I thought all nfic was about sex in some way shape and form.
Not really, James. I haven't been on the nfic boards on this site, but judging by the list of stories nominated for nKerths, a lot of stories that appear are the same ones that appear on the fanfic forum ... with an added scene or two or three. I hesitated to say this, but I'll go ahead. The references to nfic as porn really offend me. The definition of "porn" is "creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire." Since a number of the works on the nfic archive are "n" versions of Kerth winners, I don't think that description applies.

Sorry for the digression. Back to Terry's question about guidelines for deathfic. I thought the board's policy was not to require any kind of labels from authors, so I thought we (the non-deathfic readers) were just explaining our views, not trying to set guidelines.

Terry, I can't imagine how you could give a warning. I guess if Clark hadn't made it back from saving the world from that huge chunk of Krypton in "For the Greater Good," Wendy could have said, "Nan and Sheila keep away, but Ann can read this one." Catherine's recent vignette could have carried a "Nan, Ann, and Sheila keep off" warning. Since the problem for me is the death of Lois or Clark, a Jimmy, Martha, Jonathan, or Perry deathfic could carry a "Sheila can read this one, but Nan and Ann stay away" warning. You could have a little rating system: any death = No Nan; any story in which Lois or Clark dies = No Sheila; and any story in which someone dies without a heroic sacrifice, etc. = No Ann. wink

I'm being a little facetious because I truly don't see a fair way to warn people, especially with so many variables involved. I'm also unsure how Nan feels about the death of a villainous character. When Phil was planning the demise of Luthor in his final S6 ep, I was cheering him on every step of the way. If Nan feels that way, maybe the rating system could apply only to deaths of the good guys. wink

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
