the exception of his one true love, not to mention how many lies he's had to tell her to keep in the dark. :rolleyes:
No comment. But oh how I want to!

Fun episode, ending with a much better Lois initiated kiss (loved her bringing the stack of newspapers forward to make it easier to kiss Clark and he so totally doesn’t catch on what she’s doing). It’s a nice twist on the memory wipe kiss, when her memory is rebooted by a kiss. They did that for the fans, didn’t they? wink
I love the saucy music that goes with it, too. Such a cute scene. I definitely enjoy this ep as well - but I didn't grow up with the comics as a kid. So I can't appreciate it as much when characters like the Wonder Twins show up.

I apologize for any grammar/ formatting. I'm writing on my cellphone.
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
S9, E8 - "Idol" - I really enjoyed this episode. Not only did it have some fun banter and Lois/Clark scenes but some great miscommunications and the SUPER TWINS!
I love this episode. I always love it when Lois finds out, and the way she reacts is always so much different to LnC Lois, or different to any other SV character finding out. She's blown away/impressed/more in love/respect for Clark. She never tries to push him, or manipulate him into telling her. Yes, she wants him to, and encourages it, but not in a mean or argumentative way.

I love the opening, giving up a little snippet from the future. Lois and Clark stood at the window, with the sheet wrapped around her and him holding her from behind is one of many 'comic' homages. It's such a beautiful picture.

[Linked Image]

The end is fantastic. When they meet in the store room. I love that Lois says 'This isn't what I had in mind when you said you wanted to meet in the copy room'. She wanted to have a make-out session!!!!!!

Oh, they did. But after he showed her his glasses.

Fun episode, ending with a much better Lois initiated kiss (loved her bringing the stack of newspapers forward to make it easier to kiss Clark and he so totally doesn’t catch on what she’s doing). It’s a nice twist on the memory wipe kiss, when her memory is rebooted by a kiss. They did that for the fans, didn’t they? wink
This was, apparently, Erica's idea. It's a fantastic kiss. It's also another comic homage as she kicks up her leg and is dressed in a pink top/black skirt just as a famous comic panel when Clark/Lois kiss.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/22/14 03:23 AM
After seeing those pics - I now want to read the comics! clap
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Then Chloe calls Lois using the voice modulator so that Lois thinks that she was wrong about CK=SM. Although, why would that be a bad thing again?
Well, Chloe-I-know-it-all thought it was a bad idea. :rolleyes:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by mozartmaid:
<strong> After seeing those pics - I now want to read the comics! razz

But Lois doesn't need a lasso to hold Superman. devilsplat
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/22/14 10:41 PM
KK, that Lois in the pink shirt looks like Margo from SM-TM, although the others surrounding her don't look like they're from that movie.

I agree, UW, it's tasteless to revamp a picture of Lois and SM to make it WW and SM. Not only is it a slap in the face, it sends the message that SM doesn't really cares who he kisses as long as she can do that pose (i.e. the women are interchangeable, which we all know is a big no-no).

Yes, I've also noticed a few tongue-in-cheek LnC references, but I believe they were all in Absolute Justice, so I'll save mentioning them until then.

In an attempt to catch up on my reviews, (I've watched up through Absolute Justice), here's my next one:

S9, E9 - "Pandora" - Terrific episode. I'm glad they didn't wait to show us about Lois's flashforwards. I found three main things interesting about this episode (okay, more than three, but we all know I can't count).

Firstly, that this future that Lois went to isn't going to happen. It's already been changed by Clark's being able to return her to the past. While it's fun to go visit, it really has little bearing on the current future.

Secondly, even though EVERYONE else in this future knows that CK = Kal-El = The Blur, Clark went OUT-OF-HIS-WAY not to tell Lois this one fact, even when she asked him directly (which she does on several occasions). Clearly, spending a miserable year without Lois has taught him nothing.

Thirdly, Tess Mercer clearly can't be trusted. (Big surprise, not!)

Fourthly, (see, I knew it would be more than 3) wave Oh, right. All of us.

Seventhly, isn't it interesting how quickly Clark can move in a relationship when you take away the woman he's been crushing on for a year, all his hope, make death imminent, and then give him his woman back? Or did he just want to get some in, because the sun was red, and he knew he couldn't hurt her? evil What? It's not just me...who likes giving Clark inconvenient amnesia.) Also, this episode never explains why Lois lost these memories in the first place, unless she repressed them because of Chloe's death and Clark being stabbed at the end.

Ninthly, why is Oliver mourning Tess like she's the love of his life, when it's her fault for trusting the genie in the bottle and now the world is at it's end? He's been battling her and Zod's forces for months, yet he forgives her when she's on her deathbed? :rolleyes: Oh, please! Tess is totally Oliver's Lana. Can they set him up with Canary ALREADY? grovel

Tenthly, The JSA really gave up on the world, didn't they? Since they aren't around to help. (That would be the old JSA from Absolute Justice, not the JLA.)
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/22/14 11:27 PM
S9, E10 - "Disciple" - Oh, fun. Another Oliver-centric episode. [Linked Image] Get him his own show already! (oh, wait, they did. I would have liked it to be a spin-off this one, but I've liked what they've done with Arrow, so I've got no complaints.) And we get to see more of his apprentice, Mia. Golly, gee. :rolleyes: And his old master. Anyone else notice that Oliver likes to surround himself with females? And I'm already bored. Moving on.

I'm not too keen on Zod and his disciples... er... squad bowing down to Kal-El, either. I can understand Clark wanting to help Zod transition into being good clones refugees, but Zod just isn't the type. I can't see him as a barista and the local Metropolis Coffee Palace (okay, I can, but it wouldn't be pretty... picture the Soup Nazi serving coffee.)

We finally learn that Zod knows about Jor-El's secret CD stash, and we know he's only playing nice with Jor-El's son to get his hands on it. He isn't going to try and be a good human, and even denies that it's possible. I don't know how the humans are going to figure out he's not one of them, unless he tells them he's not. Being that now that his DNA has been zapped by the blue Kryptonite, he basically is. Being a powerless Kryptonian is about as close to human as you can get, Zod.

Clark, on the other hand, really thinks he can do as his father asked him to as he lay dying. "Save Zod". Yeah, gee, thanks, Dad. Also, why hasn't Clark gone to the Fortress to ask ghost dad about clone dad's wishes and see if he agrees? Does Clark not want the Kandorians to follow him? Well, Kal-El, they can't. They have NO powers. Who put this naive farmboy in charge of world diplomacy? wallbash I think it has more to do that he's disobeyed dear of Jor-El again by falling deeper in with Lois and not getting the closure his dad wanted him to get with her. At least, Clark wises up by the end of the episode and realizes that Zod will not change.

I am curious about one thing though. At the beginning of the episode Zod is sending off his team on their assignments. There's someone to bribe officials to get the paperwork they need to start the project, someone to buy construction material, etc. Yet, by the end of the episode the new RAO tower is already being built. I saw it in the back ground of a shot. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? I thought Tess after learning what the tower does was going to be a kabosh on the whole thing? Instead it's already half-way built, when it was only announced like three episodes ago? No building goes up that quickly. Liking Tess less and less.

I also don't like Zod interfering and worming his way into Lois and Clark's relationship. Visiting her in the hospital after Oliver's old master shot her? Can we say creepy? And Clark never even warns her off, when she tells him about Zod. wallbash Tell Lois ZOD isn't his friend, already! I know that Clark wants to keep information away from Lois but one of these days that he's going to learn the tighter he closes his grip around the information Lois wants and needs, the more it's going to slip through his fingers (to quote Princess Leia). With their relationship, it's seems like a one step forward two steps back approach. /shakes head in disappointment./ He's still a lunkhead.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by VirginiaR:
<strong> How come, it's always Clark who's allowed to remember the great sex? That's just not fair! [Linked Image] (Thank goodness for FanFic, eh? drool goofy
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/23/14 10:21 AM
S9, E11 - "Absolute Justice" - This was a fun episode, even if Lois didn't show up until half way through it. grumble This really bothers me. I mean, 'hello!' Lois has been part of the cast since S4 (albeit in a guest star status) but she's MORE of a main cast member than Oliver. I would've liked to see more of the other JLA team instead of just Ollie ALL THE TIME. They've amped up his part in the series so much that it seems to be more of a JLA origin show than a Superman origin show. I guess THIS episode probably isn't the one to complain about that aspect of the show, though, is it? hyper HE'S BACK!!) it's possible they wouldn't have made it.

Once more Clark's future is predicted to not have an end. I guess he's gotten a bit more used to the idea that he'll outlive all his family and friends. Anyway, it's always good to hear that one is the hope for this next generation. I loved that Dr. Fate said that Lois's part is essential in HIS (as in Clark's) future. That she is necessary for him to reach his full potential. dance At least, SOMEBODY understands this.

LnC References in this episode: Lois and Clark arguing about their partnership, whether or not they should be partners (being that Clark is always failing to show up):

CLARK: I want us to be Clark and Lois...

LOIS: You mean Lois and Clark.

Can't miss THAT direct reference to our beloved show.

Secondly, was the indirect reference to the soul mates' curse. I don't know if Hawkman's origin story included that previously, but he mentioned that he and Hawkgirl were cursed 1000 years before to fall in love and watch the other die tragically in every lifetime (sounds familiar). Is he also cursed to know about the curse and his previous lives? Sounds like it. frown

When Dean Cain guest starred on the show (in S7?), he played character with a similar curse. Born in the age of cavemen was cursed to be immortal and watch all those he loves die as he lived on. This is an actual DC canon character (villain, whose name I've forgotten), I've seen on "Batman: Brave and Bold" animated series, but shown on Smallville with more sympathetically with more heart. It starting to sound as if curse is DC comics canon, so maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on LnC for the Soul Mates's episode (then, again, it could of originated with the LnC show).

I like that the JLA, or as Clark calls them the WIP, is able to get the old JSA to suit up again for the good of Metropolis and to take down the Icicle. I'm not quite sure what Hawkman's problem with Oliver is, but I think it has to do with the fact that Oliver has been cavalier about his duties and life (take 'em or leave 'em) this season. It's hard to feel sorry for the poor little rich boy. Hawkman doesn't believe Oliver has what it takes to lead the team forward. Maybe Hawkman sees too much of his own failings within Green Arrow and is afraid that he will go down his own path to ruin. Hawkman's own fall from grace was when he started killing in the name of justice, which ended up blurring the line between good and evil.

It was sad that Dr. Fate was relegated into the world of the insane by his family even though they knew the truth. dizzy

Needless to say, I'm glad the WIP (JLA) has some much needed backup in Hawkman, Stargirl, and the Martian Manhunter. They'll need it when they fight Zod.
S9, E11 - "Absolute Justice" - This was a fun episode, even if Lois didn't show up until half way through it. grumble
I love this episode. I love any episode that hints at the wider DC universe ... and this one is much more than just a 'hint'.

LnC References in this episode
I love the LnC references. Especially the one you point out ... putting Lois before Clark!!!!

I can't see any good coming from Lois's article outing all the members of the JSA, especially since some of them (Hawkman) are still alive and well in the city. Nor does it bode well for The Blur trusting her with his secret, if her first instinct is to tell the world. I mean, this goes against what she argued in Idol about how important it was for The Blur to remain anonymous. It goes against her deciding not to out Oliver as the Green Arrow. Doesn't she see the parallels? I'm not seeing how Dr. Fate see someone who would do this to his team as "the unifying force, which will bring us together". dizzy
I didn't see it that she was 'outing' them. She was correcting the fact that they'd all been falsely accused of crimes years ago. And Clark seemed to agree that it was all a good idea, to let the world know about these heroes.

Yeah, it's not 100% logical. Both Lois and Clark have different viewpoints to this when it comes to the Blur ... *shrugs* but the Blur is a subject a little closer to home for both of them too.

I was also very happy that John Jones was returned to full power. We get to see him again. We also get to see Hawkman again... and there's more sarcastic banter between him and Ollie. It's great.
Every ep with Lois in it develops her relationship with Clark in some way -- or, at the very least, develops her understanding of what it is to be in a 'super' relationship.

Just to prove that the relationship arc is there all the way through, below has spoilers up to where we are in Season 9 --

Season 4 -- The first two eps are key, as there is great chemistry and banter between them.

'Krypto' is probably the first real bonding ep, when Lois hits a dog and they adopt him.

Season 5 -- 'Aqua' is where we meet AC (Aquaman) and we see Clark jealous or at least over-protective of Lois.

'Exposed' -- we realize the sexual attraction Clark has for Lois, and we see how far he is willing to go to save her.

Season 6 -- 'Arrow' Clark realizes something is special with his attraction to Lois when he kisses her as Green Arrow. Lois does too, though she doesn't know who kissed her.

'Crimson' First red K ep with Lois. Lots of little intimate moments that make you wonder -- Lois even asks it -- 'is this for real?', about their attraction for one another.

Season 7 'Siren' -- Lois wonders if there will ever be someone for her. She can't see how she can be with a hero, as she doesn't want to be left behind. Clark comforts her at the end of this ep, seeing a vulnerability in her.

'Arctic' Lana leaves Clark (again). Lois sees HIS vulnerability and she comforts him. Also, suggests he applies at the Planet.

Then we really start rolling...

Season 8 'Odyssey' reestablishes their bantering relationship. Clark takes up her idea to work at DP. Excellent acting on ED's part. We see her anxiety, excitement, and trepidation over the prospect.

'Plastique' Typical LL, showing CK the ropes. He follows her around like a puppy in some instances. [Wink]

'Instinct' puts in both their faces the fact that they are attracted to each other, and that they might even be destined for each other.

'Committed' Lois is forced to confess her true feelings for Clark.

'Identity' one of the Deus ex machina eps. Lois learns the secret, and Clark remains with the knowledge of how well she took it and stood by him.

'Bride' Lois' feelings for Clark come to the fore.
Clark starts to look at Lois a little differently as well.

'Hex' Clark starts to see his own feelings for Lois, thanks to Chloe pointing it out.

'Stiletto' Clark shows more feelings for Lois as the Blur. Lois chases the Blur, and when Clark gets 'hurt' her true feelings for Clark show.

'Doomsday' more Lois/Blur relationship... but Clark at the end looks devastated when he tells Chloe that he can't find Lois.

Season 9 'Savior' Lois has memories of the future with Clark, though she doesn't know what they are about. However, she misses Clark -- Clark can't focus on his studies with Jor-El once Lois returns.

'Metallo' Lois/Blur development... but at the end, great Clois when Lois tells Clark how she helped the Blur. He looks at her admiringly.

'Rabid' All the Clois scenes here are great...and develop their closeness, I think.

'Echo' Clark is certain of Lois' feelings for him, and we see Lois obviously cares for Clark.

'Crossfire' Clark is willing to do anything to make up for blowing their first date. And they finally kiss.

So, I listed it all out... I think there are lots of moments that build the relationship. There are lots of looks and good acting all through seasons 4-7 between Lois and Clark that I also think build their feelings. I listed the highlighted eps from those, and the important ones from Season 8-9, up to where we are... Could there be more? Sure. But that is what fan fic is for, I suppose. [Smile]
Thanks, Mozartmaid, for laying this out for me. I'll definitely have to review episodes and reassess how I feel about the "Smallville" Lois/Clark relationship. I appreciate the info.
S9, E11 - "Absolute Justice"
Ooh, absolute Justice. That's a fun set of episodes. smile

Without the help of The Blur, Green Arrow, and J'onn Jones ( hyper HE'S BACK!!) it's possible they wouldn't have made it.
I love that we got to see a brief flash of his true form. That was awesome!

When Dean Cain guest starred on the show (in S7?), he played character with a similar curse. Born in the age of cavemen was cursed to be immortal and watch all those he loves die as he lived on. This is an actual DC canon character (villain, whose name I've forgotten)
The character's name is Vandal Savage. And yes, he was in S7. Episode 4 Cure.

I don't like Lois's new source, Agent Walker, was it?
It's Waller.

One of the little moments in the double episode that I love that wasn't mentioned is the expression on Chloe's face when she sees the outdated computer at the JSA headquaters. That was an amusing little moment. :p
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Once more Clark's future is predicted to not have an end. I guess he's gotten a bit more used to the idea that he'll outlive all his family and friends.
I don't like the idea of Superman being immortal. It would be a very lonely existence. frown In the comics, after Superman came back from the dead, it was stated that he is mortal.


I can't see Superman having motivation to keep being a hero if he were fated to see all his loved ones dying while he lives forever. An immortal being most likely would turn into a villain like Vandal Savage due the pain from all his losses . clap
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/24/14 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b] Once more Clark's future is predicted to not have an end. I guess he's gotten a bit more used to the idea that he'll outlive all his family and friends.
I don't like the idea of Superman being immortal. It would be a very lonely existence. frown In the comics, after Superman came back from the dead, it was stated that he is mortal. [/b]
I don't like the idea of Superman being immortal, either. He's not a god, and I don't like it when he's treated as one.

I can't see Superman having motivation to keep being a hero if he were fated to see all his loved ones dying while he lives forever. An immortal being most likely would turn into a villain like Vandal Savage due the pain from all his losses .
I guess that's why it was the perfect role for Dean to play on Smallville. An metaphor to the dangers of being Superman forever. peep
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/27/14 07:04 AM
S9, E12 - "Warrior" - I've got to say, I love, Love, LOVED this episode. It was so much fun!

Lois and Clark cover a comic-con! lol The idea of a kid reading a comic book and actually becoming the hero within is very unique and creative. clap And, then, to have Chloe think she was actually on a date with the kid, instead of just hanging out having fun. rotflol

What in the world was Lois thinking, showing up to a comic-con wearing a storm trouper outfit? lol Hilarious! I'm glad she had Clark go pick up her old WW costume, which funnily enough had JUST come back from the cleaners, even though she hadn't worn it, in what, 2 years! I loved Clark going through Lois's closet and it was full of all her old "costumes" used undercover. Then Lois changing the Men's room after complaining about the long line at the women's room (only there being just as long of a line for the men's room, I wonder if that was because of her), and Clark's jaw drops as she exits. Had he forgotten her wearing that costume before? Clearly, he likey. All the guys in line turn and watch her, as she and Clark walk on, when before as the storm trouper they wouldn't even talk to her. The sight gags were wonderful in this episode.

I wondered if Clark was going to dress up, but then again, I guess it was an inside joke that Clark going as Clark to the Comic-Con is him ACTUALLY WEARING A COSTUME. All that was missing were his glasses. smile

I liked the kid as a hero. He reminded me a bit of Shazam! Maybe they'll bring him back as that hero. The whole kid learning how to be a hero, and Chloe introducing herself as someone who "works in the superhero field", was just gold. Maybe from now on, Chloe will be a will more wary about outing herself as someone who knows heroes.

I was a little confused on the whole one comic no one had read before, because I thought Lex Luthor had a complete collection. He definitely would have read it (collector's edition or not). Also, on the subject of Lex Luthor, wasn't it Dr. Fate in "Absolute Justice", who mentioned that Clark would defeat Lex, implying that Lex wasn't quite dead. Golly gee, really! I didn't know that Lex could come back from the dead... except that he's known for doing that on LnC. Is that a comics thing, too?

The one aspect I didn't quite like about this episode was Lois and Clark doing separate investigations. Clark choosing to go off with Zatanna, instead of Lois, had to be irritating for her, but it showed that Lois trusts her man and that he's HER man. Zatanna putting a spell on Clark to make him kiss her. razz I'm glad he was able to break the spell fairly quickly, but still... I much prefer her casting spells on Batman in JLU (no, wait, I guess he sung that song for Wonder Pig on his own). At least, Clark felt guilty about it and confessed to Lois, who -- of course -- could see through his guilt and know he had been naughty. Clark, at least, knows now that he doesn't want anyone else but Lois. Well, DUH!

All in all, a good and cute episode. clap I'm sure I'm forgetting something important in this review, but if I can sneak in another viewing of it tomorrow, I'll do so.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E12 - "Warrior" - I've got to say, I love, Love, LOVED this episode. It was so much fun!
Yay! You watched Warrior! I've been waiting for you to get to this one! smile I agree that Warrior is a fun episode.

You mentioned a lot of the great stuff from the episode in your review. smile There's a scene not mentioned in your review that I really, really love. That's the final scene with Chloe and Oliver at Watchtower where Oliver is showing Chloe how to shoot his bow. I love everything about that scene. hyper
Yay. Glad you love Warrior. There's so many people out there that hate it. Same as ... oh, you've not got to that yet.
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Yay. Glad you love Warrior. There's so many people out there that hate it. Same as ... oh, you've not got to that yet.
I have a thought as to what you are referring to and if I'm right I love that episode too. I know a lot of people didn't like the episode I'm thinking of, but I really enjoyed it.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 04/28/14 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
Yay! You watched Warrior! I've been waiting for you to get to this one! smile I agree that Warrior is a fun episode.

You mentioned a lot of the great stuff from the episode in your review. smile There's a scene not mentioned in your review that I really, really love. That's the final scene with Chloe and Oliver at Watchtower where Oliver is showing Chloe how to shoot his bow. I love everything about that scene. hyper
Oh, yeah. That's a great scene. It seemed as if they were setting up Chloe and Oliver, except for Oliver's emails to Canary which he told Chloe to ignore (I think back when the Wonder Twins were in town), then again they never got together in the future that wasn't in Pandora. I'll have to wait and see what's up with them.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 05:33 AM
Lots of people HATED "Warrior"? Why? Because Clark is a lunkhead and kissed another woman? I could see that, as long as this was a one and only time he does this to Lois, I'll forgive him. I doubt she'll allow a second time. He did come clean with Lois though, and Zantanna did have him under her spell, the vixen! But the rest of the episode is so rotflol .

S9, E13 - "Persuasion" - Oh, no! Clark, what have you done now? (This line works for the following episode "Conspiracy", too). Clark learns (or not) that he can be very persuasive (i.e. hypnotize people) when exposed to Kryptonite dust. My question is what kind of kryptonite dust is that?? It looked white to me. White kryptonite? Clear crystal kryptonite? Has he been exposed to that before? There's the green kind, and the red kind, and the blue kind.... hmmmm.

Oh, Clark. wallbash Why did you not suspect something earlier when Lois went all June Cleaver on you? LUNKHEAD! Duh! You just had seen Emil acting all "What's up, dude?" and you didn't think Lois was acting strange? Chloe... well, he may have hypnotized her but into doing what she was already doing. AND she unmasked that Tess has been very, very naughty. Interesting that Clark tries to use this power to hypnotize Zod into telling him who killed Jor-El, but instead somehow hypnotizes himself into being a whackjob! Did Tess kill Jor-el? No. Has she killed other people on far less motive? Um... yes. Liking her less and less.

Lois dancing around the Kent farm house in Martha's wedding dress, because she took Clark's words as a proposal (which clearly they weren't, but just a way to keep her calm until she snapped out of it) was hilarious. Her calling everyone and telling them that she and Clark were engaged was also seriously embarrassing... in a very Revenge sort of way. I loved that even though she went all traditional homebody on Clark, she still was Lois underneath... charbroiling the pot roast into a brick.

I'm so surprised that the RAO tower was going up so quickly and was about to have it's grand opening, so dance for Clark setting it on fire and burning it down! It's what it deserved. (I have to admit it was over a week ago when I watched this episode, so I'm not sure on all of the details.) So, the woman who killed Jor-El is outed and it's the Ninja Assassin who lied to Clark about his father's watch after following Lois into the past.

She's now dead, so how is it possible for her to have followed Lois into the past? Come on, people. If you're going to do time-travel stories, you've got to not leave big ol' gaping holes like that! Did they open a portal to another dimension with the whole time-jump? That's the only way to clear this up. That would mean that the Lois who time jumped back into this time stream is actually from another time stream, which means... There's another Lois out there we're going to come across? dizzy I want to say that's the only logical solution, but I keep forgetting that this is a weekly TV show and LOGIC isn't its middle name. Plot holes come and go on a weekly basis.

On the plus side, she isn't around to kill Chloe anymore.

Except for all the annoying New Kandorian (gee, that name sounds SO close to New Kryptonian that one might think they stole it from LnC) plot lines, she was a very fun episode! Lois was a riot. B-Plot WINS over A-Plot, AGAIN! Shouldn't this have told the producers something?
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Clark learns (or not) that he can be very persuasive (i.e. hypnotize people) when exposed to Kryptonite dust. My question is what kind of kryptonite dust is that?? It looked white to me. White kryptonite? Clear crystal kryptonite? Has he been exposed to that before? There's the green kind, and the red kind, and the blue kind.... hmmmm.
It's called Gemstone Kryptonite and it's unique to Smallville.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I want to say that's the only logical solution, but I keep forgetting that this is a weekly TV show and LOGIC isn't its middle name. Plot holes come and go on a weekly basis.
When watching Smallville we can't expect logic. The whole red sun made no logic, either. In the red sun future Clark had no powers, but the Kandorians did. Why? Under a red sun all Kryptonians should be normal. And when the ninja assassin came back to the past, she was under yellow sun and kept her powers. But at the same time her past self doesn't have powers under the yellow sun. Confuse. crazy

Maybe it was because Smallville's main audience were teenagers. So, they were not too worried about logic, continuation and plot holes. We can see it by Smallville fanfic. It's too hard to find good Smallville fanfic. I've searched for good fics about season 8 and forward, but it's almost non existent. Most is bad written, lacks deepness and plot, and a big part was never finished. frown It leads to conclude that the audience were not too intense in details, consistence, logic, characterization and new ideas. Come on, everything was consequence of Kryptonite. Smallville had an unlimited supply of it. They had 1001 forms of Kryptonite in all colors, shapes and presentations: rock, liquid, gas, powder and so on. Magical kryptonite dust giving Clark powers to hypnotize... yeah, right. [Linked Image]

Apart from the silly A-plot it was a fun episode. LOL at Lois's dance. rotflol Clark telling Lois that he wants a traditional relationship was sweet. And when he tells Lois that they will be together forever, he seems to realize that this is what he really wants. He doesn't let her go, even if she isn't in her right mind. And when he tells her "Lois, you are home"... </me melts> [Linked Image]

Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Maybe it was because Smallville's main audience were teenagers. So, they were not too worried about logic, continuation and plot holes. We can see it by Smallville fanfic. It's too hard to find good Smallville fanfic. I've searched for good fics about season 8 and forward, but it's almost non existent. Most is bad written, lacks deepness and plot, and a big part was never finished. frown It leads to conclude that the audience were not too intense in details, consistence, logic, characterization and new ideas. Come on, everything was consequence of Kryptonite.

Exactly. I was SO disappointed when I first started wanting to read Smallville fanfic -- and why I started writing my own. I have come across a few good fics, but they are way too few and far between... We are very spoiled on these boards. wink

But I think you hit the nail on the head -- the audience tended to be younger...and that is probably why the writers could get away with inconsistencies. Sometimes, though, I wish the actors would have tried to fix them... the one that always irks me is Lois has a line at the beginning of Stiletto about Green Arrow being hard to pin down identity-wise, and she had known who he was since Season 7! Really? Erica didn't catch that and try to get them to change it?

And Kryptonite was seriously the cause of everything -- and made for convenient Deus ex machina plots.

*sigh* But what makes Smallville worth watching is the Clois. There are some AMAZING scenes and dialogue that get me every time. When it's done well, it's great.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Clark learns (or not) that he can be very persuasive (i.e. hypnotize people) when exposed to Kryptonite dust. My question is what kind of kryptonite dust is that?? It looked white to me. White kryptonite? Clear crystal kryptonite? Has he been exposed to that before? There's the green kind, and the red kind, and the blue kind.... hmmmm.
It's called Gemstone Kryptonite and it's unique to Smallville.
Gee, really? That's a surprise. [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
When watching Smallville we can't expect logic. The whole red sun made no logic, either. In the red sun future Clark had no powers, but the Kandorians did. Why? Under a red sun all Kryptonians should be normal. And when the ninja assassin came back to the past, she was under yellow sun and kept her powers. But at the same time her past self doesn't have powers under the yellow sun. Confuse. crazy
Yeah, I was wondering about this. It seems kind of backwards, but I think it was supposed to be because Jor-El had exposed their blood to Blue Kryptonite removing the possibility for powers under a yellow sun. I believe the implication was that with a red sun they would have them, but wouldn't that also imply that with a red sun the humans would have powers as well? (That would be a fun plot untwist of S9.) Only thing is, THE KANDORIANS DIDN'T HAVE ANY POWERS ON KRYPTON! So why moan and bitch about not having them on Earth? It just makes them seem like a bunch of whiny cry-babies. They assume (apparently correctly according to Pandora) that the Blue Kryptonite crystal reverses the effects of the red or yellow sun on Kryptonian. If this is true, though, why didn't the Kryptonians USE IT ON KRYPTON to give themselves powers, while they were fighting that war in which Kandor was destroyed or to save themselves from their doomed planet? huh

And they don't really turn our sun red, they just change the powers of the yellow sun by polluting the atmosphere to imitate a red sun.

Maybe it was because Smallville's main audience were teenagers. So, they were not too worried about logic, continuation and plot holes.
Hollywood is famous for underestimating the intelligence of its audience.

We can see it by Smallville fanfic. It's too hard to find good Smallville fanfic. I've searched for good fics about season 8 and forward, but it's almost non existent. Most is bad written, lacks deepness and plot, and a big part was never finished. frown It leads to conclude that the audience were not too intense in details, consistence, logic, characterization and new ideas. Come on, everything was consequence of Kryptonite. Smallville had an unlimited supply of it. They had 1001 forms of Kryptonite in all colors, shapes and presentations: rock, liquid, gas, powder and so on. Magical kryptonite dust giving Clark powers to hypnotize... yeah, right. [Linked Image]
Sounds like Smallville FanFic writers were written into a corner with the whole Kandorian plot... A good writer can bi-pass (and sometimes mock [Linked Image]) the awful things someone else has written and make it better (for example, all the good Deadly Chakram has done with New Kryptonian plots. There are also probably others who have as well, but NK-heavy plots aren't up there on my want-to-read list.).

I've read several of KatherineKent's Smallville fics that she's posted on the "Superman In Other Canon" forum and I've really enjoyed them. True, most of them were either set early or alt-universe, but it *is* possible. I've started IolantheAlias's Perry White epic but I had to put it on pause while I finish catching up on the episodes so I'm not spoiled, but so far so thumbsup I'm looking forward to reading MozartMaid's take on Pandora and S9, once I finish this season. (Do I need to worry about S10 spoilers, Mozartmaid?)

Apart from the silly A-plot it was a fun episode. LOL at Lois's dance. rotflol Clark telling Lois that he wants a traditional relationship was sweet. And when he tells Lois that they will be together forever, he seems to realize that this is what he really wants. He doesn't let her go, even if she isn't in her right mind. And when he tells her "Lois, you are home"... </me melts> [Linked Image]
Yes, have to agree with you there. /love your smilies./
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
But I think you hit the nail on the head -- the audience tended to be younger...and that is probably why the writers could get away with inconsistencies. Sometimes, though, I wish the actors would have tried to fix them... the one that always irks me is Lois has a line at the beginning of Stiletto about Green Arrow being hard to pin down identity-wise, and she had known who he was since Season 7! Really? Erica didn't catch that and try to get them to change it?
Wasn't she speaking to someone who either didn't know Oliver's secret or that she knew that OQ=GA? So, she was trying to keep his secret identity secret.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Wasn't she speaking to someone who either didn't know Oliver's secret or that she knew that OQ=GA? So, she was trying to keep his secret identity secret.
She was talking to Chloe... and there wasn't an onscreen moment up to that point where they acknowledged that bit of info together, that I recall. In the Season 7 ep, Chloe and Clark are in the room with her as she tries to 'hide' the fact that Ollie's Green Arrow gear is hanging out for all the world to see -- but, still. It just felt a bit awkward...

I'm looking forward to reading MozartMaid's take on Pandora and S9, once I finish this season. (Do I need to worry about S10 spoilers, Mozartmaid?)
Here's a mini guide for my fics, as far as spoilers. Some you can already read. wink

Kiss and Run is safe, as it only goes as far as Pandora.

All my Smallville fic is listed below, and the only thing hidden in the spoilers is up to which ep you need to see to read the fic. Just in case that's considered too much info. wink

But no plot lines are revealed.

Hidden Consequences covers Season 9 - Season 10's Ambush (ep 3, I think)

Hidden Threats you need to see up to Patriot (around ep 9, I think) in Season 10.

Light in the Shadows goes from Stiletto to Doomsday, and is the prequel to Blurring the Lines
which you can read after seeing up to Homecoming (ep 4, I think) in Season 10.

You can also read Return to Smallville when you get to the season finale of Season 9.

The last one to read is A Hero's Wife. Based on the episode Dominion towards the end of Season 10.

I hope you do read my fic when you get to the appropriate eps! Let me know what you think!

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
She was talking to Chloe... and there wasn't an onscreen moment up to that point where they acknowledged that bit of info together, that I recall. In the Season 7 ep, Chloe and Clark are in the room with her as she tries to 'hide' the fact that Ollie's Green Arrow gear is hanging out for all the world to see -- but, still. It just felt a bit awkward...
But I don't think Lois knows that Chloe knows about Oliver, despite this. You know Lois and her rose opaque glasses.[Linked Image]

Here's a mini guide for my fics as far as spoilers. Some you can already read. wink

Hidden Consequences covers Season 9 - Season 10's Ambush (ep 3, I think)

Hidden Threats you need to see up to Patriot (around ep 9, I think) in Season 10.

Kiss and Run is safe, as it only goes as far as Pandora.

Light in the Shadows goes from Stiletto to Doomsday, and is the prequel to Blurring the Lines which you can read after seeing up to Homecoming (ep 4, I think) in Season 10.

You can also read Return to Smallville when you get to the season finale of Season 9.

The last one to read is A Hero's Wife. Based on the episode, Dominion towards the end of Season 10.

I hope you do read my fic when you get to the appropriate eps! Let me know what you think!
So, THIS is where you disappeared to. lol You've been very busy. Thanks for the breakdown.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 06:11 PM
You are too fast, Virginia! I tried to go back and cover the eps with spoilers... just in case it was TMI, which I guess it wasn't.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
So, THIS is where you disappeared to. lol You've been very busy. Thanks for the breakdown.
peep Yep...

And you're welcome! wink
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E13 - "Persuasion" Did Tess kill Jor-el? No. Has she killed other people on far less motive? Um... yes. Liking her less and less.
Let's just say she's... complicated, but gets more interesting in Season 10.

Lois dancing around the Kent farm house in Martha's wedding dress, because she took Clark's words as a proposal (which clearly they weren't, but just a way to keep her calm until she snapped out of it) was hilarious. Her calling everyone and telling them that she and Clark were engaged was also seriously embarrassing... in a very Revenge sort of way. I loved that even though she went all traditional homebody on Clark, she still was Lois underneath... charbroiling the pot roast into a brick.
YES!!! So fun! And SO Lois!! clap

That would mean that the Lois who time jumped back into this time stream is actually from another time stream, which means... There's another Lois out there we're going to come across? dizzy
With all your many Loises and Clarks in the LnC world, I have a feeling you might eventually have a fic for Smallville... whistle

Except for all the annoying New Kandorian (gee, that name sounds SO close to New Kryptonian that one might think they stole it from LnC) plot lines
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...

was a very fun episode! Lois was a riot. B-Plot WINS over A-Plot, AGAIN! Shouldn't this have told the producers something?
Yes, you would think so! wink
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
*sigh* But what makes Smallville worth watching is the Clois. There are some AMAZING scenes and dialogue that get me every time. When it's done well, it's great.
Yes, I watch Smallville just for Clois. love Your fics are being my salvation. clap The few good fics I found were not finished. I think I just found one good complete story beside yours. cry For somebody interested it's En Tempus Veritas by Bree.

Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...
Kandor was a Kryptonian city that was stolen and miniaturized by Brainiac before the destruction of the planet. Later, Superman recovered the city and kept it at the Fortress in a bottle crazy until he finds a way to restore its size. I have to say the Smallville version would make more sense (if it was just their DNA that was kept in a capsule). But Kandor was literally a bottled city.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Except for all the annoying New Kandorian (gee, that name sounds SO close to New Kryptonian that one might think they stole it from LnC) plot lines
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...
Ultra Woman Andreia filled you in on the Kandorian details, but I meant more the use of "Kandor" as opposed to another or original name not starting with K. The New Kryptonians, The New Kandorians. Too similar, IMO.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Your fics are being my salvation. clap The few good fics I found were not finished. I think I just found one good complete story beside yours. cry For somebody interested it's En Tempus Veritas by Bree.
Thanks blush I'm glad you enjoy them! And yes, Bree is one of the few good Smallville writers out there. I've read that fic as well -- really well-written!
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...
Kandor was a Kryptonian city that was stolen and miniaturized by Brainiac before the destruction of the planet. Later, Superman recovered the city and kept it at the Fortress in a bottle crazy until he finds a way to restore its size. I have to say the Smallville version would make more sense (if it was just their DNA that was kept in a capsule). But Kandor was literally a bottled city.
[Linked Image]
Thanks for clearing that up! thumbsup I thought it was based on something from the comics.
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Yes, I watch Smallville just for Clois. love Your fics are being my salvation. clap The few good fics I found were not finished. I think I just found one good complete story beside yours. cry For somebody interested it's En Tempus Veritas by Bree.

That is a very famous fic in the Smallville FanFic world. It's very good. Where were you looking for Smallville FanFic? I agree that there's a lot of simple/childish/unpolished fics out there, but there are also reasonable writers. The thing is, it's a while since I was really reading it and I've forgotten names of the good ones, and they are not easy to find in the midst of all the bad ones.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I've read several of KatherineKent's Smallville fics that she's posted on the "Superman In Other Canon" forum and I've really enjoyed them. True, most of them were either set early or alt-universe, but it *is* possible.

I have avoided posting many of my SV fics due, most particularly, to you only being on S5 when I joined these boards. Although ... now you are in S9 I'm actually free to post a few of my longer ones ... hmmm. What would you say to a fic called 'Band of Blue' or maybe 'Mr Right or Mr 'Right Now''

Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...

Depends on what era you are reading the comics. Kandor is indeed a bottled city in most versions. Sometimes it is directly from Krypton, making it a Kryptonian City - usually the capitol, or 2nd city. At one point it was a random city that was being populated by 'special' people from different worlds the whole galaxy over, whom the 'owner' wished to collect. He tried to miniaturise Superman into this Kandor at one point.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I've read several of KatherineKent's Smallville fics that she's posted on the "Superman In Other Canon" forum and I've really enjoyed them. True, most of them were either set early or alt-universe, but it *is* possible.

I have avoided posting many of my SV fics due, most particularly, to you only being on S5 when I joined these boards. Although ... now you are in S9 I'm actually free to post a few of my longer ones ... hmmm. What would you say to a fic called 'Band of Blue' or maybe 'Mr Right or Mr 'Right Now''
Post them!! hyper I missed them on the first go around on the ksite boards, but promise to read them if you post them here! wink
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I think Kandor is Superman canon. I'm not a comic book expert, but I'm pretty sure that Kandor was a bottled city that Superman rescued from Krypton. But I'm fuzzy on the details...

Depends on what era you are reading the comics. Kandor is indeed a bottled city in most versions. Sometimes it is directly from Krypton, making it a Kryptonian City - usually the capitol, or 2nd city. At one point it was a random city that was being populated by 'special' people from different worlds the whole galaxy over, whom the 'owner' wished to collect. He tried to miniaturise Superman into this Kandor at one point.
Wow... there is so much in the comics that I missed... by the way. I just ordered Superman: For Tomorrow. laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/02/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I've read several of KatherineKent's Smallville fics that she's posted on the "Superman In Other Canon" forum and I've really enjoyed them. True, most of them were either set early or alt-universe, but it *is* possible.
I have avoided posting many of my SV fics due, most particularly, to you only being on S5 when I joined these boards. Although ... now you are in S9 I'm actually free to post a few of my longer ones ... hmmm. What would you say to a fic called 'Band of Blue' or maybe 'Mr Right or Mr 'Right Now''
I'm with MozartMaid. Please post here. jump
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/03/14 06:15 AM
S9, E14 - "Conspiracy" - Let's see, how did that go again? CLARK! You, lunkhead! What's wrong with you?????? Is he trying to prove that Lois is the brains of their partnership? Okay, back to the beginning of this episode.

We learn that it wasn't just Zod's unit and Jor-El whose blood was donated to the cloning project, but also some other people from Kandor (I guess this explains why they keep calling themselves Kandorians instead of Kryptonians. [Linked Image] ) So, someone's sister has been brought back (too many minor characters to remember all of their names). Anyway, Clark (via Chloe) has gotten her a new identity, and she's working in a bookshop and *LOVING* it! And why wouldn't she? It's a much less stressful job than what she had with the Kadorians: biological testing of the human via torture. Well, I guess we found the group who made Metallo. [Linked Image] Tess must have been right all along.

Anyway, this nice sweet bookshop owner is kidnapped by a crazy man who looks like an extra from the Hell Raiser films. (That and he also kind of looks like the actor who played the Hawkman out of his uniform. I was a little confused by that, because that's who I thought it was at first and I kept thinking WTF! Hawkman's gone psycho!) Turns out to be another guy though. Some dead body who the nice Kandorians reanimated (i.e. brought back to life). Gee, it's almost attack of the Zombies part II. His lair was pretty creepy and freaky though.

So, this crazy guy kidnaps Lois away from her almost date with Clark who once again was too busy to show... losing all the points there, Clarkie boy. He chains Lois to a keyboard and tells her to write up his these aliens kidnapped me and brought me back to life to do experiments on me story. Lois, understandably, thinks he's delusional psycho, because he's psycho. (The differences between the two aren't that big.)

Meanwhile, Clark is searching unsuccessfully for the missing Kandorian. Zod does his own research, using the DP (good way to not use your noggin there, Smallville) and finds the crazy man's letters to Lois. Interesting thing here, Lois never received any of these letters. Someone (in the mailroom?) filed them away without letting Lois decide whether or not it was a story worth investigating. Perhaps he should have hand delivered his crazy message to her like Dr. Platt.

I find it funny that Zod impersonates a reporter by borrowing someone's glasses and press-pass and is automatically assumed to be a reporter. Maybe if Clark started to wear HIS glasses, he would actually remember to use his brain sometimes. [Linked Image] Zod finds Lois, tells her he's FBI, and starts to free her when the psycho walks in and shoots Zod, recognizing him as a bad Kandorian guy by his dogtags. Really? People? Really? Isn't there a better way to show family pride without alarming the nuts you've tortured out there? (I noticed in the next episode that Zod actually sports his crest on his back in a huge tattoo* as well. Overkill, much?)

As the true heroine that Lois is, she comforts Zod and tries to make him feel better until Clark arrives and saves the day. First order of the day, zipping Lois away so that she doesn't figure out his secret. Really, Clark? THAT's your priority, here? Crazy nut accidentally and conveniently electrocutes himself after seeing Clark's Blur side. Clark frees the crazy guy's kidnap victim and then warms her up using a blanket. Apparently, he hasn't learned the full array of uses for his heat vision. Either that, or the writers thought it felt too intimate, being that she's only wearing her underwear.

Zod dies from his wounds after begging Clark not to take him to the hospital. Instead of telling Zod "Hey, no. They can't tell you're an alien by your blood. I've been in the hospital a dozen times in the last 9 years alone and they've never figured it out." Nor after Zod dies does Clark say to himself, "Oh, dear. I guess I couldn't save him like Dad asked. Win some. Lose some. At least, I didn't kill him myself, crazy nutso guy did." Lunkhead gives him ONE drop of his own blood. Uh-oh. Somebody has bonded with the bad guys! [Linked Image]

Why this was such a lunkheaded decision, if Smallville ever made one:
1) Zod recovers.
2) Zod gets Clark's powers.
3) Zod now knows there's something that will hurt Clark enough to make him bleed, so he can be killed.
4) Zod now knows how to empower his troops without the red sun RAO tower, by giving them one drop of his own blood (or better yet, Clark's).

Sometimes, Clark, it's better to let dead bad guys stay dead. Haven't you learned anything about the psycho crazy nutso guy? If you bring someone back to life, they WILL try to kill you for it.

Somehow the crazy Chess people have stolen Lois's notes. If I were her, I wouldn't leave anything of importance in my desk at work.

* Total Aside Question: If you've got super healing powers, ala Clark, if you get a tattoo when your vulnerable, wouldn't it somehow "heal" it away?
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/03/14 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E14 - "Conspiracy"

Lois, understandably, thinks he's delusional psycho, because he's psycho. (The differences between the two aren't that big.)
The thing is, though, he isn't delusional. I thought this episode was interesting because it shows how the Kandorians ARE a bit freaky... and makes you wonder, how would we as humans react to discovering aliens on our planet. Not all are going to be Clark Kents, alas...

Interesting thing here, Lois never received any of these letters. Someone (in the mailroom?) filed them away without letting Lois decide whether or not it was a story worth investigating. Perhaps he should have hand delivered his crazy message to her like Dr. Platt.
I think at this point Lois has pretty high status as a reporter at the DP. I imagine they would have a pre-sorting system with someone determining which letters are from stalkers or whack-jobs... still, Lois should have at least been informed about them.

I find it funny that Zod impersonates a reporter by borrowing someone's glasses and press-pass and is automatically assumed to be a reporter. Maybe if Clark started to wear HIS glasses, he would actually remember to use his brain sometimes.
Yeah, the glasses gag doesn't quite work in this world since Clark isn't wearing glasses. It sort of breaks the fourth wall because we all know CK=glasses=reporter.

Zod finds Lois, tells her he's FBI, and starts to free her when the psycho walks in and shoots Zod, recognizing him as a bad Kandorian guy by his dogtags.
I also don't like the dogtags in general. I thought it was a really cheap way to identify the Kandorians. Shouldn't they be sporting something a little more... alien?

(I noticed in the next episode that Zod actually sports his crest on his back in a huge tattoo* as well. Overkill, much?)
Yeah, I agree, it is a bit much...

First order of the day, zipping Lois away so that she doesn't figure out his secret. Really, Clark? THAT's your priority, here?
Yeah, I got sick of Lois ALWAYS getting knocked out when Clark comes to save the day. In a few eps they are a bit more creative about it -- but then it just seemed like a plot device. Lois has to get gonked on the head if Clark shows up. She must have had some serious concussions over the years...

Apparently, he hasn't learned the full array of uses for his heat vision. Either that, or the writers thought it felt too intimate, being that she's only wearing her underwear.
Could be... it's been a while since I've watched this ep. Wasn't there green K in the room as well?

Instead of telling Zod "Hey, no. They can't tell you're an alien by your blood. I've been in the hospital a dozen times in the last 9 years alone and they've never figured it out."
LOL wink

Lunkhead gives him ONE drop of his own blood. Uh-oh. Somebody has bonded with the bad guys! [Linked Image]

Why this was such a lunkheaded decision, if Smallville ever made one:
1) Zod recovers.
2) Zod gets Clark's powers.
3) Zod now knows there's something that will hurt Clark enough to make him bleed, so he can be killed.
4) Zod now knows how to empower his troops without the red sun RAO tower, by giving them one drop of his own blood (or better yet, Clark's).

Sometimes, Clark, it's better to let dead bad guys stay dead. Haven't you learned anything about the psycho crazy nutso guy? If you bring someone back to life, they WILL try to kill you for it.
Yeah, that has got to be one of the most stupid moves on Clark's part. Yet, he couldn't let him die (unless you are getting advice from Jonathan Kent from Man of Steel... let's just not go there...)

Somehow the crazy Chess people have stolen Lois's notes. If I were her, I wouldn't leave anything of importance in my desk at work.
LOL, 'crazy Chess people.' Both her and Clark tend to leave things in their drawers at work that they really shouldn't. Ahem... like the Legion ring, for example.

* Total Aside Question: If you've got super healing powers, ala Clark, if you get a tattoo when you're vulnerable, wouldn't it somehow "heal" it away?
This actually gets addressed in a small way in Season 10.
Regarding good "Smallville" fanfic - one of the best I've read was written quite early on in the run of the show, after only 2 or 3 seasons on the air. The major villain of the story is Lionel Luthor, and Lex is still a guy who could go either way (and, spoiler, chooses to be on the side of good in this fic.)

The fic is Elsewhere by bulbus, and I strongly recommend it. It's got plot, action, drama, and people making choices. Plus a whole lot of Supermanly heroics.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/05/14 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Yeah, that has got to be one of the most stupid moves on Clark's part. Yet, he couldn't let him die (unless you are getting advice from Jonathan Kent from Man of Steel... let's just not go there...)
But by bringing Zod back from the dead isn't Clark more playing God than allowing nature take it's course? He didn't stab himself with Kryptonite to donate blood save Jimmy's life, for example, or Jonathan's. Come on! It isn't as if Zod meant to Clark what Lois and Clark meant Chloe (when she risked herself for them). It wasn't Clark's fault that Zod died, and just because he was a Kryptonian clone doesn't give Zod a bump on the to-be-rescued by a blood transfusion list. He already lived once on Krytpon. His soul already took over Lex and lived a second time on Earth. This was his third life. Dying in order to try to save Lois should have redeemed him, honor wise. He's had his chance and doesn't deserve this sacrifice on Clark's behalf. Now, if it were Lois.... I totally would understand why Clark would do this, but it wasn't, so I don't.

S9, E15 - "Escape" - YES! Finally, Lois and Clark go away for a much needed weekend together. Romance fills the air. Leaks in their room fixed. Huge balls of twine (wasn't it?) seen and fondly recalled. Memories of ghosts inhabiting Chloe and her invading Clark's shower. Next...

Just kidding. So, Clark has decided that he has control over himself and his powers to enable a healthy pre-marital intimate relationship with Lois.

LOIS: dance party I'm *so* there!

Unfortunately, so are Oliver and Chloe. Perhaps Clark shouldn't make their weekend away such a surprise next time. If Lois agrees to a next time after the last few disastrous dates, and those were just the ones where Clark showed up. I mean, there was the monster truck rally (no show). There was the Coffee Date (no show, as far as Lois knows). There was the Comic Con, where he ditches her to be with another woman (Zantanna). There was the Valentine's Day date where she was hypnotized (or drugged as Lois saw it). Then, their dinner date, which he cancels because of Kandorian problems (another woman). And now their weekend away. These two have BAD luck.

I like that Clark is so determined that this weekend go well that he fixes the leak in their guest room, and then cleans the room as well, so that he and Lois can settle in for the night. I was a little surprised in the blase manner at which they both went to bed. Getting their PJs on and lying down as if they were actually going to sleep. Um... okay. It was a romantic get-away, right? It seemed to be lacking in... um... the passion shown in Pandora. It felt awkward and weird, and I was actually glad that the harpy screamed and startled everyone from their rooms.

Wasn't it cute that Chloe and Oliver had matching robes? smile Lois and Clark didn't have robes, though. (I think Lois had some sort of covering, but my guess is that it was her own. O&C looked like guest robes care of the inn.) I could see how seeing her ex with her cousin would make Lois freak and not feel very romantic. It didn't seem to dampen Chloe and Oliver's weekend until breakfast though.

If it bothered Lois so much, then Clark should have suggested that they leave the next morning and go somewhere else. Not that Lois would have let them leave, though. She would have been all "it doesn't bother me". Although if they had left, then Oliver would be dead at Chloe's shriek and they wouldn't be able to continue with this takeover of Clark's show by the Justice League. OR, better yet, not dead because Clark wouldn't have stupidly given Oliver dating advice, let alone Oliver having taken it and freaked Chloe out. If I were Chloe, I'd be pissed. How dare her friend-with-benefits take advice from the biggest lunkhead when it comes to dating? I mean really, could Oliver have picked a worse person to take dating advice from? Please! He's had 3 - count 'em - 3 girlfriends. Lana, enough said. Dismal failure. Alicia, who died. And LOIS, who he's once again failing miserably, but she keeps giving him extra chances though he hardly has earned them. Please, Oliver, grow a brain already.

The one thing that bothers me about the whole silver banshee plot is the fact that Chloe willfully incinerates the banshee's soul WHILE ITS INHABITING LOIS! I mean, doesn't that mean that Lois would end up a bit charbroiled? Think, people! It bothered me that once the Silver Banshee bursts into flames, we don't see Lois again until they arrive back at the DP. Why didn't they show her separating and collapsing out of the flames and okay? The Silver Banshee disappears and I'm left wondering, "okay, where's Lois?"

The interesting thing about Clark training himself to have more control of his powers is that Zod hasn't done any of that and has a perfectly normal intimate relationship with Tess. He doesn't have anywhere near as much time with powers, but he seems to have much more control of them. He can fly, where Clark can't. He can have relations with a human woman without problem (not that he would have cared, either way, I'm guessing).

Why am I supposed to like Tess again? I'm not sure what in the world she's trying to do with Zod. First, she tells him she won't sleep with him. And then she does... but only after he gets powers. dizzy Also, we get to see Zod's HUGE Family Crest tattoo on his back in this episode and it makes me wonder if he has that, why does he need dog tags? Or was the tattoo a side effect of the cloning process? Does Zod even know it's there? (It's not like he'd look at his back much.) Wasn't this Zod supposed to be freshly mourning the death of his wife and son? Or do they not want to remind viewer of that major plot hole? (The fact that the wife survived and ended up in the Phantom Zone and they somehow cloned his son and made Doomsday. Also, another problem I had with "Kandor" was that Jor-El said cloning Zod's son from his hair would be "wrong" but they were taking blood from the soldiers to make clones to send to Earth, because???... again, the reasoning made no sense.)

So, now Tess has let a super powered Zod know that there's something out there which will HARM CLARK! Everything Tess does is for WHAT end result? I just can't see what she's hoping to accomplish? She sides with the Kandorians because she thinks they will save her planet. [Linked Image] Then AFTER seeing what happens due witnessing Lois's memories of the future, SHE STILL THINKS THEY WILL SAVE HER PLANET? The woman is delusional! She's sleeping with the enemy. People, this isn't a good thing. It doesn't make her trustworthy. [Linked Image]

This episode would have been so much better without the whole Kandorian sub-plot (C-plot?). It reminded me more of a LnC episode, until Tess and Zod were brought in.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E15 - "Escape" - YES! Finally, Lois and Clark go away for a much needed weekend together. Romance fills the air. Leaks in their room fixed. Huge balls of twine (wasn't it?) seen and fondly recalled. Memories of ghosts inhabiting Chloe and her invading Clark's shower. Next...

Just kidding. So, Clark has decided that he has control over himself and his powers to enable a healthy pre-marital intimate relationship with Lois.

LOIS: dance party I'm *so* there!

Yay. I love this episode even though most people hate it.

We won't go into most of the plot holes you mention ... Lets just say that Tess is confused and does keep changing her mind about who the better allies are. She does know that Zod is NOT her ally and it trying to use him, manipulate him, but she still thinks his powers/people are the way to save the world. I never quite got why she thought the world needed saving though? We know she started life as a marine biologist was it? So maybe it's an environmental kind of 'save the world' as in 'we don't care enough anymore, we all have selfish lives and need to change'.

Anyway. I loved Lois and Clark taking the next step... Oh, they didn't, they were interrupted. Grrrr. I know they climbed into bed without much passion, but they were nervous. They did begin to kiss ... I'm pretty sure I know where that was going until the banshee screamed.

Even though they hadn't yet been intimate I find it very telling that Clark was willing to pull back the shower curtain, reveal his naked body to Lois, and invite her into the shower with him ... shock Unfortunately it was Chloe grumble

I've always reconciled the difference between Clark needing 'control' and Zod just going for it as .... CLARK WAS PARANOID. He never had anything to worry about, even back at 18 with Lana, but he was just stupid. Anyway, he now has the idea that, because he's training, he must be in better control. I don't think he's literally asked IceDaddy "Can I sleep with my girlfriend without killing her?" I'd love to have seen JorEl's response to that.

Probably my favourite bit (although I love lots of bits) is the end (apart from the last 20 seconds, somebody cut them from the episode please). Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.

Love it.

Just a little warning ... but no particular spoiler.

It's NOT plain sailing from here ... there are tears to come ... but then there's Season 10!!!!

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Yay. I love this episode even though most people hate it.
I love the Clois parts of this episode. But I hated that Cholie took over an episode that should be about Clois. grumble

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
We won't go into most of the plot holes you mention ...
I tend to ignore them. Or my heads starts to spin... [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I never quite got why she thought the world needed saving though? We know she started life as a marine biologist was it? So maybe it's an environmental kind of 'save the world' as in 'we don't care enough anymore, we all have selfish lives and need to change'.
Yes, I understood she was "the ultimate eco-terrorist", as Lois dubbed her. [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Even though they hadn't yet been intimate I find it very telling that Clark was willing to pull back the shower curtain, reveal his naked body to Lois, and invite her into the shower with him ... shock Unfortunately it was Chloe grumble
It wouldn't have been a new sight to Lois... goofy but this time it was deliberate and Clark was in his right mind (and very interested in Lois's costume [Linked Image]), so... hating the Chloe-interruptus more and more. mad

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I agree. Every Kryptonian was able to fly, even those that had just acquired powers. Clark was the only one tied to the ground. huh

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I don't think he's literally asked IceDaddy "Can I sleep with my girlfriend without killing her?" I'd love to have seen JorEl's response to that.
I'd love to have known what this "training" consisted of... blush Sorry, I couldn't resist. rotflol

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Probably my favourite bit (although I love lots of bits) is the end (apart from the last 20 seconds, somebody cut them from the episode please). Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.

Love it.
Me too. One of my favorite scenes. [Linked Image]

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/05/14 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Yay. I love this episode even though most people hate it.
I love the Clois parts of this episode. But I hated that Cholie took over an episode that should be about Clois. grumble
I don't think Chloe and Oliver wanted to be in the episode. Isn't that why they headed out of town? peep

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
We won't go into most of the plot holes you mention ...
I tend to ignore them. Or my heads starts to spin... [Linked Image]
Oh, good. It wasn't just me, then.

Yes, I understood she was "the ultimate eco-terrorist", as Lois dubbed her. [Linked Image]
Yes, save the world environmentally. Please. If Pandora didn't do anything, it should have at least told Tess she was on the wrong track being that the Kandorians were all about destroying the environment.

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Even though they hadn't yet been intimate I find it very telling that Clark was willing to pull back the shower curtain, reveal his naked body to Lois, and invite her into the shower with him ... shock Unfortunately it was Chloe grumble
And here I thought Clark didn't know that someone was in the bathroom with him. I thought he had finished his shower and was getting out and found Chloe there ogling him.

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I agree. Every Kryptonian was able to fly, even those that had just acquired powers. Clark was the only one tied to the ground. huh
/cough/ fear of heights /cough/ Although, you'd think with the amount of time he stands looking down from gargoyles, he'd be over it by now. Nah, it's just the producers promise to keep Clark out of Red/Blue tights and out of the air during the course of the show.

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I don't think he's literally asked IceDaddy "Can I sleep with my girlfriend without killing her?" I'd love to have seen JorEl's response to that.
JOR-EL: Nope. She'll die, son. Now, can we get back to training?

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Probably my favourite bit (although I love lots of bits) is the end (apart from the last 20 seconds, somebody cut them from the episode please). Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.
Hmmmm. I don't remember that. I'll have to rewatch that section. All I remember was them coming back to Metropolis and Lois calling the weekend a bust. Clark corrects her by saying "at least, we saw the largest ball of twine."
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/05/14 03:45 PM
Too many quotes in quotes, so hope you won't mind me mostly just quoting Virginia.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I don't think Chloe and Oliver wanted to be in the episode. Isn't that why they headed out of town? peep
rotflol Yeah, they didn't manage that 'escape' very well, did they? wink

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
We won't go into most of the plot holes you mention ...
I tend to ignore them. Or my heads starts to spin... [Linked Image] Oh, good. It wasn't just me, then.
Yeah, seriously. And I didn't think about it until you mentioned it, Virginia.... when Chloe throws the painting into the fire-- what could have happened to Lois! shock

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Yes, save the world environmentally. Please. If Pandora didn't do anything, it should have at least told Tess she was on the wrong track being that the Kandorians were all about destroying the environment.
No kidding... Tess does have a twisted idea of what is 'right,' but again, that will become clearer as to why as time goes on.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
And here I thought Clark didn't know that someone was in the bathroom with him. I thought he had finished his shower and was getting out and found Chloe there ogling him.
Yeah I thought that too -- but I like Katherine's idea WAY better. laugh I have a nfic that involves a shower... but can't post till you get to Season 10, Virginia. wink

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
/cough/ fear of heights /cough/ Although, you'd think with the amount of time he stands looking down from gargoyles, he'd be over it by now.
Right?? rotflol You'd think he was some caped crusader, or something. wink

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Nah, it's just the producers promise to keep Clark out of Red/Blue tights and out of the air during the course of the show.
Yes... 'no tights, no flights.' Though there are a few creative ways they get around this...

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
I don't think he's literally asked IceDaddy "Can I sleep with my girlfriend without killing her?" I'd love to have seen JorEl's response to that.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
JOR-EL: Nope. She'll die, son. Now, can we get back to training?
I can totally see Jor-El saying this. cool

*Ugh,the quote within a quote totally confused me... Hope this post makes sense! peep
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Even though they hadn't yet been intimate I find it very telling that Clark was willing to pull back the shower curtain, reveal his naked body to Lois, and invite her into the shower with him ... shock Unfortunately it was Chloe grumble
And here I thought Clark didn't know that someone was in the bathroom with him. I thought he had finished his shower and was getting out and found Chloe there ogling him.

I guess you could view it either way. I always took it that he knew. He heard someone come into the bathroom and then pulled back the curtain thinking it was Lois. Even so, if he didn't know anyone was there ... he definitely liked Lois' costume ... and she brought shampoo to the party ... what do you think was on her mind?

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Probably my favourite bit (although I love lots of bits) is the end (apart from the last 20 seconds, somebody cut them from the episode please). Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.
Hmmmm. I don't remember that. I'll have to rewatch that section. All I remember was them coming back to Metropolis and Lois calling the weekend a bust. Clark corrects her by saying "at least, we saw the largest ball of twine."

How can you not remember that bit!!!! It's so sexy. Well, his undressing only makes it as far as her coat. Then, unfortunately, ZodBlur calls Lois and ruins the whole thing.

Quick link to the scene or watch the gif below.

[Linked Image]

Escape, I love all the awkward moments/scenes in the episode. Lois & Clark and Chloe & Oliver unexpectedly running into each other at the inn.

The shower scene is pretty funny. One minute Chloe is trying to share a shower with Clark and the next she can't get out of there fast enough and the whole time poor Clark is so confused and has no idea what is going on. goofy

The scene at breakfast the next morning is amusing as well. Chloe & Oliver try to avoid Lois, but she doesn't give them that chance and makes certain that they see her and sit with her and Clark. Then when the girls go outside to talk, leaving Clark and Oliver sitting at the table alone together and the awkward conversation that follows. goofy

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Wasn't it cute that Chloe and Oliver had matching robes? smile Lois and Clark didn't have robes, though. (I think Lois had some sort of covering, but my guess is that it was her own. O&C looked like guest robes care of the inn.)
Yeah, that was pretty cute. smile And Oliver & Chloe's robes were indeed supplied by the inn. You can see the little inn patch on the pockets.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/05/14 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
How can you not remember that bit!!!! It's so sexy. Well, his undressing only makes it as far as her coat. Then, unfortunately, ZodBlur calls Lois and ruins the whole thing.
*Now* I remember. I had blocked it out because of the whole Zod/Blur impersonation. mad How can Clark turn off his super hearing at THAT moment?!! Come on! Someone is impersonating the Blur on the phone just feet away from him. That's major! How can he NOT hear that? [Linked Image]
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
And here I thought Clark didn't know that someone was in the bathroom with him. I thought he had finished his shower and was getting out and found Chloe there ogling him.
Before the shower Lois gave him a towel and asked him to give her 10 minutes and then he would get a surprise. So, I believe he was expecting her surprise at the shower. wink And it's clear that Lois intended to join him.

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.
This scene is very sexy. And when Clark steps in between her legs and tells her "Just pretend I'm not here"... is unbelievably hot. [Linked Image] Clark was never this bold without red-K.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/06/14 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
This scene is very sexy. And when Clark steps in between her legs and tells her "Just pretend I'm not here"... is unbelievably hot. [Linked Image] Clark was never this bold without red-K.
And thanks for that smilie. I've been looking for one just like it. It now has a home on my smilie list. smile

Also, totally missed her handing him the towel. grumble That's what I get for watching during lunch hour.
I agree. Every Kryptonian was able to fly, even those that had just acquired powers. Clark was the only one tied to the ground. huh

Guest stars can fly. Regular cast members - hey, flying scenes are expensive. wink
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/08/14 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by IolantheAlias
hey, flying scenes are expensive. wink
Was this the real reason? Virginia, don't look below!

Isn't CGI (like in the finale) more expensive than LnC style ropes and green screen? And was the reason for the CGI to essentially keep Tom out of the Suit for the whole series? I can't imagine that it actually saved money -- and by Season 10, I don't think they needed to. I read that Tom's Blur jacket (the dark leather one, with the crest) cost like $5,000. Maybe keeping Tom out of the Suit was done on principle?(Fun Fact: the Suit shown in Season 10 was borrowed from Superman Returns. Maybe Tom Welling just didn't fit into it?)
I also thought I read somewhere that the first four seasons or so, were decidedly 'anti-Superman' with no tights/no flights (and no Clois!). Then I think the writers changed around season 6, I want to say, and that is when they smashed the ink bottle at the end of episodes, with the names of the old writers on them -- or something like that. Can anyone confirm? As I recall, Season 6 had some good Clois, and of course, the romance didn't start till season 8. Was all this related or did the writing just work out that way?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/09/14 04:20 PM
S9, E16 - "Checkmate" Oh, goody. Another episode without Lois. [Linked Image] This is the episode which confirmed my theory that this show wasn't really about Clark and his journey to becoming Superman, anymore. It had been taken over by the Justice League. I finally figured out who these chess players were: that Bureau 39-ish group I'd seen trying to overpower Justice League in the animated JLU show.

Any secret government group bent on treating *anyone* who's different as an enemy isn't a good group and I'm glad The Blur didn't decide to join them. Anyway, any group that requires it's members to die to leave it, isn't a group worth being in. Also, that Checkmate doesn't distinguish between normal humans (like Oliver), meteor infected (like Chloe), and aliens (like Zod) tells me that this group really isn't about the safety of the country, but in controlling people any way necessary. It confuses me why Waller would want the Blur to join Checkmate to assist her battle against the Kryptonians, though. Does she not realize that The Blur is alien? I'm assuming that Checkmate wants Chloe because of what Chloe knows about JL and because of her hacking skills.

I have no idea what's going on with Tess. In one episode she's sleeping with Zod, playing power games. In the next, she's playing bait to capture Green Arrow, proving that she's waist deep in this anti-alien group, which is bent on destroying Zod and the other Kryptonians. So, is she trying to be a mole is Zod's organization for Checkmate? I can't see Waller approving of her methods. Or by re-joining the Checkmate group, is she trying to be a mole there? My theory is that she only cares about herself and she's using everyone for her own game. She wants to have an 'in' with whichever group will win in the end, so she's joining everyone. Still doesn't make me like her very much. I'm glad Oliver told her off at the end of the episode. She deserved it.

I did like seeing John Jones using all his powers. That was cool. I believe that if he had told Oliver and Clark WHY he didn't want to get them involved with his investigation into Checkmate, they would've been more than happy to let him take lead... but communication really isn't JL's strong suit at the moment. At least, Clark realizes this by the end of the episode, proving that one can teach lunkheads new tricks. Although, learning this lesson and actually putting it into practice are two different things.

Yea! For Martian Manhunter dance for erasing Waller's mind so she doesn't remember Green Arrow's, WatchTower, or The Blur's secret identities. clap

Who left that red chess piece on Waller's board at the end? Was it the JL group? huh
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/09/14 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E16 - "Checkmate" Oh, goody. Another episode without Lois.
But I actually like this episode. It has some intrigue, action, and some character development...

I have no idea what's going on with Tess. In one episode she's sleeping with Zod, playing power games. In the next, she's playing bait to capture Green Arrow, proving that she's waist deep in this anti-alien group, which is bent on destroying Zod and the other Kryptonians. So, is she trying to be a mole is Zod's organization for Checkmate? I can't see Waller approving of her methods. Or by re-joining the Checkmate group, is she trying to be a mole there? My theory is that she only cares about herself and she's using everyone for her own game. She wants to have an 'in' with whichever group will win in the end, so she's joining everyone. Still doesn't make me like her very much. I'm glad Oliver told her off at the end of the episode. She deserved it.
Oliver does finally grow a spine where Tess is concerned. "And if you ever come near me or my friends ever again I will expose you to the world.
Do you understand?" Ouch... but she did deserve it. And yes, she is playing every angle she can. Also with Checkmate, she sort of doesn't have a choice. Either she works for them or they will kill her, was how I understood it. Again, Tess doesn't really become interesting until season 10, IMHO.
Yea! For Martian Manhunter dance for erasing Waller's mind so she doesn't remember Green Arrow's, WatchTower, or The Blur's secret identities. clap
Yes, this was well played!
Who left that red chess piece on Waller's board at the end? Was it the JL group? huh
Seriously, it's the LAST person you'd suspect...
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/09/14 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Who left that red chess piece on Waller's board at the end? Was it the JL group? huh
Seriously, it's the LAST person you'd suspect...
Lex Luthor in red heels?
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/09/14 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Who left that red chess piece on Waller's board at the end? Was it the JL group? huh
Seriously, it's the LAST person you'd suspect...
Lex Luthor in red heels?

rotflol He sure did throw enough diva-like tantrums over the years that you could totally see it though! With hand on hips and a snap in the air! goofy
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I also thought I read somewhere that the first four seasons or so, were decidedly 'anti-Superman' with no tights/no flights (and no Clois!). Then I think the writers changed around season 6, I want to say, and that is when they smashed the ink bottle at the end of episodes, with the names of the old writers on them -- or something like that. Can anyone confirm? As I recall, Season 6 had some good Clois, and of course, the romance didn't start till season 8. Was all this related or did the writing just work out that way?

Al Gough and Miles Miller left at the end of Season 7. The smashing of the Gough/Millar ink bottle was in way before then ... I'm watching Season 3 at the moment and it's there.

Gough and Miller were very anti 'Lois and Clark getting together' (in a proper relationship way - random Red K episodes, etc, were okay) so ... the moment they left at the end of Season 7 ... guess what we get? They were also anti 'Clark working at the Daily Planet'.

Thankfully the producers who took over for Season 8 jumped straight into both of those.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E16 - "Checkmate"

I did like seeing John Jones using all his powers. That was cool. I believe that if he had told Oliver and Clark WHY he didn't want to get them involved with his investigation into Checkmate, they would've been more than happy to let him take lead... but communication really isn't JL's strong suit at the moment. At least, Clark realizes this by the end of the episode, proving that one can teach lunkheads new tricks. Although, learning this lesson and actually putting it into practice are two different things.

Yea! For Martian Manhunter dance for erasing Waller's mind so she doesn't remember Green Arrow's, WatchTower, or The Blur's secret identities. clap
Martian Manhunter is awesome. It was always fun seeing him in an episode, especially whenever he got to use his powers.

I love the comic book style rescue scene where Clark saves Chloe. The way that was done was really cool. It's a scene I enjoy re-watching when re-watching random scenes from the show.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/10/14 05:09 AM
S9, E 17 - "Upgrade" - John Corban is back! dance Clark proves he's still a hypocritical male and a lunkhead, by not trusting Lois (for keeping secrets from him - really?) and not listening to Chloe when she says "stop stalking Lois!" Clearly, Mr. Kent didn't listen, and what happened? He got himself dosed with Red K. Instead of going all kinky like last time, it made him all buddy-buddy with Zod. Chloe really needs to put a leash on that man. (The Blur, not Clark.)

The juxtaposition between Clark/Zod relationship and the Lois / Metallo relationship was interesting. Clark is trying so hard to redeem Zod and make him a valuable member of society. Clark is failing because Zod doesn't want to be a member of society, he wants society to bow down and kiss his boots.

John Corban tried to kill Lois previously (when he went crazy with his first green K heart) to get at the Blur, but with his brains returned, he's actually not that bad of a guy. He wanted to redeem himself and it seems that Lois's convert to the side of good worked out better than Clark's.

Of course, it was Tess's Frankenstein labs which have been holding John prisoner and trying to mold him into their own super solider. I was glad to see that the "do what I say" chip doesn't really work on him. He only uses it to block his emotions (as the outtake scene implied), but is able to make some decisions on his own. Like to trust Chloe and not Tess.

It seems a little dose of green K still removes the red K from Clark's system. Only now, Zod knows about the green K and the ice fortress with the Kryptonian library in it. The only good that came from super stalker Clark following Lois was that he learned that Zod was now super powered.

I'm not quite sure what the whole "let's make it snow in Seattle" scene was about. It sounded more like they had air to fill and a free special FX guy handy. Plot wise it made no sense.

The whole truce partnership between Tess and Chloe was weird. I wasn't quite sure what to think of it, but I'm glad it was Chloe who got the upper hand. John had enough brains left to know better than to trust Tess. I was worried about the whole knock out Lois scene towards the end, but then Lois ended up with the red K heart anyway, so I'm guessing that Chloe helped her out and just knocked her out so Tess wouldn't hurt her, because those two are like oil and vinegar. (That's not the right saying, is it? Darn idioms! Foil me again!)

I have to say, again, I really do like having Brian Austin Green at Metallo much better than the LnC version. He brings so much more to the character. Then, again, the LnC version was written as someone big and stupid. The Smallville version wasn't. I wonder if we'll see red K Metallo again and what affect he might have on Clark.

The whole scene between John and Lois at the end, where he asks her to run away with him, felt like echos of the Chloe and Davis scenes from a season previously, mixed a little bit with EVERYONE falls for Lois theme (which got a little old) in LnC. I'm glad she set him straight, but I'm sorry he ended up with a broken heart.

I believe if they had built up the John Corban character as an experienced reporter at the Daily Planet opposite Clark as the newbee reporter with both of them vying romantically for Lois, S8 would have had a much better vibe to it than this whole "Zod wants to take over the world" A-Plot, which I have to say is pretty yawnsville. LnC proved that one doesn't need an over-arching bad-guy theme to every entire season. The earlier seasons of Smallville were better at this. True, they did have their crazy themes with the whole everyone is Kryptonite infected, Lana is a witch reincarnated theme (ugh), the stones, the bad, bad psycho asylum, the caves, but at least they (usually) weren't so much in our face as Zod and the cloned kyrptonians. I sure hope Smallville does better with it's A-plots in S10.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/10/14 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E 17 - "Upgrade" - John Corban is back! dance Clark proves he's still a hypocritical male and a lunkhead, by not trusting Lois (for keeping secrets from him - really?) and not listening to Chloe when she says "stop stalking Lois!" Clearly, Mr. Kent didn't listen, and what happened? He got himself dosed with Red K. Instead of going all kinky like last time, it made him all buddy-buddy with Zod. Chloe really needs to put a leash on that man. (The Blur, not Clark.)
The way you put this is hilarious! rotflol

It seems a little dose of green K still removes the red K from Clark's system. Only now, Zod knows about the green K and the ice fortress with the Kryptonian library in it. The only good that came from super stalker Clark following Lois was that he learned that Zod was now super powered.
No kidding! I wish that Clark and Lois had crossed paths in this episode while he was on red K... that would have been very interesting...and perhaps a little wicked. angel-devil
I'm not quite sure what the whole "let's make it snow in Seattle" scene was about. It sounded more like they had air to fill and a free special FX guy handy. Plot wise it made no sense.
This is as good an explanation as any. I've tried to come up with a reason as well... the best I've managed -- and it's still weak -- is that red K Clark is 'mischief' Clark. And maybe as 'bad' as Clark can go is playing with the weather? huh

so I'm guessing that Chloe helped her out and just knocked her out so Tess wouldn't hurt her, because those two are like oil and vinegar. (That's not the right saying, is it? Darn idioms! Foil me again!)
I think that idiom works -- cause oil and vinegar can't mix... but if you think about it, they actually are more alike than not. Both Tess and Chloe have their secrets, and both have gone to some lengths to protect them. Chloe hasn't always acted 100% on the right side -- and we all know what Tess has been like.

I have to say, again, I really do like having Brian Austin Green at Metallo much better than the LnC version. He brings so much more to the character. Then, again, the LnC version was written as someone big and stupid. The Smallville version wasn't.
Yes, I like him too. My favorite line, and just the way he delivers it: "You're a real dame... Lois Lane." thumbsup
The whole scene between John and Lois at the end, where he asks her to run away with him, felt like echos of the Chloe and Davis scenes from a season previously, mixed a little bit with EVERYONE falls for Lois theme (which got a little old) in LnC. I'm glad she set him straight, but I'm sorry he ended up with a broken heart.
Never made the Chloe/Davis connection to Lois and John, but I guess you're right. Though I would say things were much more on the up and up -- well, despite Lois stealing the red K heart for him whistle -- than anything with Chloe and Davis.

I believe if they had built up the John Corban character as an experienced reporter at the Daily Planet opposite Clark as the newbee reporter with both of them vying romantically for Lois, S8 would have had a much better vibe to it
I smell fanfic...

than this whole "Zod wants to take over the world" A-Plot, which I have to say is pretty yawnsville.
I find it at least better than the Season 8 Doomsday plot, which was really yucky, just all the way around. And he killed Jimmy! wallbash I think by the end of this Season, you'll appreciate Zod's role a bit more.

I sure hope Smallville does better with it's A-plots in S10.
In some ways it does -- and in some ways not.

Can't wait for you to review the next one, Charade!! One of my favorites!! hyper
The whole scene between John and Lois at the end, where he asks her to run away with him, felt like echos of the Chloe and Davis scenes from a season previously, mixed a little bit with EVERYONE falls for Lois theme (which got a little old) in LnC.
In Smallville it was EVERYONE-falls-for-Lana theme. [Linked Image] As I read once in a fanfic, she must have been a meteor infected and her power was making every man fall for her. This explained why Clark was the most vulnerable to her power. cat

Never made the Chloe/Davis connection to Lois and John, but I guess you're right. Though I would say things were much more on the up and up -- well, despite Lois stealing the red K heart for him whistle -- than anything with Chloe and Davis.
I didn't make the connection, too. I guess I never found something so abhorrent as the Chloe/Davis relationship. Lois saved John's life, but he was not a monster in a killing spree. And she went as far as stealing the red K heart to save him, while Chloe hid the monster in her house, led victims to him (they were bad guys, but even so she led them to be murdered and afterwards she dumped the remains). sick She was accessory to Davis's crimes. As I've said before, I could never forgive her after her involvement with Davis. sad

From this episode I love the scene with Clark waking Lois and the almost-kiss that was interrupted by the phone - again! [Linked Image] Somebody smash that damn thing, please! [Linked Image]

Clark, Zod and his baddies atop buildings making it snow had no appeal to me. [Linked Image] It reminded me too much of City of the Angels:
[Linked Image]
Insert Clark's face here. grin

[Linked Image]
City of Kryptonians. goofy

Clark on red-K would have been so much more interesting with Lois... Ah, the missed opportunities! [Linked Image]

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/12/14 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
The whole scene between John and Lois at the end, where he asks her to run away with him, felt like echos of the Chloe and Davis scenes from a season previously, mixed a little bit with EVERYONE falls for Lois theme (which got a little old) in LnC.
In Smallville it was EVERYONE-falls-for-Lana theme. [Linked Image] As I read once in a fanfic, she must have been a meteor infected and her power was making every man fall for her. This explained why Clark was the most vulnerable to her power. cat
I love this explanation for Lana! clap I noticed that Lana also seems to have this association to Green K for Clark and Lois a red K connection. Coincidence? Yeah, probably. But still... Lana is like Green K to Clark (i.e. death) and Lois is like red K (i.e. passion). thumbsup Makes sense to me. smile

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Originally Posted by MozartMaid
Never made the Chloe/Davis connection to Lois and John, but I guess you're right. Though I would say things were much more on the up and up -- well, despite Lois stealing the red K heart for him whistle -- than anything with Chloe and Davis.
I didn't make the connection, too. I guess I never found something so abhorrent as the Chloe/Davis relationship. Lois saved John's life, but he was not a monster in a killing spree. And she went as far as stealing the red K heart to save him, while Chloe hid the monster in her house, led victims to him (they were bad guys, but even so she led them to be murdered and afterwards she dumped the remains). sick She was accessory to Davis's crimes. As I've said before, I could never forgive her after her involvement with Davis. sad
There was just something about that scene which reminded me (had the vibe) of the scene where Davis asks Chloe to run away with him (or maybe it was the scene where he tells her that he loves her). Yeah, I could totally see that Corban fell for Lois because she went out of her way to help him and seemed to accept him despite his mechanical heart.

Clark, Zod and his baddies atop buildings making it snow had no appeal to me. [Linked Image] It reminded me too much of City of the Angels

City of Kryptonians. goofy
Oh, totally. Hated that movie. razz
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I love this explanation for Lana! clap I noticed that Lana also seems to have this association to Green K for Clark and Lois a red K connection. Coincidence? Yeah, probably. But still... Lana is like Green K to Clark (i.e. death) and Lois is like red K (i.e. passion). thumbsup Makes sense to me. smile

There's also a comparison, which I like EVEN better, that Lana is Green K (as above), therefore his weakness, and Lois is the Sun, therefore his strength. There are lots of visual examples of this, but the one that really comes to mind in at the end of Pandora when Clark returns to Watchtower, steps into the sun and replies to Ollie's question of why he's so happy: "The sun is shining, Lois is going to be alright."
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 05/17/14 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
There's also a comparison, which I like EVEN better, that Lana is Green K (as above), therefore his weakness, and Lois is the Sun, therefore his strength. There are lots of visual examples of this, but the one that really comes to mind in at the end of Pandora when Clark returns to Watchtower, steps into the sun and replies to Ollie's question of why he's so happy: "The sun is shining, Lois is going to be alright."
Ooh, I like this imagery! And now that I think of it, I can recall several scenes with this sort of juxtaposition... but I also think there is something to the Green K/ Red K. How often is Lois wearing red, and when she suggests with a sort of *wink,wink*, for Clark to try a little Wild Cherry -- obviously that's about her. wink Perhaps the Red K/passion association is why Clark never encountered Lois when the Red K went in the opposite direction, when he became 'the bad boy every girl dreams about -- in her nightmares,' as Chloe had put it.

Season 10 reference-->
Still, would have been interesting to see Clark on Red K, in destructive mode with Lois in on the secret -- curious how she would have handled it. Oh well... guess that means more fodder for fanfic. laugh
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
There's also a comparison, which I like EVEN better, that Lana is Green K (as above), therefore his weakness, and Lois is the Sun, therefore his strength.
Clark would stumble and fall near Lana because of the green-k pendant that she wore.

[Linked Image]
Lana made him WEAK. He felt weaker when she was around.

In Pandora he tells Lois that she makes him STRONGER:

[Linked Image]
Clark: you can lean on me for strenght. I feel stronger when you're around, anyway.

[Linked Image]

Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 06/05/14 04:47 PM
Virginia, where are you on your episode watching? huh You're not slacking off, now are you? spider jawdrop Especially when you're getting to the real good stuff! wink
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 06/05/14 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Virginia, where are you on your episode watching? huh You're not slacking off, now are you? spider jawdrop Especially when you're getting to the real good stuff! wink
Slacking off? I wish. Actually, watching Smallville is what I do when I slack off... or procrastinate. blush I've been really busy trying to finish up my current arc on Wrong Clark and write that Auction piece for KK (I'm about 10 pages in), plus being slammed with end of the school year RL stuff. I doubt I'll have time to get back to Smallville before July. peep Sorry. Also, what does that say about their current A-Plot with Zod? sleep
Also, what does that say about their current A-Plot with Zod?
A-plot? Zod who? devil Just go for the B-plot. It's worthy it. thumbsup
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Series - S9 ***SPOILERS*** - 06/06/14 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Also, what does that say about their current A-Plot with Zod?
A-plot? Zod who? devil Just go for the B-plot. It's worthy it. thumbsup

I second that! Can't wait to see what you think of Charade!!

A pic that hints at what's in the ep...

[Linked Image]
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