Originally posted by TOC:
But, even so, Yvonne, I shudder. And not because of you, really, but because of all these women out there, all of us women, who just stand by and shrug and close our eyes while a holocaust of women are being killed every two to four years.... And then we sit down by our word processors and write a story where we'd rather kill a woman than a man. People, I shudder.
Perhaps it will put your mind at ease if you pull back and look at the picture. In THIS fandom, with THIS arrangement of the indestructable character being male and the love of his life being female, yes, we sometimes lean towards destroying the indestructable hero by way of the destructable woman he loves.

BUT... this is not the only fandom that deals with death. It's certainly not the one I most actively write in. And in my big, epic, monster fanfic I've been working on for more years than I care to admit, I'm an equal opportunity killer. evil Characters live and die to serve the story, and the beloved main character I killed off was a guy. An alien guy at that! I hated to do it, tried to come up with ways out of it, but in the end, he had to die. Muses can be a royal pain sometimes.

I don't think what we do in our exploration of the Lois and Clark universe truly indicates a real-life sensitivity (or lack thereof) to the events of the real people in our real world. Just like I don't think that people who ride roller coasters would find equal pleasure falling out of an airplane with no parachute. The sensations of free fall and speed may be the same... but the context is very different! Just because we sometimes explore Lois' death does not mean we don't value women or want to make their sutation better.

After all, one reason we love Lois so much is because she is a strong woman who can change the world without Superman's help. He just keeps her alive so she can continue her work!


Jackie N.