Hasini had written:

And Carol, I think you're being over-sensitive. When you purposely chuff up the embers of a fire, you must expect to get singed a little.
I assumed that the pronoun in the second sentence referred to me since my name was mentioned in the preceding sentence. As well, those two sentences were isolated in a separate paragraph from what followed. I don't think I was being either illogical or over-sensitive to assume that "you" referred back to "Carol".. Rules of grammar and all that. smile I also assumed that Labrat (and others for that matter smile ) would take that sentence's meaning from its grammatical structure.
I had no idea that Labrat would not, so when she congratulated people on not insulting anyone, I wondered why she had ignored what Hasini had written about me and frankly felt "hurt" that she'd overlooked that.

I certainly can't feel hurt when someone lauds tolerance, however:) I would have thought that, given that tolerance was what I had been stressing throughout my posts, that Labrat would have not thought that I *would* be hurt by her reference to it. As well, I cited in that post the part that had bothered me, and so I assumed that Labrat would understand that that particular quote was what I was addressing. But she didn't, and that's my fault perhaps for not beginning with a repeat of my plea for tolerance.

Saying that we find something that she insinuates as offensive, is not an attack on her; it's a defense of ourselves.
Yes, indeed. smile I guess that's what we were all doing, a bit of self-defense smile It's a two-way street. Although, it's beginning to seem like a round-about. smile

But, Hasini, I appreciate your clarification of what you really intended.: ) Not many people here have done that.

Alcyone wrote:

The implication is that Labrat has personally attacked Carol,
Perhaps it's for me to say whether I felt personally attacked by Labrat's saying I should stop posting, and also for Labrat to say whether she intended to attack me or not, and for Ann to say what she was "implying" smile

But thanks, Ann. smile
