Originally Posted by VirginiaR
S9, E14 - "Conspiracy"

Lois, understandably, thinks he's delusional psycho, because he's psycho. (The differences between the two aren't that big.)
The thing is, though, he isn't delusional. I thought this episode was interesting because it shows how the Kandorians ARE a bit freaky... and makes you wonder, how would we as humans react to discovering aliens on our planet. Not all are going to be Clark Kents, alas...

Interesting thing here, Lois never received any of these letters. Someone (in the mailroom?) filed them away without letting Lois decide whether or not it was a story worth investigating. Perhaps he should have hand delivered his crazy message to her like Dr. Platt.
I think at this point Lois has pretty high status as a reporter at the DP. I imagine they would have a pre-sorting system with someone determining which letters are from stalkers or whack-jobs... still, Lois should have at least been informed about them.

I find it funny that Zod impersonates a reporter by borrowing someone's glasses and press-pass and is automatically assumed to be a reporter. Maybe if Clark started to wear HIS glasses, he would actually remember to use his brain sometimes.
Yeah, the glasses gag doesn't quite work in this world since Clark isn't wearing glasses. It sort of breaks the fourth wall because we all know CK=glasses=reporter.

Zod finds Lois, tells her he's FBI, and starts to free her when the psycho walks in and shoots Zod, recognizing him as a bad Kandorian guy by his dogtags.
I also don't like the dogtags in general. I thought it was a really cheap way to identify the Kandorians. Shouldn't they be sporting something a little more... alien?

(I noticed in the next episode that Zod actually sports his crest on his back in a huge tattoo* as well. Overkill, much?)
Yeah, I agree, it is a bit much...

First order of the day, zipping Lois away so that she doesn't figure out his secret. Really, Clark? THAT's your priority, here?
Yeah, I got sick of Lois ALWAYS getting knocked out when Clark comes to save the day. In a few eps they are a bit more creative about it -- but then it just seemed like a plot device. Lois has to get gonked on the head if Clark shows up. She must have had some serious concussions over the years...

Apparently, he hasn't learned the full array of uses for his heat vision. Either that, or the writers thought it felt too intimate, being that she's only wearing her underwear.
Could be... it's been a while since I've watched this ep. Wasn't there green K in the room as well?

Instead of telling Zod "Hey, no. They can't tell you're an alien by your blood. I've been in the hospital a dozen times in the last 9 years alone and they've never figured it out."
LOL wink

Lunkhead gives him ONE drop of his own blood. Uh-oh. Somebody has bonded with the bad guys! [Linked Image]

Why this was such a lunkheaded decision, if Smallville ever made one:
1) Zod recovers.
2) Zod gets Clark's powers.
3) Zod now knows there's something that will hurt Clark enough to make him bleed, so he can be killed.
4) Zod now knows how to empower his troops without the red sun RAO tower, by giving them one drop of his own blood (or better yet, Clark's).

Sometimes, Clark, it's better to let dead bad guys stay dead. Haven't you learned anything about the psycho crazy nutso guy? If you bring someone back to life, they WILL try to kill you for it.
Yeah, that has got to be one of the most stupid moves on Clark's part. Yet, he couldn't let him die (unless you are getting advice from Jonathan Kent from Man of Steel... let's just not go there...)

Somehow the crazy Chess people have stolen Lois's notes. If I were her, I wouldn't leave anything of importance in my desk at work.
LOL, 'crazy Chess people.' Both her and Clark tend to leave things in their drawers at work that they really shouldn't. Ahem... like the Legion ring, for example.

* Total Aside Question: If you've got super healing powers, ala Clark, if you get a tattoo when you're vulnerable, wouldn't it somehow "heal" it away?
This actually gets addressed in a small way in Season 10.

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink