1. Name? Not Caroline wink

2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Caroline or just 'C'

3. Where do you live? upstate South Carolina

4. When did you start watching L&C? Umm...Sometime in 2005, I think, not long after the first DVD was released. I found the fan fic first and then went looking for the DVD's a few months later. I started writing a few months after that.

5. Other shows you watch? Way too many these days! House, Bones, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and we've just started watching Season 1 of Heroes and are getting sucked into that.

6. Three things you can't live without? My family, my computer, and coffee. The coffee is practically medicinal with me - necessary for normal human function. I told my daughter recently that the last time I went without coffee was when I was pregnant with her. She shuddered slightly and said, "Boy, I'm glad I wasn't born yet."

7. Three things you can't live with? People who are chronically late *grrr*, fandom kerfuffles, white floors.

8. A fun fact about yourself? I have a new dog! OK, that's not really about me, but I'm excited about it, so I'm sharing. She's a Labradoodle, is a year old (a rescue dog), and is sweet and smart and just generally destined for the dog Hall of Fame.

9. Your last vacation? Edisto Island, two weeks ago. Wish I were still there!

10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Yikes. I have no idea. Maybe Martha? I'm kind of a strange mix of down-to-earth and creative, and I'm fiercely protective of my children.