S9,E5 - "Roulette" - I wasn't sure what to expect from this title. I love "The Game" homage (terrific film, BTW), so I guessed what was going on with Oliver early on (like during the locked in the casket scene after he saw the words "Game On"). At first, I wondered if he had been buried alive as part of his shock treatment. I was kept guessing until the end, who had set up the game, though. hyper That it was Chloe and not Tess. With Tess it would have taken on a more sinister vibe, because I don't know why she'd really want him to survive. She's got enough going on in her life to babysit a downward spiraling ex-boyfriend. Plus, she's not as good of a friend as Lois is.

I *loved* the opening Lois and Clark scene with the laundry and the "Shark" movie fest and Clark using getting more snacks to excuse himself from the room to rescue people. hyper Yea, Lois for giving Clark what-for [Linked Image] about keeping Oliver's depression from her! I couldn't tell what he was thinking though, when she marched out (after bashing him for his lying). Was he thinking that she still had romantic feelings for Oliver? Was he feeling guilty for keeping his Blur-ness from her? Or was he just numb? I don't know. I couldn't get a read on his expression at all. I'm glad she went to hunt down Oliver after ditching Clark. It showed us what a loyal friend she is.

I knew it was Lois in the red dress when Oliver came back into the club with his gun, so I'm glad he didn't shoot her, because that would have been bad. You don't want The Blur mad at you, because he could make Doomsday look like a nice soft kitten, I'm guessing. He should have noticed she was missing the tattoo. Really smart there, Mr. non-Observant superhero wannabee. Good job in hiring the psycho to run your little game there, Chloe. Going off script isn't exactly allowed in your perfectly controlled world, is it?

Does anyone remember what happened to Det. Jo'n Jones? He kind of faded into the ether. Probably because like Martha, he was over 40 and apparently that's deadly in Metropolis. :rolleyes: I mean, hello? Zod is the same age as the rest of this young cast and he's supposed to be Jor-El's age. Please! Yeah, yeah. I know he's going to turn out to be some kind of clone, therefore ageless, but still.

Is Oliver developing a crush on Chloe now? He seemed very admiring of her when he confronted her about the "game". She'd be wise to avoid that. She's had enough bad relationships in her life.

We didn't really get any closure between Lois and Clark after her "you lied to me, Smallville" storm. So, I'm interested to see how he's going to make it up to her. Ouch, after standing her up in 'Echo' is up to two strikes with the bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth. (i.e. he's to his last chance.) I'm glad that Lois told Oliver that she'd be there for him, but only as a friend. He needed to know that he'd had already used up his three strikes and she was already fallen for another lunkheaded ballplayer. I don't know if "beer pong" was exactly the right way to celebrate Oliver's birthday after his recent drink-fests.

When I saw the Green Arrow standing at the top of the building looking at Metropolis at the end of the episode, I figured the first words out of The Blur's mouth would be "Hey, that's my gargoyle." laugh Sigh. Missed opportunities. I'm glad he mocked Clark's gettup. It deserves to be mocked. People will have more hope with bright colors than the black and gray (sorry, Batman, but it's true).

Okay, now that they've fixed Oliver and fixed Chloe (kind of), can they get back to focusing on Lois and Clark?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.