77) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling again a re-read of this one for me as is the next one below

78) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling

79) Quidditch Through the Ages (Hogwarts Library Collection) by Kennilworthy Whisp ok so this book is actually of course written by Rowling, but since it is really a part of the Hogwarts book collection I’ll keep the name as what it is said to be authored by. If you’re a fan of the series you’ll definitely enjoy this look into the history of the wizard it sport Quidditch. Bonus points also go out for having an Australian team from the city of Wollongong which is a real place that is about 60-70km south of Sydney

80) The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Hogwarts Library Collection) by J.K Rowling muggles have Grimm’s Fairytales, wizards have this one. This edition also has explanations as to the meaning or moral of the story being told.

81) China’s Last Empire: The Great Qing by William T. Rowe this is the last in the series about the imperial system of China. The Qing Empire was the last imperial dynasty to rule China before the establishment of the republic. Of the books in this series, this is my pick of the lot which may have more to do with the familiarity with the history of some of the major players during this period (in fact my mother knew the grandchildren of one of the major Qing court officials during the dying years of the dynasty). That being said because of my relative knowledge of this period, I was also aware that there were some things that were omitted so it kept me from giving the book full marks

82) Why we get the Wrong Politicians by Isabel Hardman this book further emphasised my belief that all politicians are as bad as each other. This book pertains to the politics of Britain and so if you haven’t kept up to date with what has been going on you’ll find this hard to understand.

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 12/05/20 07:23 AM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller