Originally posted by Nan:
I will never write such a story and avoid like the plague any such stories that are written by the younger and more innocent authors.
I'm not meaning to get picky here because I get what you're saying, but I know of so many people my age that have seen more, done more, and lost more than people two to three times our age. It goes with the job sometimes, and I'm thankful I'm not one of these people.

Originally posted by jacalynsue:

But sometimes, real life is just too real. Too much. Too intense. And I need to, for whatever reason, keep it together in that real life. But I need a release. A good cry with a movie like Somewhere in Time can do that for me. It's a safe outlet for real emotions that still lets me not "deal" with the real issues.
This is the main reason why I would write something that is just unbelievably dark or angsty. Granted I don't need this need for escapism every time I write a piece of unfluffy work, but it helps. And at this moment in my life I AM needing an outlet. While I would normally run into the arms of something happy, I need the cry. I need the heart wrenching agony of made up characters because it lets me allow myself to feel it. Perhaps when life gets to difficult people throw up a wall in order to keep everything out. This way we can feel what we should be feeling. Does this sound weird? Yeah. It does to me as well.

Originally posted by Nan:
Death isn't romantic. It's final, and horrible.
This is something that, had I not known it before a few months ago, I am coming to understand. But I don't think I ever saw death as being romantic. (Romeo and Juliet never did anything for me anyhoo! =D)


Other reasons why I would write deathfic. If I'm feeling particularly 'evil' I may write something.

I'm now wondering at how wise it is to post a reply while tired...

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*