I suppose, then, when you wrote Recognition and (spoilers) let the bad guy get away without punishment (for killing a young female, by the way), it means you believe in injustice and in promoting female gendercide?
Fair enough, Julie:) So true confessions. Although I didn't realise it at the time I was writing that story, I understand now that I was writing about my younger sister. And I wrote the guy as getting away with it because in RL that's sometimes how it is.

I'd hoped I was making a bit of a point about discrimination against women and abuse in that fic, but if I've left you feeling that I "believed in gendercide" then I failed (big time, in fact.)

Btw, in the sequel to Recognition, Rec: Justice, the bad guy did get caught, although for a different crime.


edit: Julie's edited her post since I posted - given her current wording, I know now she didn't really mean to suggest I was advocating "gendercide" . smile I can't speak for other authors, of course, with respect to their motives in writing 'Lois' or 'Clark' deathfic. I do understand that for some, such fics have been a working through ot their own personal experience, but I have no way of knowing if that's true for all.