sad For it's been an uphill battle with RL for...I don't know, 2014 or so. Sure, there's some less hectic times, but they're few and far between and every time I think I've reached the top of the hill, I see that there's another ravine and then an even steeper hill on the other side. But maybe, I just need to push through till this fall and then things get better again. Right now, I don't even have the mental capacity to read the latest update morsels of Queeny's stories. mecry

Fun fact: I have no idea why I had more time back in 2008 or 2009, when I actually managed to write 20 pages a week. I had more or less the same job and the same RL stuff going on and yet, somehow there was more time available. Or time to read in 2012. The only real difference the aforementioned hill where I'm pushing a stone up to the top. That wasn't there back then...

wave Michael

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