Originally posted by TOC:
I feel like I have a million reasons to be opposed to deathfic, death-of-women fic and death-of-Lois fic. I've tried to explain them all here.
I do understand your position; it isn't my position. Thus while I respect your view, I do not feel that my own writing is bound by it. However, in respect for those who share your position, I would certainly post WHAM and broken toys warnings on it.

So it's no consolation to me at all that you may be "an equal opportunity killer" in other fandoms, if you've come to this one to kill Lois.
To me, that sounds like you view me as a person with only one motivation. I've tried to explain and defend the viewpoint of writers who kill off Lois, not define my sole reason for participating in this fandom. Can't I have many different, overlapping, and even contradictory motivations? I write the stories that come to me. Some might involve a main character dying if that is the story that my muse and I develop. I've yet to sit down on a "mission" and generate a story as a result; I just don't work that way.

I do have a LnC story in the works, but don't expect it any time soon! The main theme has emerged and some scenes, but the linking plotline to hang a story on has not yet been developed. Add two kids and a full time job to the mix.... for some reason I get the time to write when I'm too tired and never have the time when I'm itching to write!

This current story, at this point in time, does not involve the death of a main character. But I can't and won't promise not to write that type of story, too. I also don't believe that my willingness to see a main character die in service to a story makes me love the show or a particular character any less. Nor does it accurately reflect on my sense of social responsibility in the real world. I write to ask a "what if" question, wind up the characters, and watch them go. The difference between that and real life is that I'd never experiment on living breathing people because you never get a "do over" like we do in fiction. I can kill Lois in one story, Clark in the next, and neither in the third. Three different what if questions, three different results, three romps in my imagination. THAT is why I write. But I certainly don't live like that!

OTOH, my son would love it in some cases. I could see what happens if I eliminated his bedtime, made mandatory baths optional, relieved him from all of his chores.... Nah... It's too much fun to be the enforcer!

Jackie N.