You know, I think I totally read something into Catherine's story that maybe I shouldn't have. Regarding TOC's comment on how none of the comments mentioned the death penalty: I guess I sort of assumed the story WAS commenting on the death penalty--on the tragedy that occurs when justice goes awry. This is what would happen if Lois were to be executed for a crime the audience knew she didn't commit. I don't think I actually mentioned "death penalty" but I'm pretty sure I referred to the tragedy of it all. So, I guess I assumed, perhaps erroneously, that the point was at least partially to do with that. Whoops.

To Nan et al, I totally understand why you don't read deathfics and wouldn't wish to be within a ten-foot-pole of one. Sometimes I feel the same. As I mentioned above, I was really upset at having to read Black Beauty in school. I think most of us were trying to just discuss what we do find worthwhile in them, and why we do think they are worth writing/reading. I guess I was feeling somewhat castigated for liking them, as if I were juvenile or somehow lacking in real world knowledge--but you have said that wasn't the point, so I'm glad smile

Happy stories are always okay in my book too. My favourite stories, after all, end happily. And if I weren't such a sucker for hope and optimism, I most definitely wouldn't have watched this show. There's a lot of cheesiness after all smile


Swoosh --->