1. Name? My initials are JLO ... that's all you're getting for now.
2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Gr8shades. (and very occasionally Clarkgodyesdon'tstop!) wink
3. Where do you live? London, when I'm not away working.
4. When did you start watching L&C? March 1995 - I missed the first 15 min of the pilot cos I had my first university accounting test. Was sooo angry about that cos I knew I was gonna love it! I got 49% for that test btw, and it was all downhill from there! goofy Thankfully I dropped the course at the end of the semester and moved on to better things.
5. Other shows you watch? Desperate Housewives, Bones, Heroes, Ugly Betty, and you can't go wrong with Friends.
6. Three things you can't live without? Air, nourishment, enough sleep.
7. Three things you can't live with? Having to get up early, cigarette smoke, people who don't wash dishes properly
8. A fun fact about yourself? I sleep with my head under the pillow. Shuts the light out in summer, keeps me warm in winter and keeps any unwanted ambient noise to a minimum. Oh, you said fun fact, not weird. Oh well.
9. Your last vacation? Christmas in South Africa last year.
10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Am emotionally insecure/commitment phobic like season 1&2 Lois (and you wonder why I didn't tell you my name! lol); am kind, patient and loyal like Clark.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.