Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E15 - "Escape" - YES! Finally, Lois and Clark go away for a much needed weekend together. Romance fills the air. Leaks in their room fixed. Huge balls of twine (wasn't it?) seen and fondly recalled. Memories of ghosts inhabiting Chloe and her invading Clark's shower. Next...

Just kidding. So, Clark has decided that he has control over himself and his powers to enable a healthy pre-marital intimate relationship with Lois.

LOIS: dance party I'm *so* there!

Yay. I love this episode even though most people hate it.

We won't go into most of the plot holes you mention ... Lets just say that Tess is confused and does keep changing her mind about who the better allies are. She does know that Zod is NOT her ally and it trying to use him, manipulate him, but she still thinks his powers/people are the way to save the world. I never quite got why she thought the world needed saving though? We know she started life as a marine biologist was it? So maybe it's an environmental kind of 'save the world' as in 'we don't care enough anymore, we all have selfish lives and need to change'.

Anyway. I loved Lois and Clark taking the next step... Oh, they didn't, they were interrupted. Grrrr. I know they climbed into bed without much passion, but they were nervous. They did begin to kiss ... I'm pretty sure I know where that was going until the banshee screamed.

Even though they hadn't yet been intimate I find it very telling that Clark was willing to pull back the shower curtain, reveal his naked body to Lois, and invite her into the shower with him ... shock Unfortunately it was Chloe grumble

I've always reconciled the difference between Clark needing 'control' and Zod just going for it as .... CLARK WAS PARANOID. He never had anything to worry about, even back at 18 with Lana, but he was just stupid. Anyway, he now has the idea that, because he's training, he must be in better control. I don't think he's literally asked IceDaddy "Can I sleep with my girlfriend without killing her?" I'd love to have seen JorEl's response to that.

Probably my favourite bit (although I love lots of bits) is the end (apart from the last 20 seconds, somebody cut them from the episode please). Seeing the desire in Clark's eyes ... he lifts her to the kitchen counter ... dives in for a kiss ... then begins to undress her.

Love it.

Just a little warning ... but no particular spoiler.

It's NOT plain sailing from here ... there are tears to come ... but then there's Season 10!!!!

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."