Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E16 - "Checkmate" Oh, goody. Another episode without Lois.
But I actually like this episode. It has some intrigue, action, and some character development...

I have no idea what's going on with Tess. In one episode she's sleeping with Zod, playing power games. In the next, she's playing bait to capture Green Arrow, proving that she's waist deep in this anti-alien group, which is bent on destroying Zod and the other Kryptonians. So, is she trying to be a mole is Zod's organization for Checkmate? I can't see Waller approving of her methods. Or by re-joining the Checkmate group, is she trying to be a mole there? My theory is that she only cares about herself and she's using everyone for her own game. She wants to have an 'in' with whichever group will win in the end, so she's joining everyone. Still doesn't make me like her very much. I'm glad Oliver told her off at the end of the episode. She deserved it.
Oliver does finally grow a spine where Tess is concerned. "And if you ever come near me or my friends ever again I will expose you to the world.
Do you understand?" Ouch... but she did deserve it. And yes, she is playing every angle she can. Also with Checkmate, she sort of doesn't have a choice. Either she works for them or they will kill her, was how I understood it. Again, Tess doesn't really become interesting until season 10, IMHO.
Yea! For Martian Manhunter dance for erasing Waller's mind so she doesn't remember Green Arrow's, WatchTower, or The Blur's secret identities. clap
Yes, this was well played!
Who left that red chess piece on Waller's board at the end? Was it the JL group? huh
Seriously, it's the LAST person you'd suspect...

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink