Originally Posted by mozartmaid
I also thought I read somewhere that the first four seasons or so, were decidedly 'anti-Superman' with no tights/no flights (and no Clois!). Then I think the writers changed around season 6, I want to say, and that is when they smashed the ink bottle at the end of episodes, with the names of the old writers on them -- or something like that. Can anyone confirm? As I recall, Season 6 had some good Clois, and of course, the romance didn't start till season 8. Was all this related or did the writing just work out that way?

Al Gough and Miles Miller left at the end of Season 7. The smashing of the Gough/Millar ink bottle was in way before then ... I'm watching Season 3 at the moment and it's there.

Gough and Miller were very anti 'Lois and Clark getting together' (in a proper relationship way - random Red K episodes, etc, were okay) so ... the moment they left at the end of Season 7 ... guess what we get? They were also anti 'Clark working at the Daily Planet'.

Thankfully the producers who took over for Season 8 jumped straight into both of those.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."