I've taken from Ann's comments that she sees fanfic (and Pop Culture) in a larger socio-cultural context. So while it may be "just fanfic" it's also symbolic of the wider values and beliefs which a group holds. (people do PH.D. theses on such things, would you believe - "Amercian religious beliefs as reflected in the world of the Simpsons" , etc - I kid you not. laugh )

Given that perspective, nothing is insignificant - everything is symbolic - even Seinfeld. laugh

And Lois Lane. smile Oh yeah, Superman (Nietzche, anyone? or Sherlock Holmes?)

Even when *we* don't consciously thnk it's symbolic, it's still subconsciously symbolic. Not possible to escape it. You can run, but you can't escape smile

Hope I've not put words in Ann's mouth here.

Nor does it accurately reflect on my sense of social responsibility in the real world.
You... mean ... fanfic... is not the ... Real World?
Who knew? Wait a minute, I've just posited that it is - at least a reflection, okay, a very dim reflection of the real world.

Of course, it could just be that a fic is a fic is a fic.

unless it's a deathfic. smile
