1. Name? Barbara
2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Vanda, Babsi
3. Where do you live?Austria, in a beautiful city
4. When did you start watching L&C? The first time the pilot was airing in Austria
5. Other shows you watch? too much... ER, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Boston Legal, CSI, King of Queens,...
6. Three things you can't live without? My boyfriend, my laptop (with internet connection), fanfics
7. Three things you can't live with? dust (or I get allergic reactions), moaning people, Fast Food
8. A fun fact about yourself? hmmm, let me think. I guess you have to ask my friends wink
9. Your last vacation? only a few days ago - Florida ( for 2 weeks)
10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why?
I guess I'm a lot like Lois. I found my Clark some years ago. And also the familiy situations are a similar - I envy him - his parents are really great!