Going a bit OT here:

Since the question of policy has been brought up a couple of times in this thread, and I know that a lot of board members are reading/commenting here, I just want to remind everyone that the boards moderator/admin team is always ready to listen to suggestions for policy changes, new ideas for the boards and even complaints if you feel there's a problem. And, you know, sometimes a quick email to the moderators might prevent a long thread where frustrations get vented all over the place wink

I'm certainly not suggesting that everyone should email us whenever some little thing niggles, goofy but just bear in mind that we are out there, we don't always have time to read all threads, and we're very open to listening to comments, suggestions and concerns.

If you don't know how to contact us, mods at lcfanfic dot com will do it - or just click on any of the names that appear beside a forum name on the front page, and that mod will make sure the team gets the message.

Wendy smile
Boards Admin and Moderation Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*