24 - A Proper Scandal by Esther Hatch - It took me a while to get into this one. I read the first chapter, put it down, the second chapter, put it down. Then I read the rest of the book. I'm no good at describing characters, but I loved how hard it was for Grace to be pushed into doing something dishonest. The characters were both wonderful and had excellent character. Anything else I could say would spoil the story. This was fantastic.

25 - Beneath an Italian Sky by Stacy Henrie - Oh wow. This one was powerful. Written in a sort of twin-timeline sort of view. The back story was revealed at the same time as the resolution slowly worked its way out. Very well written.

26 - Wyndcross by Martha Keyes - I had to force myself to finish this one. Probably the published book with the second most amount of errors I've read. The characters were supposed to be aristocratic, but the low class language spoken by them made it hard to believe. But despite all these errors, I really wanted to know what happened. The further I got the easier it was to ignore the glaring typos and inconsistent speech.

27 - The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter by Mimi Matthews - I believe this is a novella in length. I've read another by this author that I had wished was longer. This one was very well written and easily pulled emotions from me as I read. I was very invested in the characters.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.