SJH's position is very similar to mine. While writers can address any subject in their fanfics that they wish, Lois and Clark, the TV show, was about hope, first, last and always. Even Mxy said something similar to Clark in the comics, when he and Lois were discussing the possibility of children. When a story rips Lois and Clark apart forever and destroys everything they were, I can't see any hope whatsoever in it.

I would be the last person in the world to tell someone they can't write a certain story. I simply tried earlier to make clear the reasons why I can't read deathfics, and if I do read one by accident that I have nothing but resentment for the writer who didn't warn me. I fail to see why my viewpoint is any less valid than the viewpoints of others who enjoy deathfic. As I said earlier, yes, death is a part of life, but so are a lot of things you wouldn't want to see outside of a medical textbook. Just because I don't want to see the death of my favorite fanfic characters in a fanfic, it doesn't mean I am not fully aware of the fact of death. Maybe avoiding it does omit a fairly important aspect of life, but you know what, when I'm reading fanfic for escape, I *want* to leave that aspect out, important or not. I don't want to dwell on death when I'm looking for relief from the unpleasant realities of real life. It's not really something I get any joy from.

In any case, I'm willing to grant my respect to those who enjoy deathfic, but I'd appreciate a little respect for my position in return, so I don't have to feel that my viewpoint is considered somehow trivial because it doesn't happen to coincide with that of the majority.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.