Well, I'll admit I have always been a terrible commenter. Part of that is I never know what to say- my basic social awkwardness raising its head. As a reader, I'll try and get better at that!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Many writers have abandoned their stories because of little or no feedback. People do not continue writing if the audience is silent. Many writers put in hours of research and editing to present a story that FoLCs would love to read.
This. So much this. I for one cannot write in a vacuum. I get excited to post a new chapter or a new story, and if it's a WIP, feedback (good or bad) helps spur me on to finish the story. And when you've been working on a story for a long time, finally feel ready to start posting, and you get... nothing, it's incredibly dispiriting.

Cuidadora- that's awful! I hope things are getting better for you and your county.

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg