S9,E3 - "Rabid" -- Zombies. razz

Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful. It was Clark's fault that Lois got bit, and it was a little unfair to dump on Oliver because she fell asleep onto his overloaded back. Oliver clearly was already feeling guilty about that.

Lois's connection with the Blur (whom I notice *she* still calls the Red/Blue Blur, though he's given up on his red/blue-ness) I find interesting, especially when she's giving Clark extra closeness while she's telling him this. I did like Clark picking Lois up in his arms and carrying her up the stairs when she was hurt. It was very SM of him. laugh

Chloe is spying on the JL because she needs to feel like their over-protective big sister. I'm sure she didn't need to see what was going on with Oliver's belt buckle.... or going on when it hit the floor.

Lois is still having those flashes from the apocalyptic future from hell, but isn't getting any closer to telling anyone about them. Does she even know she went into the future? I'm guessing not.

Zod is still working on being a big baddy. I don't know what's going on with the symbols around the world or why the El one is in more than one location. We got another drip of information on that vague plot. Gee, thanks.

That's about all that happened. At least, I watched it at lunch and not before I went to bed. I could have used a little less zombie while I was eating though. Ugh.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.