-- Continuation of response to John's FDK --
2 minutes later

Lois:How was I supposed to know the North Metropolis High School chess team would be playing games and the Central Atlantic Backgammon championship would be both happening here this morning?

he needs to remember that it was to him she mentioned a desire to be handcuffed, not to Lex.

Clark:But many women marry a man other than who they love.

Reader:Do you really think Lois would do such.

Clark:Well, no, but I also didn't think Lois would be so quick to run off because of some expensive peace of jewelry, and I didn't think she would abandon her date at the magic of the night ball. But she did those things.
It's hard to see things from someone's POV if one doesn't understand it.

He really should stop and ask for clarification.
CLARK: Yes, I see. Hindsight is 20/20. Got that. Thanks.

[so frustrated] How does she even think her boyfriend can give her unbiased advice on this. It makes no sense.
She's asking him to think about what she's saying as her "partner" not her "boyfriend". Another reason why dating at work isn't a good idea.

somehow I don't think Clark is really listening.
CLARK: I think she said something like "Lex Proposed" and then, "Blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't say no. Blah, blah." At least. That's all my brain could comprehend.

If she knows, then why is she even asking Clark. This makes no sense, especially to him.
She knows (with her brain) that she should continue her investigation, but her heart is telling her that she shouldn't do this without talking to Clark first and let him know what's going on.
LOIS: So, you're saying I wasn't being clear?

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never get again.
Clark:To marry? To marry a rich man?
LOIS: No. And No.

Although, it really does seem she is saying "this is my one chance to marry, if I say no, I might never get another chance". At least based on what Clark knows.
LOIS: He knows me. He should know that isn't what I want.

I don’t know how to meld these two contradictory parts warring inside of me.”
JOHN: This really does make it sound like she has positive feelings for Lex despite the negative feelings that Clark has towards him. Even knowing what I do, that is still the only way the last line makes sense.
Her brain says this will be the only opportunity to get within the 'belly of the beast' and get close to Lex. Her heart wants to stop this investigation and be close to Clark. Those are the two part warring inside of her. Her career goals and her heart.

If this is not a request for "make a simple solution for me to move forward", then I have never heard one.
How about "Tell me you'll still love me, even if I go ahead with this undercover sting against Lex?"

Clark:Marry me and forget about Luthor.

Reader:I really think that is the only way for Clark to ever interpret these lines. Lois asks for a "best way forward" without telling Clark anything about what she is trying to do. She has made it sound like she wants to marry and sees Lex as her only option.
Because he's forgetting one key aspect of Lois's personality. Her willingness to forgo her personal life for her career aspirations.

stop treating Lois as if she is super shallow Clark. She fell in love with you as Clark, not just you as Superman. She loves you. Aargh, why can't he see that.
Because his life experiences have shown him that good things don't come to him?

Clark, you don't have to do anything. Action is not what Lois needs now. She needs a friend to listen to her concerns. Be that friend Clark.
This, sadly, is the major contention in many relationships. A woman wants to talk and be heard, and a man wants to give advice on how something should be fixed or take action to fix it.

He is going to do something stupid.
Clark? Never! wink
BATMAN: This is why I'm the brains of the Justice League.
WONDER WOMAN: Don't worry about it, Superman. We only let Batman think that, but we know the truth.
SUPERMAN: Thank you.
WONDER WOMAN: I'm the brains behind this outfit.
BATMAN: No, what I said was 'how do you expect any man to think clearly while you wear that outfit?'
WONDER WOMAN: That's your problem.

Considering their actual experience, and the clothes she brought to the Lexor, it makes sense that Lois might expect what is coming.
LOIS: That he's going to tell me CK=SM? And what does sex have to do with that?

If he didn’t speak up and tell her now, he would regret it for the rest of his life.
JOHN: No, he will be glad for not being a total lunkhead.
Well, from Clark's POV getting engaged or married is the highest way of telling someone that you love them. It isn't from Lois's POV, because they both see becoming married differently. So, to him, saying "Lois, I want to marry you" is like him saying "Lois, I love you so much, I want to give my whole self to you." But what Lois hears is "Lois, I want you to give yourself to me."

Then tell her that Clark, tell her "I have wanted to do this for months, but I knew I should wait longer, but with things going how they are now, I fear I will never get a chance."
CLARK: Yeah. That would have been better. I must say, I'm not too eloquent at the spur of the moment.

Then don't do it Clark. Oh why, why is he such a lunkhead?
Because he's afraid that if he doesn't speak up he'll lose Lois forever.

Oh, this is such a trainwreck.

Well, at least that means he does not have it here to use as a stand in ring.
Yes, that would be a bad precedent. Also, it's my understanding that men don't re-use engagement rings because if he didn't marry the first woman he gave it to, it means the ring is cursed.

Yet, I cannot – in good conscience – let you
JOHN: [ARGH!] This is just a horrible line. Clark, you have no control over her actions.
Yes, he hasn't learned from his past mistakes, now how he?

sad she just crushed his heart, totally.
LOIS: Hey, my heart isn't feeling so go either here.

If you want to get married so badly, why not choose me?”
JOHN: [calls hospital for neck brace] this is just the worst thing he could have said.
Yeah. There's no coming back from that line.

He caressed her cheek, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
JOHN: Isn't that the things she always things Superman does?

He really should point out that that was not his only reason, just the catalyst to act now.
CLARK: /his ego a puddle at his feet/ huh?

Just tell her Clark.
CLARK: Clearly, she isn't in any mood to listen to anything I have to say in my defense.

sad this is the worst possible way for her to tell him.
Oh, yeah. evil

“I have no idea who you are!” Lois announced, throwing her hands into the air.
JOHN: Now that is just unfair. She knows who he is. A kind, caring individual who loves her. His name is not part of that equation.
She's talking 'names' not personalities.

Clark:I was the one who turned down your very attractive and high pressure attempt to get us to make love.
LOIS: Yeah. And that made me feel just peachy keen.
CLARK: There's no winning here, isn't there?
BATMAN: I recommend backing away slowly with your hands in a surrender position.

[happy] he is speaking the truth. Although he should have [been happy?]
Oh, dear. John's gone off the deep end.

[excited that] he speaks of himself as Superman while dressed as Clark.
CLARK: But she admitted to knowing the truth. Should I still pretend we're two people?
LOIS: You should have stopped pretending long ago.

sad he just opened up to her about what he knows, and all she can do is accuse.
He should have told her earlier.

Well, her constantly defending him made it seem that way.
Had Lois defended Lex recently? No.

sad this is so unfair. Especially since he did just tell her.
After she pushed him to it.

“How can you say that you love me, when you don’t even know me?”
JOHN: This is the worst line possible.
Technically, she told Lex the same thing.
PERRY: From what I can tell, nobody knows you, honey.

He just told her all the key facts.
When push came to shove.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.