But in addition to the Constructive Criticism, isn't it also helpful to have someone point out where you handled a transition well, or provided enough description to place the writer in the scene? Why are only the "problems" worthy of attention?
Jackie, I think when most people do give feedback, they do indeed make a point of saying what they like about the story, especially when they’re also going to mention something that didn’t work as well for them. I remember very few instances here where someone made a criticism of a story and didn’t also give praise to what he/she liked about it.

Regarding Ann’s comment about the recent stories posted, two of them I haven’t read yet – the earlier story of Catherine’s or the one where Clark dies, so I can’t comment to those at all.

There was one Tank ending, where Lois died and Clark didn't, and we don't know if that story will ever have another ending.
I assume that you’re talking about “Away from the Sun” here. Yes, Sara killed off Lois in her Tank Ending, but that’s a common occurrence with Tank Endings. Death and destruction are the key phrases for the genre. Lois often dies. Often a good chunk of Metropolis is destroyed. Clark has died too, but admittedly not as often because of his invulnerability. There are a number of people who don’t like TEs, which is why we have a warning thread that is added to before they are posted. And do remember that Sara did post one other part after the Tank Ending, so Lois is still very much alive.

There has also been a story where Lois died in an accident, and neither Clark nor her children grieved too much over her death.
My interpretation of this story varies from yours, Ann. I can see plausible reasons for the level of grief that was portrayed that fit in nicely with show canon. I would not have characterized Lois’s “death” in this story as a trivialization of her character or a mere inconvenience.

If we all can’t agree on the dataset included in the study, we can’t agree on the results. At this point I’m still as unconvinced of a surplus of deathfic as Ann is convinced that there is a strong need to worry. We obviously just have to agree to disagree.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5