Originally posted by YConnell:
Terry did it, quite unintentionally, I'm sure, with nfic. In the pre-packaged, short-hand world of labels, nfic equals soft porn. Terry doesn't want to read soft porn, so Terry doesn't read nfic. And thus misses out on all the nfic stories where there is very little or no sex.

Ok, I admit that I have not been reading this whole thread and see that I need to. I've been skiming every once in a while and happened upon Yvonne's above comment.

I am floored. thud and must admit my naiveté. I thought all nfic was about sex in some way shape and form. I have avoided getting a password for just such a reason.

Personally, I have nothing against violence. I'd rather not read things with truly rough language, but I will make exceptions. I flat out hate pre-marital sex or slashfic, thus the questions I sometimes email some authors or the warnings I get from others (a thank you to those who have warned me smile ), but that is another soap box, which I may or may not get on in another thread...

I would get a password to the Nfic forum and to Annsplace this second, if I could easily pick the stories that I could read without worrying blundering into soft porn.

As for deathfics...I don't particularly enjoy them, but if they are well done, maybe. Deathfics, to me, are about introspection and I am just not that crazy about that stuff.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!