1. Name? Sue S.

2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Um, "Sue" is my nickname. My real name is... something else.

3. Where do you live? Western US

4. When did you start watching L&C? From the very first episode until the beginning of the fourth season when I walked away in frustration. Everything I loved about the characters and the writing for the show was gone and not even Dean in spandex could keep me watching.

5. Other shows you watch? The Daily Show, Colbert Report and anything on the Discovery, History, or Science channels. Mostly I spend my free time in the evenings reading or writing instead of watching TV. If the TV is on, it's usually on the news (or fake news <g>).

6. Three things you can't live without? My son, something to read, and (unfortunately) feedback. I should never have started writing because I crave the stuff something awful now. It's pathetic. blush

7. Three things you can't live with? Single drivers in the car pool lane, people who mispronounce "Nevada" and bigots.

8. A fun fact about yourself? I must walk with a rather confident gait or look approachable because every time I'm in London (and once in Paris), I've been mistaken for a local and people ask me for directions. The expression on their faces when I answer with an American accent is priceless.

9. Your last vacation? The lovely LaraMoon came to visit me last month and we took a road trip to Bryce Canyon for the weekend. Much silliness ensued. Before that - I took my mom to Ireland for her 60th birthday and it was the best two weeks of my life. My mom rocks!

10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? I have Cat's dirty mind, Jimmy's klutziness, and Perry's temper. Like Lois, I tend to babble. Like Clark, I have an alter ego - only mine writes fanfic instead of saving the world. Unlike Clark, I would freak twice and die if anyone in my real life found out about my alter ego. <shudders>

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis