Originally Posted by CLeuch
When did this happen? I don't remember that being a thing
It was one of the things that lead to the creation of these boards... Zoom's boards were where all fic went before. There was a bit of an acrimonious split, and here we are. Zoom's boards still have a fic section, but they are completely devoid of commenters at this point.

Hi Cindy, not to start a discussion on comments or anything like that and I wasn't there back in the day, so I only know things via the FAQs but the entry on FDK actually is quite encouraging towards constructive criticism etc: http://www.lcficmbs.com/faqs.html#qfdk_what
Did this come about later (but before 2007, since I remember reading the FAQ back then) or is it just some misunderstanding?

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.