Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
I'm not quite sure what's going on with Chloe in this episode.
Well, most of time I don't understand what's going on with Chloe. Sometimes she acts like a friend, but sometimes she seems the jealous and spiteful girlfriend and treats Lois like a rival. I guess she never completely accepted that she can't get Clark. grumble
Hmmmmm. Chloe is all about the mourning in these first two episodes. She's feeling guilty that her desire to save Davis ended up killing both him and Jimmy. She mourning the loss of her reconciled husband. She's mourning the loss of her purpose in life. She's mourning her loss of all her friends (the new JL group), who disappeared on her after Jimmy's death (that must have felt like they blamed her, more than themselves). She gave up everything to protect Clark: her job, her marriage, the life of her husband, her brain, her self-respect, and what does he do, he drops her like yesterday's news once things get hard. That's got to hurt. She's mourning her best friend who Clark seems to kill off (that would be Clark's CK side), when she needed his support the most. She's missing her cousin Lois who disappeared during this whole panic. Chloe stays at the "Watchtower" (which I have to say is a super cool set), because it reminds her of Jimmy. She even has his photo next to her computer.

Yes, Chloe is definitely feeling jealous of Lois and Clark's relationship, but I think it's more that Lois is stepping into her old role as Clark's sidekick (even calling herself that in E2, well... The Blur's sidekick). Chloe feels abandoned by everyone and all alone, when she used to have this huge group of friends she could call upon to help. I feel for her, I do. At least, Emil still gives her the time of day.

Lois won't even sit still long enough for Chloe to tell her what happened to / with Jimmy and Davis. Here, she's spent since Jimmy funeral searching for her cousin non-stop, and when she finds her, Lois doesn't care enough to stop and listen for a moment to what's going on in Chloe's life even though Chloe is trying to explain that something HUGE happened.

Chloe feels used and abused and discarded. That's got to hurt.

That being said, much of this I figured out after watching E2.

S9,E2 - "Metallo" -- hmmmm. Where have I heard that name before? wink Lois's sex dreams of Clark are giving her a major jonesing for her missing partner (Poughkeepsie? Clark? Riggggght. Completely understand her skepticism, here. I'm glad she called Martha to find out what was going on with Clark. thumbsup I can see him totally freaking out about this.

I know that Tess and her new teenage Scooby Gang type sidekick want to pin the new Kryptonians (Candorians?) paramilitary group on Corben's transformation and surgery, but I'm not exactly sure. Mostly because if they ARE Kryptonian then they couldn't have come that close to Kryptonite. It seems almost too convenient to blame the Candorians for Corben's Kryptonite heart. I also don't see the connection Tess does between Corben's kryptonite heart and the Candorians wish for the Blur's super powers. I have to say they're doing a good job and confusing the heck out the viewers on what's going on with both Tess and the Candorians.

For a minute, after Clark learned from Dr. Hamilton that the new cyborg in town has a Kryptonite heart (which I have to say is very reminiscent of Iron Man's power source), I thought that Clark would call in his new Kryptonite infected buddy, Lana, to take Corben down, since she has Clark's powers and his resistance to Kryptonite. But the He-Man Blur instead calls upon his crush, Lois, to find out who the new cyborg in town is, instead of checking in with his usual sidekick Chloe. I have to say, Chloe has every right to feel ticked off at both Clark and Lois. Then, again, she abandoned her life and friends last season to take care of Davis, so I can see why they've moved on without her. Chloe can dish it but can't take it.

I was a bit surprised that Corben was able to recognize Clark on sight as the Blur. He never met Clark Kent, did he? He may have taken over Clark's desk, but I don't think there were any photos of Clark around on his or Lois's desks, so how did Corben seem to know who Clark was? Also, using the electromagnetic shock thing on Corben seemed almost like killing him more than tazering him, even though it didn't seem to do more than make Corben VERY VERY upset (after he woke up). Covering the kryptonite heart with a lead shield was a good plan, but doesn't that only block the kryptonite radiation from one side of Corben? Doesn't it still pass through his body and come out his back?

The Blur is becoming more dependent on Lois and he's seeing that maybe that's not a good idea, but now that he's addicted, he's going to have trouble letting her go.

Clark waking Lois up was very reminiscent of Clark waking Lois up after freezing her at the end of "AtAi". But, then, as soon as she starts to wake, he dives back into the shadows. It would have been nice, if Lois saw that it was Clark would had rescued her, instead of the Blur. laugh When she asks to show his face, she gets this expression on her face like she recognizes him or something, even though his step forward still keeps his face shaded.

I have to say, I love, love, *LOVED* the ending banter scene between Clark and Lois. Clark is excited to be resurrected and happy to see Lois as himself. Lois is ecstatic to see Clark and bubbling about her new-found friendship with The Blur. Instead of brushing her off, though, Clark actually sits down and asks Lois to tell her all about it. hyper We didn't really see that kind of scene on LnC. Lois more bombarded Clark with her views on Superman, but we rarely, if ever, saw him ask Lois to tell him her side of the story.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.