I hope this will be my last post in this thread. I'm very sorry that I caused some of you grief by talking about dead children, seeing that at least one person here has indeed lost a child.

Finally, I didn't want to make the woman in my story "justified" in any way. I thoroughly agree with you that she is crazy. Really off her rocker.

And a part of her craziness is that she would indeed agree that TOGOMs and deathfics are the same thing.

(However... yes, Hasini, we all view death differently, and I accept that some views will make death an ephemeral thing, a simple passing through of something, and if you hold that view you may indeed think that TOGOMs and deathfics are pretty much the same thing. But you still wouldn't grieve for a living child as if he or she was dead, I'm sure. And it wouldn't be the same thing for Clark to lose Lois for the rest of his life as it would be for Lois get Clark back safe and sound after she had believed that he was dead. And this is true no matter what your views on death are.)
