Ann, who has said "TOGOM = Lois deathfic"? Can you show me that? Can you post a quote or two where someone makes the point that a TOGOM fic is exactly the same as a Lois deathfic?
No one has said that a TOGOM story is exactly the same thing as a Lois deathfic. However, it has been suggested several times that the surplus of Lois deathfics compared with Clark deathfics may be there because Clark's "death" (and Lois's grief) has already been explored in all the TOGOMs posted here. Therefore, there may be a need for the opposite side of the coin, i.e. there may be a need for stories about Clark's grief over Lois's death, never mind that these stories deal with Lois's actual death. In spite of the fact that TOGOMs and Lois deathfics end so differently, it has been argued that the Lois deathfics could still be seen as companion pieces to the TOGOMs. The first one who suggested this was Wendy. In the latest deathfic discussion before this, it was brought up like this:

Concerning the preponderance of Lois deathfics? - A lot of interesting and valid points have been brought up in this thread. But how about the fact that in TOGOM, we've already experienced Lois's grieving. But we don't explore Clark's grief, not even in DToDC. And as the Wedding Destroyer indicated when choosing Lois as her victim, Clark's grief will be the deeper, the more profound. Just a thought.
And Sara, the reason why I killed all those girls in the first version of my little fic was precisely because I wanted to say that if the Lois deathfics can be compared with the TOGOMs, then the death of a woman can be compared with the survival of a man.

Paul, I have a suggestion. Why not create a deathfic folder, just like there is an nfic folder? I promise I won't even go near it. In fact, you administrators could deny me access to it!
