Originally posted by KatherineKent:
Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful.
Poor Oliver really can't cope with what happened at the end of S8 and how the League's behaviour led to two deaths. He only gets worse. I don't think there was anything wrong with Clark's talk, but ... nope, it didn't work. That was more because he didn't realise how bad Ollie was. He thought that Ollie only needed a simple 'Come on, snap out of it, you're a great hero'. Although, telling him off for letting Lois fall asleep... yeah, not helping, but poor Clark is just beginning to understand how much Lois means to him and nearly losing her scared him.
In the elevator, just as Lois falls asleep, Oliver is telling her that he wishes that they didn't break up. Is part of the problem that he's having coping with everything have to do with the fact that he's still in love with Lois? Or is he just being nostalgic, wishing things were as they once were, instead of so screwed up as they are now? He had a picture of Lois in his wallet, so clearly he's been thinking of her. Or does he realize what he lost now that Clark's found her?

I think it would be more clear to me about Oliver's downward spiral if I could remember him and Jimmy being friends. I don't. I know Jimmy was close to both Lois and Chloe, and they both were close to Oliver, but I don't recall Oliver and Jimmy crossing paths until Jimmy suddenly calls on him for a loan. I was like razz </strong> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Good point. Not that this excuses her behavior, but it sounds like to me that she's missing them and wanted to be involved in their life even if they didn't want her to be. Being that they kind-of took off without notice, I'm surprised she was able to bug them so easily. She must have had this in the works long before Jimmy's death. BTW: I wasn't condoning Chloe's behavior earlier. I meant "Big Sister" in a "Big Brother" metaphor type way, i.e. spying without permission way. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.