
But I do think it is a problem, even in the "fluffy" world of fanfic, if Lois and Clark deathfic becomes synonymous with death-of-Lois fic.
Are you expressing a complaint over a current situation, or a concern over something that could happen? Because if you think that, as things are now, L&C deathfic = Lois deathfic, I would have to say that I disagree with you. (BTW - Pam, I love your point about TOGOM fics.)

Also - a thought that occured to me after reading your 'Joe & I' example.

Maybe I'm just projecting my own inability onto others, but personally, I think it's impossible to cover all aspects of an event in writing. If someone wants to write about a death, it doesn't mean that they have to cover the death act AND the thoughts that went through the dying person's mind AND the grief the people close to the dying person felt AND the legal/social/other consequences that death had. Sometimes you just can't fit everything into a story. Granted, a story doesn't just write itself, but I believe that writing is more than just coming up with lines of words to put on a paper, or a screen. It's finding out the perfect way to tell a story. And sometimes, what's best for the story is *not* covering everything.

Just MHO, of course.

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...