Annie B: Totally get it. It feels like we all kinda get bogged down with RL and sometimes it just becomes....while consuming.

Lynn: It's just a thought. Nothing concrete. Just an idea to maybe make everyone feel a little 'connected' since we had comments about people not feeling like they knew everyone well enough to comment / post/ whatever. I COMPLETELY get not having time in the day .... Some years are harder than others I suppose. (Totally guilty of writing epics...Although I'm trying to challenge myself to write some shorts wink )

LMA: Hehe yes it is. I know we've lost a lot of our founding members over the years but there are still a lot of great and talented people to connect with.

scifiJoan: I hate when writer's block hits. It's crazy. Yeah the survey was just to find out if there was something in particular with the boards that was preventing people from posting/commenting. It was like crickets for a while and we were trying to figure out what was going on.

Queen of Capes: RL strikes again? Hopefully things settle down for you soon so you can put those ideas to good use wink

Talia: Mobile Friendly? Yeah it's definitely something we can ask our developer team if the option is there. The setup was put there I think to keep conversations separate from the stories. I'm thinking there were some issues back in the beginning (before my time - I discovered the boards in 2009 haha).

For anyone interested the Chat Hangout is still open for anyone looking to chat on a mobile friendly atmosphere to connect with everyone. NK was live chatting with us when she was at the Supanova with Dean and Teri. smile

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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