opinion warning:

Suppose that in most deathfics, the person who was killed was black. Or, say, Jewish. I think that if people noticed that they were preferentially killing the black or Jewish people, they'd probably feel uncomfortable about it and ask themselves why their "pattern of killing" was racially skewed. I believe that the next time they were about to kill a black or Jewish person, they'd pause and maybe ask themselves why it was always the same kind of people who died in their stories. What did that say about their own way of looking at blacks and non-blacks, Jews and non-Jews? Could it possibly mean that they didn't value black and Jewish people as much as they valued, say, non-Jewish white people?
Ann, that's an apt and interesting analogy. Women have often been used in that way in films, trash novels, TV etc. (still recall a James Bond flic where a woman was tossed to her death (or very grave injury - we never did find out) over a balcony simply because she was a prostitute - and then the guys, including Bond, all had a good laugh about it)

I know I bring a feminist bias to all this, but I have to say one of things that made me cheer about "Lois and Clark" was that Lois *mattered* as much as did CK/S. Her story was as important as his story. smile It was sort of like watching a show that made Tonto as important as the Lone Ranger. (please tell me that someone out there gets this comparison. smile )

So, because of that point of view, I'm bothered by those serious fics (or MVs for that matter) which use Lois as a plot device only, or marginalize her character, or who kill her off simply so we can see Clark suffer. To elevate CK/S as more important than Lois or to minimize his character flaws while we condemn Lois's takes us backward in time to a period when female characters in pop culture rarely mattered except for their role as "girlfreind of". At best, they were sidekicks; they simply did not matter in their own right. But I don't think that's what L & C:TNAoS was about. And I just sat back and grinned when I watched the pilot. smile

Now I admit that this is all 'large picture stuff' and of no interest whatsoever for those who regard fanfic as trivial stuff with no larger significance and ought not to be taken seriously at all. And they're probably right. smile

Am I way off topic at this point?
