1. NAME: Tina (family nickname - proper name Kathryn C.)
3. LIVE - Ocean City, MD couple blocks from Delaware state line
4. WATCHING LnC - Started with first episode
5. OTHER SHOWS - NCIS, CSI Miami, Discovery Health channel, HGTV but I don't really watch alot of TV to busy reading LnC stories
6. CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT - my computer, my cameras, vanilla ice cream
7. THINGS CAN'T LIVE WITH - politicians they make me crazy, vacationers (I live in a resort town), reality TV (hate it)
8. FUN FACT - I'm into landscape and wildlife photography
9. LAST VACATION - last real vacation was in 2000 I went to San Francisco etc.
10. CHARACTER YOUR LIKE - Dr. Klein & Jimmy - Dr. K because I get too caught up in explanations and Jimmy because I'm always researching something on the web and I'm into photography. dance