38) Travels with my Aunt by Graham Greene Henry Pulling a retired bank manager has always lived his life on the safe side. At his mother’s funeral he is reunited with his Aunt Augusta whom he has not seen in fifty years. Flamboyant and unconventional Augusta is everything Henry is not. She persuades her straight laced nephew to take a trip with her starting with the fabled Orient Express to Istanbul. Along the way Henry uncovers family secrets learning more about his aunt and himself.

39) The Oil Conquest of the World by Frederick Arthur Talbot when I bought this from an online charity bookshop I had in my mind a book about the dominance of crude oil in the 20th century (although in saying that, this book was published in 1914), but this certainly didn’t meet that expectation. While interesting in some places I wasn’t expecting the part about the development of margarine. Also interesting was the whale oil industry.

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 08/17/20 02:39 AM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller