Just thought I'd weigh in here...I enjoy any kind of fanfiction that is written well and in character. If the story is staying true to the characters, I can pretty much read anything.

This includes death fic. I read and write in many other fandoms (some of which being Buffy, Highlander, Remington Steele, Angel, Firefly, M*A*S*H, Doctor Who, Lost, Harry Potter, etc. etc.) and all of which have have many varied and different kinds of fic, the least of which controversially is death fic.

I mean, Harry Potter has fics with incest, fics in which Hermoine and Snape get together, slash fics including Harry and Draco, etc. etc.

So when it comes to death fic, it's pretty much a shrug of the shoulder for me as I've seen way weirder (and some of which have been REALLY scary).

That being said, when it comes to death fic I'm perfectly fine with it as long as it serves another purpose (other than to just knock off the character in question). There's no doubt about it that that was exactly what Catherine's story did.

Now, other people have different opinions. That's fine...it's what helps the world function and what makes us all different, so I can see where others are coming from. For some people death fic is just not their cup of tea. For me, it's only a story. I can write a fic and kill of my favourite character, but then I can write another one in which they are healthy and happy and perfectly fine.

We can't ever *truly* kill them until we run out of ideas. That's when I would start to get worried...

In terms of age and experience, I may be younger than some on this list (I'm 23), but in no way shape or form am I a stranger to death.

I watched my Grandfather slowly die from prostate cancer when I was 13. My grandmother lived with us when I was 17 while she died of lung cancer. I can still remember my dad waking me up at 5 in the morning to tell me my grandmother had died in her sleep in the bed that we had for her in the living room.

The body laid there for the entire day before the coroners came to get her.

So I know that death is not romantic and it's not beautiful.

But the beautiful thing about fanfiction is that it's NOT real and we can do with it whatever we choose.

Again, not trying to project my own opinions on to everyone else, just stating my own view of the situation.

*jumps off the soap box*

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."