Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Yeah, that has got to be one of the most stupid moves on Clark's part. Yet, he couldn't let him die (unless you are getting advice from Jonathan Kent from Man of Steel... let's just not go there...)
But by bringing Zod back from the dead isn't Clark more playing God than allowing nature take it's course? He didn't stab himself with Kryptonite to donate blood save Jimmy's life, for example, or Jonathan's. Come on! It isn't as if Zod meant to Clark what Lois and Clark meant Chloe (when she risked herself for them). It wasn't Clark's fault that Zod died, and just because he was a Kryptonian clone doesn't give Zod a bump on the to-be-rescued by a blood transfusion list. He already lived once on Krytpon. His soul already took over Lex and lived a second time on Earth. This was his third life. Dying in order to try to save Lois should have redeemed him, honor wise. He's had his chance and doesn't deserve this sacrifice on Clark's behalf. Now, if it were Lois.... I totally would understand why Clark would do this, but it wasn't, so I don't.

S9, E15 - "Escape" - YES! Finally, Lois and Clark go away for a much needed weekend together. Romance fills the air. Leaks in their room fixed. Huge balls of twine (wasn't it?) seen and fondly recalled. Memories of ghosts inhabiting Chloe and her invading Clark's shower. Next...

Just kidding. So, Clark has decided that he has control over himself and his powers to enable a healthy pre-marital intimate relationship with Lois.

LOIS: dance party I'm *so* there!

Unfortunately, so are Oliver and Chloe. Perhaps Clark shouldn't make their weekend away such a surprise next time. If Lois agrees to a next time after the last few disastrous dates, and those were just the ones where Clark showed up. I mean, there was the monster truck rally (no show). There was the Coffee Date (no show, as far as Lois knows). There was the Comic Con, where he ditches her to be with another woman (Zantanna). There was the Valentine's Day date where she was hypnotized (or drugged as Lois saw it). Then, their dinner date, which he cancels because of Kandorian problems (another woman). And now their weekend away. These two have BAD luck.

I like that Clark is so determined that this weekend go well that he fixes the leak in their guest room, and then cleans the room as well, so that he and Lois can settle in for the night. I was a little surprised in the blase manner at which they both went to bed. Getting their PJs on and lying down as if they were actually going to sleep. Um... okay. It was a romantic get-away, right? It seemed to be lacking in... um... the passion shown in Pandora. It felt awkward and weird, and I was actually glad that the harpy screamed and startled everyone from their rooms.

Wasn't it cute that Chloe and Oliver had matching robes? smile Lois and Clark didn't have robes, though. (I think Lois had some sort of covering, but my guess is that it was her own. O&C looked like guest robes care of the inn.) I could see how seeing her ex with her cousin would make Lois freak and not feel very romantic. It didn't seem to dampen Chloe and Oliver's weekend until breakfast though.

If it bothered Lois so much, then Clark should have suggested that they leave the next morning and go somewhere else. Not that Lois would have let them leave, though. She would have been all "it doesn't bother me". Although if they had left, then Oliver would be dead at Chloe's shriek and they wouldn't be able to continue with this takeover of Clark's show by the Justice League. OR, better yet, not dead because Clark wouldn't have stupidly given Oliver dating advice, let alone Oliver having taken it and freaked Chloe out. If I were Chloe, I'd be pissed. How dare her friend-with-benefits take advice from the biggest lunkhead when it comes to dating? I mean really, could Oliver have picked a worse person to take dating advice from? Please! He's had 3 - count 'em - 3 girlfriends. Lana, enough said. Dismal failure. Alicia, who died. And LOIS, who he's once again failing miserably, but she keeps giving him extra chances though he hardly has earned them. Please, Oliver, grow a brain already.

The one thing that bothers me about the whole silver banshee plot is the fact that Chloe willfully incinerates the banshee's soul WHILE ITS INHABITING LOIS! I mean, doesn't that mean that Lois would end up a bit charbroiled? Think, people! It bothered me that once the Silver Banshee bursts into flames, we don't see Lois again until they arrive back at the DP. Why didn't they show her separating and collapsing out of the flames and okay? The Silver Banshee disappears and I'm left wondering, "okay, where's Lois?"

The interesting thing about Clark training himself to have more control of his powers is that Zod hasn't done any of that and has a perfectly normal intimate relationship with Tess. He doesn't have anywhere near as much time with powers, but he seems to have much more control of them. He can fly, where Clark can't. He can have relations with a human woman without problem (not that he would have cared, either way, I'm guessing).

Why am I supposed to like Tess again? I'm not sure what in the world she's trying to do with Zod. First, she tells him she won't sleep with him. And then she does... but only after he gets powers. dizzy Also, we get to see Zod's HUGE Family Crest tattoo on his back in this episode and it makes me wonder if he has that, why does he need dog tags? Or was the tattoo a side effect of the cloning process? Does Zod even know it's there? (It's not like he'd look at his back much.) Wasn't this Zod supposed to be freshly mourning the death of his wife and son? Or do they not want to remind viewer of that major plot hole? (The fact that the wife survived and ended up in the Phantom Zone and they somehow cloned his son and made Doomsday. Also, another problem I had with "Kandor" was that Jor-El said cloning Zod's son from his hair would be "wrong" but they were taking blood from the soldiers to make clones to send to Earth, because???... again, the reasoning made no sense.)

So, now Tess has let a super powered Zod know that there's something out there which will HARM CLARK! Everything Tess does is for WHAT end result? I just can't see what she's hoping to accomplish? She sides with the Kandorians because she thinks they will save her planet. [Linked Image] Then AFTER seeing what happens due witnessing Lois's memories of the future, SHE STILL THINKS THEY WILL SAVE HER PLANET? The woman is delusional! She's sleeping with the enemy. People, this isn't a good thing. It doesn't make her trustworthy. [Linked Image]

This episode would have been so much better without the whole Kandorian sub-plot (C-plot?). It reminded me more of a LnC episode, until Tess and Zod were brought in.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/05/14 03:17 AM.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.