Lots of people HATED "Warrior"? Why? Because Clark is a lunkhead and kissed another woman? I could see that, as long as this was a one and only time he does this to Lois, I'll forgive him. I doubt she'll allow a second time. He did come clean with Lois though, and Zantanna did have him under her spell, the vixen! But the rest of the episode is so rotflol .

S9, E13 - "Persuasion" - Oh, no! Clark, what have you done now? (This line works for the following episode "Conspiracy", too). Clark learns (or not) that he can be very persuasive (i.e. hypnotize people) when exposed to Kryptonite dust. My question is what kind of kryptonite dust is that?? It looked white to me. White kryptonite? Clear crystal kryptonite? Has he been exposed to that before? There's the green kind, and the red kind, and the blue kind.... hmmmm.

Oh, Clark. wallbash Why did you not suspect something earlier when Lois went all June Cleaver on you? LUNKHEAD! Duh! You just had seen Emil acting all "What's up, dude?" and you didn't think Lois was acting strange? Chloe... well, he may have hypnotized her but into doing what she was already doing. AND she unmasked that Tess has been very, very naughty. Interesting that Clark tries to use this power to hypnotize Zod into telling him who killed Jor-El, but instead somehow hypnotizes himself into being a whackjob! Did Tess kill Jor-el? No. Has she killed other people on far less motive? Um... yes. Liking her less and less.

Lois dancing around the Kent farm house in Martha's wedding dress, because she took Clark's words as a proposal (which clearly they weren't, but just a way to keep her calm until she snapped out of it) was hilarious. Her calling everyone and telling them that she and Clark were engaged was also seriously embarrassing... in a very Revenge sort of way. I loved that even though she went all traditional homebody on Clark, she still was Lois underneath... charbroiling the pot roast into a brick.

I'm so surprised that the RAO tower was going up so quickly and was about to have it's grand opening, so dance for Clark setting it on fire and burning it down! It's what it deserved. (I have to admit it was over a week ago when I watched this episode, so I'm not sure on all of the details.) So, the woman who killed Jor-El is outed and it's the Ninja Assassin who lied to Clark about his father's watch after following Lois into the past.

She's now dead, so how is it possible for her to have followed Lois into the past? Come on, people. If you're going to do time-travel stories, you've got to not leave big ol' gaping holes like that! Did they open a portal to another dimension with the whole time-jump? That's the only way to clear this up. That would mean that the Lois who time jumped back into this time stream is actually from another time stream, which means... There's another Lois out there we're going to come across? dizzy I want to say that's the only logical solution, but I keep forgetting that this is a weekly TV show and LOGIC isn't its middle name. Plot holes come and go on a weekly basis.

On the plus side, she isn't around to kill Chloe anymore.

Except for all the annoying New Kandorian (gee, that name sounds SO close to New Kryptonian that one might think they stole it from LnC) plot lines, she was a very fun episode! Lois was a riot. B-Plot WINS over A-Plot, AGAIN! Shouldn't this have told the producers something?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.