KK, that Lois in the pink shirt looks like Margo from SM-TM, although the others surrounding her don't look like they're from that movie.

I agree, UW, it's tasteless to revamp a picture of Lois and SM to make it WW and SM. Not only is it a slap in the face, it sends the message that SM doesn't really cares who he kisses as long as she can do that pose (i.e. the women are interchangeable, which we all know is a big no-no).

Yes, I've also noticed a few tongue-in-cheek LnC references, but I believe they were all in Absolute Justice, so I'll save mentioning them until then.

In an attempt to catch up on my reviews, (I've watched up through Absolute Justice), here's my next one:

S9, E9 - "Pandora" - Terrific episode. I'm glad they didn't wait to show us about Lois's flashforwards. I found three main things interesting about this episode (okay, more than three, but we all know I can't count).

Firstly, that this future that Lois went to isn't going to happen. It's already been changed by Clark's being able to return her to the past. While it's fun to go visit, it really has little bearing on the current future.

Secondly, even though EVERYONE else in this future knows that CK = Kal-El = The Blur, Clark went OUT-OF-HIS-WAY not to tell Lois this one fact, even when she asked him directly (which she does on several occasions). Clearly, spending a miserable year without Lois has taught him nothing.

Thirdly, Tess Mercer clearly can't be trusted. (Big surprise, not!)

Fourthly, (see, I knew it would be more than 3) wave Oh, right. All of us.

Seventhly, isn't it interesting how quickly Clark can move in a relationship when you take away the woman he's been crushing on for a year, all his hope, make death imminent, and then give him his woman back? Or did he just want to get some in, because the sun was red, and he knew he couldn't hurt her? evil What? It's not just me...who likes giving Clark inconvenient amnesia.) Also, this episode never explains why Lois lost these memories in the first place, unless she repressed them because of Chloe's death and Clark being stabbed at the end.

Ninthly, why is Oliver mourning Tess like she's the love of his life, when it's her fault for trusting the genie in the bottle and now the world is at it's end? He's been battling her and Zod's forces for months, yet he forgives her when she's on her deathbed? :rolleyes: Oh, please! Tess is totally Oliver's Lana. Can they set him up with Canary ALREADY? grovel

Tenthly, The JSA really gave up on the world, didn't they? Since they aren't around to help. (That would be the old JSA from Absolute Justice, not the JLA.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.