Originally posted by John Lambert:
EW: Canon Lois told canon Clark that she knew in a park. It's symbolic.
JOHN: But canon Lois was not trying to hide from a psychopathic murderer.
Sometimes the best place to hide is out in public.

Acutally, normally asking Clark to think in these two different phases would work. If she was just dating her work partner things would not be so bad. But when she decides to faux-date her main focus of investigation, she has created too large a mess for anyone to handle.
It's another way Lois is extrapolating Clark's sense of 'super' into all aspects of his life. There's a reason this story isn't called 'Wrong Lois'.
LOIS: Because that would be factually inaccurate. Because I'm *never* wrong... I just mess up sometimes.

It makes sense when you explain it, but I still don't see it really flowing from what she actually said, and there is no way that Clark will ever get that from what she said. Not even if Cat can convince him that Lois is just under cover will that follow from what Lois said.
As if Lois can always see the truth in what Clark's says.

EW: Had Lois defended Lex recently
JOHN: She defended him as a good person after he had both shot and bought her. She believed him over Brigitte Kahn and whatever sense of investigating the issue Clark had developed. When she flat out rejects his attempts to point out problems with Lex like that, what other choice does he have but to not say anything.
Neither of those are recently.

He had tried to trust her with details of the investigation, and she had accused him of being jealous and petty and not listened to him at all.
Do you mean HERE or earlier in the story? Because HERE, she already knew that Lex was bad and she didn't need to hear that. If you mean previously, it still wasn't really since Nightfall or even the beginning of the year, so not recently at all.

Although, to be fair, Lois maybe was already using Lex as part of an investigation back then, but even her attempt to get Clark to see her relationship with Lex as like his with Cat just does not work. Clark never presented his relationship with Cat as romantic, but Lois clearly was putting on romantic airs with Lex.
LOIS: To say that there was as much romance between me and Lex as there was between Clark and Cat would be factually accurate, unless Clark lied to me about his relationship with Cat. Just because Lex thinks that there was more going on than there was on my half, is *his* problem not... well, okay, it's MY problem now. grumble more like the aftermath of his crush. Ugh.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.