Okay this is OT, I'm sorry. I'm always fascinated by fic discussions--this has nothing to do with deathfic, TOGOM

I'm with Elena...

I wonder what you'd think if I told you I dislike deathfics that have a happy end. I just feel cheated. You killed them? Leave them dead, for heaven's sake!
I know!!! Oftentimes, I feel like a happy ending cheapens what happened before it because suddenly all the bad stuff vanishes just like that. I think it's really hard to end fics that have a lot of trauma in them, it's really easy for them to seem contrived. So actually it isn't that I'm sadistic and want the charas to suffer, but that in terms of narrative an easy fix sometimes doesn't satisfy. My own opinion, in any case.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan