Okay, here goes... sorry if some of my answers are vague. <g>

1. Name? - Definitely not MetroRhodes. <g>

2. A nickname people call you on the boards? - DJ

3. Where do you live? - In the mind of my muse... Oh, you meant literally? Um, somewhere in southern U.S.

4. When did you start watching L&C? - 1993, 1st ep, I was 15.

5. Other shows you watch? - Heroes now (thanks to some prodding by friends and family) Lost and American Idol.

6. Three things you can't live without? - Hmmm, without getting too deep or philosophical... my contacts, my husband, and my two dogs.

7. Three things you can't live with? - pessimism, anal retentiveness, and whining (especially whiny children.)

8. A fun fact about yourself? - I love to sing - in the shower, in the car, while I'm doing laundry... I even got to sing with a live band once - very fun. <g>

9. Your last vacation? - Florida/Disney World

10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? - Hmm, that's a toughy. I guess probably Clark. I try to be a positive person (optimistic) and look for the good in others. I try not to ruffle feathers and do not get my feathers ruffled very easily - although it does happen sometimes, and when it does, boy -- look out. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.